
Enjoying food with Beautiful Company

Jacques de Molay, I'm not a history buff or anything as when I was a human I did go to school and even went to college and became a law student and had just officially become a lawyer before I became a vampire but that name was still familiar to me.

(A/N I'm not making this up, before Dio became a Vampire he was going to law school and legitimately became a Lawyer, at least what the Villians Wiki says about him as the JoJo wiki doesn't find that tidbit of info important about him also if you guys don't know FGO Jacques de Molay is a foreigner that is using the identity of Molay to exist in the real world as she is actually Shub-Niggurath who is worship for that of carnal desire and many other dark desires have)

"Jacques de Molay? Wasn't he the last Grand Master of the knights Templar? But wasn't he a man and you, well, aren't?" I was getting a bit confused since from bits I do remember don't equal to what I'm seeing before me.

"Well he was a man of course, but the one who stands before you is but also isn't him, I may have his memory's but I am someone else entirely, but instead of my true name I would prefer you call me Molay, Master." She says giving a cheeky smile as she gives a rather roundabout answer to my question.

I just roll my eyes and decide to not bother asking anymore since I could feel this wasn't going anywhere, but soon a wonderful smell assaulted my nose as I turned towards the kitchen and smiled slightly.

I then walked back to the counter with Molay joining me on my left side as Pudding came out of the kitchen with the many dishes in tow that she and a few of her Homies brought out.

I could see an irritated look on her face that she was hiding with a bright smile on her face as she placed before me the various foods and delicacy's before me and only me before food was set off to my right as well as Pudding gave me a bright smile.

"I hope you enjoy my food Dio-sama!" She said happily as she only focused on me and ignored Molay.

"Ohh? Is the madam going to ignore another person in her store just to focus on her love interest? What poor behavior for such a great chef." Molay says deciding to cut in and mock Pudding.

Pudding blushes from being called out at being her love interest but then gets infuriated when Molay says she's acting poorly for such great chef.

And soon enough it results in an argument that ensues but that's irrelevant as my eyes were completely set on the magnificent food and desserts before me.

Rotisserie chicken, a full rack of ribs, several types of pastas, salads, and desserts, so many desserts to choose from.

Chocolate cakes, pies, cookies, if it is mainly made of chocolate it was sitting in front of me and it all looked absolutely divine.

I could hear the argument getting louder in the background between them but it was just white noise to me as I wrapped the bib around my neck and began to dine on the glorious food before me.

And after the first bite from it all was simply divine that it brought back fond memories of mine back from the good old days.

It had only been a few days since my first fight with Johnathan that left me heavily injured and burnt all over but still alive after all that, that wasn't pleasant but what was pleasant was that I began to feed my insatiable appetite to heal my wounds.

The first time I ever drank a virgin woman's blood, it was incredibly intoxicating as I drained the life from her body to rapidly increase my healing.

Sure any fresh blood I could get would sate my hunger and heal my wounds, but the blood of a female virgin was the finest of wines and the most delectable of deserts all rolled up in one.

And it still is, but being able to eat real food, and extremely delicious food at that for the first time in decades puts a smile on my face.

While I was eating and remembering the past the two of them got competitive with each other and began to feed me themselves to get my attention, but was I paying attention?

Not really, I was more focused on the taste and flavor of the food, and luckily being who I am now I literally have a bottomless stomach where I could eat for days on end and never be full as my body full takes in everything as I don't produce any waste at all.

I never made waste as a vampire but I couldn't eat food as my body would have been unable to digest it, forcing me to throw up the contents as only blood and wine, since it was similar enough to blood at least, could be consumed by me back then compared to now.

Now most of the main food was all eaten by me as we had gotten to the desserts but I looked at them both, "I know you both are competing and all that but you can enjoy the desserts as well." I say as I use a napkin to gently wipe off any left over food that was on my face off of it.

"Ohh, but Dio-sama I want to though…" Pudding said while grumbling to herself, though Molay on the other hand grinned a bit as she came up with and idea.

"Alright, I shall do whatever you say my master…" she says as she takes a piece of chocolate and holds it between her lips before getting closer to me.

I could see the confused look on Pudding as to what Molay is trying to do, but I understood instantly as I smirked before I placed my hand on the side of her face before taking her lips within my own as we wrestled with our tongues to decide who gets to eat the chocolate as we made out.

"Wha-Wha-Wha-" Pudding. Exe was malfunctioning as a bunch of smoke was coming out of her head as she felt a pain in her chest as she saw the two of us making out.

But she could see Molay looking at her and smirking which just makes Pudding grit her teeth before doing the same time, "Dio-sama! Don't forget about me!" She says before another dessert in her mouth as well.

Molay plays nice and pulls away first taking what remains of the chocolate with her before I wipe my lips and turn to the heavy blushing Pudding who I reciprocate her feeling by doing the exact same thing to her.

Her eyes widen as they turn into the shapes of hearts as she begin to make out with me as well as we fight for the chocolate in between our lips.

But as I'm enjoying this something catches my attention while I'm enjoying my time with Pudding, a Mushi hidden away up in the corner of the ceiling was watching me, but what was peculiar was it's smile as it silently moved its lips but didn't say anything.



Back on Whole Cake Island.

"MAMA MAMA! Good going Pudding! Even if you are a freak of nature at least you got his attention, but still this doesn't seem to be enough…." She says before scarfing some candy into her mouth as she begins to think what to do next.

Because of Dio's gift to her she now has the ability to read the Poneglyphs and specifically her Road Poneglyph as she now has 1/4th of the Map to get to the location of LaughTale and finally find the One Piece.

She already said Dio could go after any of her daughters and make them his but after thinking about it she has such a large family and she doubts Dio would stay here that much longer without a specific reason to keep staying.

His strength is vital to her family so she already knows that she needs more of her daughters to be attracted him and him have an interest in them, so pondering for a bit she pulls out her personal den den mushi and calls several of her daughters.

"Amande, Custard, Broye, Smoothie, Cinnamon, Galette, Poire, Marble, Myukuru, Fuyumeg, Harumeg, Allmeg, Akimeg, Nutmeg, I have a job for all of you…."

"Yes Mama!" x14


Even though I saw that I just ignored that as I enjoyed having Pudding in my embrace as we kept making out before I pulled away with her face flushed red, steam coming out of her head and some blood coming out her nose as she laid her head down on the table as she took in ragged breaths after all of that.

*Vrrrr Vrrrr* my phone began to vibrate as I pulled it out of my pocket as I looked at the message and grinned at what I saw.

🎉 New Quest! 🎉

Rise of the Chimera Ants!


'You thought it was Akame ga Kill! But it was me DIO!'

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