
Selection Pt. 1

Not long after returning to the palace, Pitou noticed the arrival of the new chimera ants and relayed the info to the Ant King.

Soon after the Chimera Ants pledged their loyalty to him and begun to help them with their plans for selection while increasing their strengths even further as Ainz helped in their training.

Meanwhile I was training with Pitou as she wanted to train with a real opponent instead of Ainz's Death Knights or her personal corpse puppet, which seeing I didn't have anything better to do besides reading, eating, Beating the Ant King in games I didn't have much going on so it was at least an interesting distraction for me.

*Bang! Slam! Bam!*

"Guh!" She coughed out blood after we received my strikes before being sent flying and crashing into and through a tree as she got up slowly before launching herself straight at me at incredible speeds.

"You need to be faster than that" as I easily side stepped her as she froze in place from my Singularity before I pulled my leg back and full forced kicked her upwards just as I release her from singularity sending her flying straight up into the air.

She wants to get stronger and wants my help then I'm not going to pull my punches or kicks with her and I will bring her to the cusp of death itself as I know from experience coming from the brink time and again thanks to Johnathan nearly killing me three times I know that coming back from the brink over and over again just makes you stronger for surviving the ordeal.

(**)"Get serious already!" I shout out as I appear behind her as I grip both my hands together and swung them downwards like a club on her back sending her careening straight into the ground, making a curator from the impact.

I land back down by her crater but-


Her aura skyrockets as she claws at the dirt as I could feel both her anger and frustration as her aura reshapes like a puppet with strings attached to her arms, hands and legs as I visibly notice her muscle bulge as a result as I see her raise her head as she looks at me with her irises turning blood red.

"Terpsichora!" She shouted out the name of this new killer move she created on the spot which made me grin at the sight of one of her most powerful abilities to date.

*Clap Clap Clap* "Good, now show me what you can do! Pitou!" I said before I launched myself at her pulling my right arm back for a full force punch.

(A/N a full force punch not boosted by anything else but his physique, if he used Haki/Hamon/Nen he would obliterate her)

She met my attack back with her entire body exploding Nen as our fists connected as we began to rapidly exchange blows with one another.

Our punches were so fast that they were making afterimages with each other, but I was still out pacing her and getting clean hits here and there but she just tanked the hits and just smiled a mad wicked grin before we both in tandem changed to rapidly kicking at one another with our legs also making after images as we countered each others attacks by kicking each others feet from attacking the other.

Even without going all out I was at least enjoying this training session I was having between Pitou and I.



"Your move." I said as I placed my piece down on the board as I looked back at the Ant King who began to ponder his next move.

Though when we get deep into our games and he gets pushed back by me he takes long periods of time to choose his next move compared to earlier in the games as they are rather fast paced this game we both rolled 3's so no one had a disadvantage or advantage but still followed this games rules thus you can consider this one a more drawn out game compared to others as a result.

"Ant King, what do you view as humanity as? Besides the obvious answer of livestock?" Generally when these games go on for awhile I either try to let him see my views on humanity and how to lead his kind and the like but only some of my advice he has taken seriously while others not so much.

"At best would be future Chimera Ant soldiers, and at worse, excluding being grinded up into meat, would be servants that would tend to our needs as we, or I, need them." He said as he still thought over his moves without looking at me.

"But not slaves to force into hard and dangerous labor? Because the weak should fear and obey the strong as this how it's meant to be, true to the laws of nature itself."

"No, I will not lower myself to the worst that humanity has to offer, your move." He says before moving his piece and looking at me which takes me little time to choose my next move and continue on.

"I think you and I are well past that point since we eat their kind-"

"Only the strong ones suit my tastes." He cut me off as I was talking.

"And the rest? All the other chimera ants aren't that picky with their food and so long as the get even average humans to eat they will be satisfied, wouldn't it be better to work them to the bone till their bodies have worn out and turned them into food for you and your kind, humans are beneath us as both you and I stand above them all after all so all they can do is grovel and beg for mercy from us to survive just a little longer." I say raising my hand before closing it hard as a result.

"…. Maybe some should be reserved to live free without having the worry of consumption by-"

"Oh what a pipe dream your sprouting to me, letting humans live on a reserve that would never be sent to be made into food or turned into future chimera ants? That's just setting yourself up for future problems by not taking it down and pulling it out by the roots like they should, you are to optimistic at the thought those pipe dreams of yours will work Ant King." This time I cut him off instead which he wasn't pleased by that or what I said either.

"What is man? Nothing more than a miserable pile of lies and secrets, Ant King your views are too shallow as you haven't lived long enough to see the whole human world or even the truth of the entire world and only see it from one angle and interaction with one other human after over a week of playing against and constantly losing to you that the man before me has gone soft and isn't the ruthless tyrant I was hopping for, all my talks have been wasted by that idiot of a girl." I got up from my seat and began to walk to the door.

"Oi, we haven-"

"Yes we have, you can see it as much as I can that in less than 6 moves I'll either take your last rook or put your King in checkmate, I was just prolonging the inevitable to talk but it seems my words and all my teachings these last few weeks fell upon deaf ears, and who or even what are you Ant King? A man with a title but with no name, a palace but not his own nor owned by him, a child who wishes to take over the world and change it for the better, but neither realizes or refuses to see that his dreams of the perfect world is impossible to accomplish." I say as I walk away without looking at him as I touch the door and look over my shoulder.

A King rules by strength and intelligence, but a childish or a foolish king is no real king at all as only those that follow them with all their heart are made to follow them while the rest will only follow to watch that king fall." I say before I leave him to his thoughts letting him begin his spiral downwards as to who he is and whether he can actually lead or even achieve his dreams for himself in the end.

"The Selection has slowly begun, time to see if any rats have entered the trap yet…." I say to myself as I make my way towards Bizeff to see if our new guest has arrived or not.

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