
The Mortal Realms

The Ethereal Void, this was the place where I appeared, this was the emptiness between the realms and in the terms of us from earth, this was basically space.

Now if I was a normal mortal being, I would be dead, but unlike Kars when he was sent to space and turned to stone in the original story, I can exist freely in space unlike him.

"There you are." I hear a familiar feminine voice before I turned to see a small cut in space time to reveal the Gigantic form of Slaanesh, a half woman half snake like body she had while I could see four chains attached her body that were Emanating a bright light as they restrained her arms while two more were inserted into her abdomen as something was being slowly and forcibly pulled out of her body.

"Well…. That does looks painful, I don't know how you can both love and hate the sensation of having all the souls you have ever consumed being slowly and painfully ripped from your very being, even if your a god of excess, this is a bit much isn't it?" I said as I looked down at her form between the small crack that was formed formed from a weakening of the hidden veil that her current realm was under that hid her from the prying eyes of any and all the followers.

I won't go into too much details but when the Old World of Warhammer Fantasy was destroyed by the forces of Chaos, many souls flowed through and into Slaanesh giving her a massive boost in power and suddenly making her the strongest of the chaos gods as a result as she marked the Cadai, Elven Races, as for her to devour alone and with hundreds of millions of souls that went straight to her it made her immensely powerful, ecstatic with the best high she ever had, and bloated from eating waaay to much that it made her overconfident and lethargic.

An unknown time passed and the 8 Mortal Realms formed and she desired more souls to gain more strength and solidifie her position as the strongest of the now 5 chaos gods with the newest god being the Great Horned Rat of the Skaven Race.

But overconfidence and meddling from her brother Tzeentch lead her to be caught by four of the new living elven gods and for her to lose and be bound to this hidden realm while they slowly ripped out every soul she had ever harvested in her entire existence and have them go through the cycle of reincarnation and it's been like that, at least until now.

"Ooooohhhh it was such a wonderful and ecstatic feeling in the beginning, the pain did give me immense pleasure, but the anger and hatred I feel for those four for what they done to me has overwhelmed my joy and delight in pain and pleasure, and now all I desire is my freedom!" She shouted out at the end as she pulled on the chains with all her might but she was only able to move them slightly as the magics and divine energy that created them still held strong.

"I see…. And how do you expect me to get to you and to break those chains?" I might be a living god and I could probably break them if I used NWO but even with that it would take time, so much time that it could take thousands of years just to break one of those chains, and there's no way I'm staying in this universe for such a long period of time.

"The Storm Vaults, During the Age of Chaos when all Daemons freely roamed almost all the realms my four strongest followers from the World that Was were the ones who lead my armies, however they were one by one captured and sealed and then used themselves along with the Elven Twin Gods of Light, The Dark Elven God of Shadows and the Dark Elven Goddess of War all coming together to bind me in these chains and I have been trapped here for eons upon eons since that time, but now the chains are weakening and I know how to free myself but I can't do it alone, find the hidden stormvaults with two in the realm of Hysh(Light) and two in the realm of Ulgu(Shadow), free them and the path to the realm I'm trapped in shall open and with them I can free myself entirely and begin to bring vengeance upon those that imprisoned me and reclaim all the souls they had stolen from me!" She went onto explain what I needed to do as I pondered before nodding.

"Deal, but I choose what I want from you as my reward and not the other way around." I say to which she just chuckled.

"Do this and whatever you desire I shall give to you, I'll give you even more if you capture the souls of not just those four but all of the elven gods and give them to me, do that and gaining power beyond what you have now would be a simple task for me to do." She promised this to me which I nodded before I noticed the rift becoming unstable.

"Go, I shall be waiting…." She said before the rift that she was able to barely opened shut in front of me while I floated in space before I looked at my phone to see what the quest was asking of me.


[Quest! The Return of Slaanesh!]

Description: Eons Ago Slaanesh was imprisoned by the four Elven gods and Goddesses those being Tyrion and Teclis the twin Gods of Light, Malerion(Malakith) God of Shadow, and Morathi-Khaine Goddess of War, But five Years ago after the failure of what the God of Death, Nagash, tried to summon the hordes of undead across all the realms with a NecroQuake Ritual that was sabotaged by the Skaven and now all magics across the realms are now permanent when casted, the magics also became sentient as well along with being unstable of mind in their newly formed psyche's, and because of the NecroQuake Slaaneshes prison has weakened and the Stormvaults holding her most loyal followers are now revealed to Mortal Eyes.


1. Locate the Four Stormvaults, two in the realm of Uglu(Shadows) and Two in the realm of Hysh(Light)

2. Free Sigvald the Magnificent from his prison

3. Free N'Kari from his Prison

4. Free Azazel from his Prison

5. Free Dechala, the Denied One from her prison

6. Use the Pnumbral Realm Gate in the Realm of Ulgu to make a path to Slaaneshes Cage

7. Free Slaanesh from her Imprisonment

(Optional Objectives)

1. Take the Souls of Tyrion,Teclis, Malerion and Morathi-Khaine and offer them to Slaanesh

2. Take the Souls of Alarielle Goddess of Life, Isha Goddess of Nature and Orion God of the Hunt and offer them to Slaanesh

(There are Many Hidden Objectives that one can do to destabilize the 8 Realms but there is one Ultimate Objective you can complete in this mission.)

Ultimate Objective: Kill all the Gods of Order and Claim the Helm of Domination from the body of Archeon the Everchosen.

Ultimate Reward: Ascended to become the Sixth God of Chaos

(Note: Ultimate Objective is optional and does not need to be done to complete the mission)


I put my phone away and ponder while I look down at the realm of Ulgu and up at the Realm of Hysh to choose where to go next.

"Well, I am still a monster of the night so the choice is obvious…." I smirk before I began to fly downwards and begin my journey in the realm of Ulgu.

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