
Legends Die and Monsters are Born Pt. 2

Alright so…. I guess I fucked up, kinda? Sorta? I dunno really.

Basically the only reason I said that last line last chapter was because I wanted to beat you guys to the punch and call it out but then I got it's not cringe, or it's cringe but it's cool so it's all good or something like that.

And to make up to you guys I made a poster, a rather shitty poster online to make up for what I said.

So here it is, the Four Horsemen and how they are shown to the rest of the world as they currently are at this moment in time along with their aliases as well.


I didn't go all out of my way to make it so I know it's not that great looking but I made it anyway so here you guys go.

But anyway back to the show!


After everyone saw my change as well as the four major villains across the world that are beginning worldwide chaos, I turned at stared at all the remaining hero's and police remaining as Ice had pulled back knowing what I was going to do, while the others were much further away from me and thus weren't in the range of what I was about to do.

AFO and All Might were having their final battle while Dabi was beating the shit out of a wounded Endeavor making his flames so hot they were piercing his resistances, while Gran Torino was out for the count and if he didn't get help soon he would die from internal injuries.

Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, and Best Jeanist had barely recovered and were standing in the forefront with a still rather large squad of the police still alive pointing their guns at me as the Nomus were sent elsewhere to cause chaos and mayhem by me.

As I held my bloodstained broadsword as black smoke began to rise from my body before the world was shrouded in darkness.

*DING DONG BING BONG* the ominous sound of evening church bells is all that they could hear in this blinding darkness that chills their very souls in fear.

"Hearken. The evening bell tolls thy name." I say as my skull filled hallow eyes glow an ominous fiery blue color allowing all to see within the face of death.

"Wings of death, will thou sever their head?" I say as the shine of the blade is barely seen being lifted up from the glow of my ghostly light before it begins its decent!

"Azrael!" (**) *Swish*

They only heard the sound of the blade being slashed through the air before the very land changes as they hear the sound of bells ringing and the most beautiful sights of the world as if they are seeing the gates of heaven themselves as angel feathers fly all around them.

All they see last is me slowly lowering my sword before letting it stab straight into the ground before-


All the world could see was the many men and women that stood against him, more than fifty strong with 2 being in the top 10 hero's of Japan just have their heads all fly off simultaneously before all their bodies fell to the ground all at once.

Soon the angelic feathers begins to surround them all making everyone lose sight of the carnage because of the intense light before it finally disappeared leaving no remains of the hero's and cops on the battlefield.

But if one were to follow the angels feathers they would lead to a empty hill top with a lone ancient tree at its center as the angel feathers would circle around the top of the hill three times before heading off towards the bright moon in the night sky, never to be seen again.

And on this hill top, around 50 graves would appear with the names of every single persons that died that day marking the year of their birth to the year of their death.

This place would get a name that would mark it as a place of infamy going by only one name alone.

The Monsters Graveyard.

The students who were from UA now had no idea to do, heros were dying left and right and their minds could barely handle it all, until one of their eyes lost the light of heroism and soon went dark as she began to walk away.

Izuku went to reach out to her, trying to stop her, but both Shoto and Ida who were with him just stopped him as they didn't want to give themselves away, and more specifically they all saw the look in her eyes.

Eyes that lost the light of heroism, one's that fell into darkness before she turned and walked away before slowly picking up the pace and running away to save herself.

She had lost it, the hope in her heart was snuffed out as she ran and ran as dark thoughts clouded her mind, thoughts not of a hero, but of a Villain, thoughts to protect her and her family in the new world to come.

And what she was willing to do to secure her happiness as she heard the voices in her own head that sounded just like her talking to her as it led her down a darker and darker path.

Not just her but two of Toga's new 'friends' had the same thoughts as well as the light of heroism was died out before all three called their families to pull out of UA of their own will with the immediate approval of their parents.

And not just them but most parents at UA and all the many Hero Highschools across the country began to pull out the first years from those schools to hopefully protect their children from the chaos to come whether their children wanted to leave or not was to be determined.

But the society of Japan was beginning to fall apart rapidly with no way for the government to counter this as the people lost faith in hero's and started to think it was best to take things in their own hands as everything fell more and more apart by the moment.

And what broke the camels back?



Why of course the death of All Might and Endeavor at the hands of AFO and Dabi as AFO stabbed his sharpened blade hand through All Mights Heart and Dabi's flames overpowering Endeavors heat capacity and burning his body to cinders, only possible with all the damage he had previously accumulated of course.

The Death of Legends, and the Rise of Monsters that would shake the world as they all knew it had just begun.

"HeheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Both AFO and Dabi began to laugh with all their hearts as they had finally killed their nemesis's once and for all by their own hands as they were both empowered to counter their mortal enemies once and for all making them both happy for what they had accomplished.

After getting their laughs out of the way they turned towards me, "It's time we left, our job is done here, but we still have plenty of work left to do." AFO says as he and Dabi and approach me.

"Ahh, it's time isn't?" I say as I turn my head and look directly where the kids are hiding as my blue flames covered eyes look directly into the soul of the silently crying and heart broken Izuku, who froze up at the sight of me looking right at him.

I stared for a few seconds, making AFO look at what I was looking at before he smirked, "Let's leave that for later, we still have something's to do before then right?" He says while also looking at Izuku before looking back at me which I just nod before touching the side of my head activating my communicator.

"We're done here, time to go, we got more work to do…." I said as everyone was soon enveloped by dark shadows before we were pulled elsewhere and away from the carnage around us.

This marked the end of the Age of Hero's in Japan and marked the rise of the Age of Chaos both here and all around the world as All Mights death was the final nail in the coffin for this Age's end.

And soon enough we all reappeared back in the Main HQ before I deactivated King Hassans form and returned to my normal looks.

Me and AFO turned to our somewhat tired and slightly wounded Allie's, "Rest now, tomorrow is the dawn of a new day, and that's where we start our next step." AFO says before pulling out a picture and stabbing it into the main wall behind the bar.

"Next step, gathering more allies as we watch this country burn…."

Next stop, Tartarus.

(Objectives: Kill the Symbol of Peace, Ending a Rivalry, Family Feud and Destroyer of Hopes and Dreams, All Complete!)

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