

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

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297 AC


As the intense sparring session continued, the air crackled with the energy of magical spells and skin-changers' strength and agility. Aermir watched closely, analyzing the dynamics of the battle between Adrew and Dacey. The clash of their contrasting abilities created a captivating spectacle. In her transformed state, Dacey possessed impressive strength with a strength stat of 17 and a speed stat of 13. 

Her ensnaring spell added an extra layer to her close-range advantage. She charged for a close-range fight as the bear she was. She sought to get close to Andrew, capitalizing on her superior strength and the ensnaring magic that could hinder his movements.

Adrew, on the other hand, utilized his Shadowcat skin-changer abilities to maintain distance. With a speed stat of 16, he moved with incredible agility, dodging Dacey's advances and keeping her at bay with his earth ball spell when she tried to get close to him by trapping him. 

The earth ball spell he cast added a ranged element to his arsenal. Despite the rock's seemingly small size, its potential for harm, thanks to its speed, was evident, as it could crack a skull upon impact.

That is why Aermir had forbidden aiming for the head. Mindful of the rules, Andrew aimed for Dacey's chest and legs, seeking to immobilize her without causing severe harm. 


They had many minor injuries and bruises. Despite the physical toll on both participants, their actions showed a palpable sense of enjoyment. The thrill of casting spells added a layer of excitement to the pain they endured. They were like children in a playground. As Aermir observed them, he heard Skadi's voice in his head.

-Master, Jon and his friends are in danger. We have found a white walker, and it is just a few kilometers away from his group.- Aermir's heart sank upon hearing this. His heart started to beat with great panic. -How many owls do you have with you?-

As a snow owl and the only bird that lived beyond the Wall, Skadi had 90 of them under her control, but they were all creating an observation cord around all the lands beyond the Wall.

-I only have 20 of my council with me, the ones responsible for scouting the Frostfang mountains.-

-Do not get close to the white walker under any circumstances. Only use your owls to fight. You go to Jon and warn them to run away.- He hoped Jon would be able to understand the warning. Since he had little talent in being a warg, he never liked their lessons when Aermir taught them as the Druid, and after seeing so little progress, he mostly gave up making another familiar. 

Aermir turned to Dacey and others; his voice had great panic in it,

"Return to the Temple right away!" He summoned Sith, then ordered her to take all three to the Temple. After casting a waterwalk spell on Sith, he turned into an eagle and flew away. Since she had to carry two adults and a teen, she couldn't run at top speed but was still faster than any horse. Thanks to the waterwalk, she passed the Bay of Seals right away, going toward the Temple at the top speed possible.


Aermir knew there was no point in him flying towards the Wall. It would take him a few days to reach there; even if he used a root portal to a weirwood tree next to the Wall, it would take too long, and on top of it, the mark of the Night King was on his ankle. But Aermir didn't know what else to do other than hurry towards the Wall.

The closest place with a weirwood tree was the Deepdown castle of House Crowl. It didn't take long for him to reach the castle, and he landed right next to the weirwood tree, where some smallfolk prayed to the Old Gods. When Aermir landed and transformed into a human, all cried in fear, but they realized who he was even if they had never seen him since they had heard from minstrels and bards what the Druid looked like.

Everyone was bowing to him and praying for a blessing, but Aermir didn't have time for them. He touched the tree's white trunk and uttered the incantation. "Tindon Iter (root path)"

The ancient words echoed through the air, blending with the prayers of the smallfolk. The weirwood tree responded to the Druid's call, its magic intertwining with Aermir's purpose. An emerald crack materialized on the trunk, starting as a mere line and rapidly expanding to the size of a man. The smallfolk gathered around gasped in awe as the mystical display unfolded before their eyes.

The emerald crack emitted an otherworldly glow, its brilliance captivating the onlookers. The second the membrane stabilized, Aermir seized the opportunity. Without hesitation, he stepped through the newly formed portal, disappearing from the courtyard of Deepdown Castle.

The smallfolk stood in a stunned silence, still processing the enchanting spectacle they had just witnessed. The weirwood tree still bore the mark of the ancient magic it held. As the emerald crack closed, everyone in the castle courtyard held their breath, and it was a deadly silence.

As the emerald crack on the weirwood tree's trunk completely disappeared, a hushed silence settled over the courtyard of Deepdown Castle. Then, like a collective spark igniting a flame, a passionate energy surged through the smallfolk. Without hesitation, they knelt and fervently started to pray to the Old Gods and the Druid, their voices rising in unison.

The scene became a tableau of faith and hope as the people sought divine intervention and blessings from the ancient powers invoked by Aermir. The memory of the Druid's visit and the magical display at the weirwood tree fueled their belief in the Old Gods. 


Jon's eyes widened with realization as Skadi flapped her wings and landed on a rock nearby. The peculiar behavior of the owl immediately caught Jon's attention, and a sense of unease crept over him. He couldn't shake off the memory of the Druid, mentioning that he had a snow owl acting as a scout in the Lands of Always Winter. This might be that owl.

Approaching cautiously, Jon felt a connection with the creature as he attempted the communication technique the Druid had taught him. Although he struggled to fully comprehend the message, one thing became clear – a foreboding sense of danger loomed. The urgency in Skadi's behavior communicated a warning that Jon couldn't ignore: grave, deadly danger.

The snow-covered landscape felt more ominous than ever. Jon, despite his limited understanding of the owl's message, recognized the gravity of the situation. He turned to Benjen and, with fear in his voice, said,

"We need to run back; there is something wrong."

Benjen had never seen Jon like this. Something had rattled him,

"What is wrong?" Jon pointed at the owl and said, "This is a familiar of the Druid, and it carries a message: We are in grave danger; we have to turn back right now."

Sam felt fear crawl through his body, and with hope, he asked,

"The Druid is coming here to help us, right?"

"I do not know. I am not that good with this technique, but I don't think so because this owl keeps telling me there is deadly danger."

Benjen and everyone here knew Jon was a warg. Benjen looked around, and there was nothing around them, but he didn't hesitate to follow what Jon said. Benjen nodded and said,

"Aye, let's return. It looks like those who did this are coming back. If the Druid is saying run, we do it. He must have identified the killers. We need to inform Castle Black what we found, and mayhaps the Druid is at Castle Black too."

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