

Twenty Six Years had passed since the defeat of Tristran at the hands of the Dragon and Human Saints. It was an age of Great Peace where Dragons lived in Union with Humans. Ryu and Atlanta had a Son whom they named Gaiden. Rokkan and Tanya had a Son whom they named Terra. Michael and Nadia had a Daughter whom they named Neriah while Ken had a Daughter with a Native Of The Wind Ryu whom he married. His Daughter's name was Sahara.

Even though many years had passed, only few truly understood the true significance of the battle waged that Fateful Day. Most knew only that the Dark Ryu had launched a Full Scale Invasion Of All The Ryu on that Fateful Day. A few Discerning Elders had deduced Tristran's revival through the Sign Of The Great Flames Of Indignation that rained on the Earth that day but even fewer knew of Ryuuujinn's reawakening.

In Kolmnid, Ryu ruled as the King Of The New Fiery Ryu. The New Fiery Ryu was created by merging the Flame Ryu which Ryu revived in later years with the Fire Ryu of which Atlanta, his wife was now Queen. Ryu had established peaceful alliances with the other Ryu, most of which were now ruled directly by their respective Dragon and Human Saints. The Human Saints by then had achieved a level of Spiritual Maturity allowing them to commune with the Dragon Saints in the Heavens. Needless to say, Ryuujinn ruled over the entire Universe from within the Spirit Realm. Not many Humans had known prior to the battle against Tristran that Ryuujinn existed but their memories of Ryuujinn were slowly beginning to return. Even fewer knew that he currently walked the Material Plane in the guise of Ryu. Not even Ryu's Son Gaiden knew that his father was the Creator and Ruler Of The Universe.

In the Heavens, the Dragon Saints and their respective Human Saints communed peacefully and that was when it happened. It began with a loud explosion in the Heavens and then the Dragon Zone appeared. Initially, it appeared as it usually did with the Elements Of Generation and Destruction in antithesis to one another.

Ryu's eyes narrowed as he watched closely. The Dragon Saints and Human Saints watched closely. The Dragon Zone began to spin rapidly generating a Great Wind. As everyone watched, all the Elemental Borders governing the Elements disappeared leaving only the Borders that separated the Lightside Elements from the Darkside Elements.

"That's the Jinn State" Molten noted.

"It's not over yet" Ryu said.

The Elements spun and spun till the Dragon Zone gradually assumed the Form Of A Dragon. The Upper Body Of This Dragon was made of the Elements Of Generation however it's Lower Body was made of the Elements Of Destruction. As everyone watched, the Dragon gave a Great Roar and suddenly with Great Violence bit its own Tail thus forming a Complete Circle.

Most of the Human Saints were terrified. They stared at this Omen with Great Trepidation. The Dragon Saints on the other hand bowed and began to utter a Hymn;

"This is the End Of The Beginning

And the Beginning Of The End

All Of History Unites

To Witness The Dawning Of The Light

Light Devours Darkness

Darkness becomes Light

The Youth who marks the Beginning

Commences His Journey Through The Beginning".

"What does this mean Ryu?" Atlanta asked with great concern.

"It means in simple terms that the Time Of Our Son, Gaiden's Time begins. He is the one chosen by Fate to commence the events that will lead to Tristran's Ultimate Downfall" Ryu explained.

"But we defeated Tristran right?" Atlanta asked.

"Yes we did, I am the Head Of This Dragon, Tristran is the Tail. The Head Devouring the Tail signals Tristran's Ultimate Defeat at Ryuujinn's Hands. However look, the Dragon also forms a Perfect Circle. This Circle is Time itself. The Head Of The Dragon is the Beginning Of Time. The Tail Of The Dragon is the End Of TIme. Tristran still exists within the Loop Of Time. Light Devours Darkness, The Beginning Devours The End, in other words, it is the Time Of The Human who according to History's Flow first triumphed over Tristran. It is his Time to awaken. The one we know as the Legendary Ninja" Ryu said with a smirk.

"You can't mean…" Atlanta's eyes widened in realization.

"Yes, that person is Gaiden, our Son" Ryu said.

In the New Fiery Ryu, it was Dawn. The Sun was slowly rising. It filtered through the Windows Of The Castle and its rays fell on the face of a young lad. This lad was Gaiden, the Son Of Ryu and Atlanta. Gaiden opened his eyes and sat up.

"A new day begins huh? What a stupid Dream. For a while, I thought I saw Dad as the Ruler Of The Celestial Hosts. That man doesn't even know how to crack a good joke. To think he named his son, 'Filler Arc'" Gaiden sighed in boredom.

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