

A/N: I have started writing another Fan-fic, this one is a One Piece fan-fic called Sword Saint In The One Piece (D&D) if you are interested, please take a look.

If you want to donate or read up to 30 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

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I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



289 AC



My ten-man group and I quickly moved through the forest towards the direction of the sound; this place was 20 minutes run distance to Mormont Keep. Before reaching the clearing through the woodland, the first things to notice were screams and shouts of pain.

We sneaked up through the trees and were shocked by what we saw. Maybe there were around 1000 ironborn here, but there were only 400-500 left. We thought like that because the environment was full of mutilated and crushed corpses. Huge beasts were killing them with each blow they struck, and no arrow was hitting these beasts. Even sword and spear blows had trouble piercing their fur.

Rather than the fact that these animals were gigantic, another thing shocked me more, a bird resembling a huge raven, each time it dived, turning the men in the area into a pulp. My men and I watched these events with horror. Even that wasn't the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing was that an old man riding a giant wolf cast spells in all directions and spewed death around him. This man was covered with leaves, branches, and moss. Someone attacked this man with his shield that had a bone hand on a red background and knocked him down from his wolf. This must be one of the Drumm kids.

We had heard tall tales about this old man but thought they were all mummery, but it turns out that everything said about Druid Emrys may be true. Druid Emrys and Drumm Kid got into a fight, and it looked like the Drumm kid was going to win because no spells from Druid Emrys were working, but the giant wolf suddenly jumped on him, and the wolf was dead as a result. Druid Emrys cried out so loud that even the bones of us hiding in the woods trembled.

He seemed to have gone mad with rage, and his body suddenly caught fire. Everything within 100 meters of it was starting to burn. Beginning with the Druid, flames were spreading like waves crashing on the shore. Hundreds of Ironborns burned to death on the spot and raising his hand toward Drumm's kid, the Druid began to gather all the surrounding flames there, and the fire was coming out of his hands.

Suddenly, a small animal made entirely of flame appeared, accompanied by a bright light, and this time the Drumm kid caught fire. By the time the Drumm kid's screams ceased, all the remaining Ironborns had begun to flee, and there was a chilling silence as the Drumm kid's screams ceased. The Druid was on the ground, and the beast was circling around him. At that moment, the raven passed over us and started cawing. The shadowcat, as big as a horse, came close to us and roared with a bone-chilling shrill sound.

We slowly emerged frightened through the trees, and I was acting with fear and caution as I had just witnessed the battle. One of the young soldiers next to me began to grasp his sword, and I said.

"Are you an idiot? Didn't you see what they just did to that army? Do you have a death wish?"

As soon as I said this, the boy woke up and took his hand off his weapon. I only hoped that these animals could distinguish friend from foe, or we would surely die here. The giant dog was holding the Druid by the neck of his robe, trying to place it on the shadowcat. Raising my hands in the air, I tried to approach to help but immediately got a roar in response. Once, they managed to put the Druid onto the giant shadowcat. They disappeared into the forest. Immediately, one of the men asked.

"Shall I follow their tracks?"

"Why, do you have a death wish too? They almost ripped us to pieces when we were here by mistake. What would the animals do if we followed them, and do you want to make Druid Emrys our enemy? If he wants to talk to us, he will return after recuperating."



After I gave Berus the task of training and protecting Artio, we reached the shore, and there I cast the Ronvaiēdar (walk on water) spell on Sith. In this way, she would be able to walk on the sea for 30 minutes. When I became level 4, this spell's cooldown was removed; if I had enough mana, I could do this spell repeatedly. The only drawback was that this buff could only be activated on one person.

Sith was able to run at 300km for an hour using her mana, but my familiars also got stronger as I leveled up. Previously, Sith needed to rest for 2 hours after running for an hour with mana, but now, instead of resting, running for 2 hours without using mana was enough to replenish her mana. All of them had increased mana capacity as well. If previously they had enough mana to resist 20 sword blows, their current mana was 50% higher.

I used to need to create a wind bubble around me while Sith was running at this speed, but now that I can summon minor wind elemental, I have much higher control in air element. I had created a channeling magic using the Wind elemental as a catalyst. The concept of this spell came from the wind blade that I had just learned. I was using the wind element to minimize air resistance as much as possible rather than cut things; I was basically cutting the air.

It was like a giant big wind blade was sitting right in front of Sith, cutting the wind in two. It cost 30 mana, but I was able to hold it for an hour. This boosted Sith's speed more, and we reached 400 km. But it was costly, 30 for the channeling and 15 for the elemental. For a 1-hour buff, it cost me 45 mana, and because it was a channeling spell, I had to cast that spell using one of my hands continuously.

The distance between Bear Island and the Westeros shore was 350 km, and I had to move inland to reach Deepwood Motte, but I decided to make a spectacle, and when we came close to the shore, I ordered Sith to run slowly and moved close to every scouting boat I could find, and finally, I made my transition to land not from a deserted place, but from the fishing village where the soldiers were garrisoned, so that many people would witness my walk on the water.


The war seemed to be over at last, there were no ironborn ships coming anymore, but my watch was far from over. The wind blowing from the sea sometimes blew so cool that it could make you shiver down to your bones.

As I looked toward the horizon, something small caught my eye. At first, I thought one of the scout boats had returned because it was too small to be a ship, but after a few minutes, I could see what was happening much more clearly. I couldn't believe my eyes, and it would be correct if I said my mouth fell to the floor. Without taking my eyes off this slowly approaching object, I went to the guard 10-15 meters next to me. This idiot was dozing off while leaning on his spear. I smacked him on the head.

"Whaa! What is going on?"

I pointed at the sea and said look. He rubbed his eyes first and squinted at where I was pointing. Then his eyes opened hugely, and he rubbed his eyes again. He still couldn't believe himself and gave himself a solid slap. He, too, pointed at the sea and said.

"I am not dreaming, right? There is a giant cat walking on the water, and on top of that cat, there is a person."

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