
War against Wakanda 1 -252


The Foundation agents hovered in the air, their thrusters humming as they maintained a tight formation just above the treeline. The ten-man team floated like specters, using their aerial advantage to survey the terrain below. Each agent's HUD displayed vital information, including the positions of the Wakandan warriors, who had fanned out along the border in preparation for a ground assault. But the Foundation had no intention of staying on the ground.


"Stay in the air, keep your distance," Laurent instructed his team, his voice cold and efficient. "Wakanda's spears can shoot energy, but they won't hit us if we keep high and fast. Use ranged attacks only. We don't need to risk close combat."


The Wakandan Border Tribe warriors, clad in their traditional cloaks, moved swiftly below. Their vibranium spears were now more than simple melee weapons—each spearhead emitted a faint blue glow, and within seconds, bright beams of energy shot upward, streaking toward the hovering Foundation team like deadly lances.


"Here they come!" Müller shouted as he banked left, dodging an incoming energy spear. The bright blue laser missed him by inches, burning through the trees below instead.


The Foundation agents, however, were prepared. Their suits were equipped with advanced tracking systems and reflex boosters, allowing them to dodge and counter with ease. Laurent took aim from his elevated position and fired a burst of vibranium alloy bullets from the wrist-mounted rifle integrated into his suit. The bullets were specifically designed to penetrate vibranium energy shields, and as they made contact with the Wakandan warriors' defensive barriers, sparks flew, and the shields flickered momentarily before collapsing under the onslaught.


"Target their shields first," Novak added, releasing a hail of bullets from his suit's shoulder-mounted auto-cannons. "Once the shields are down, they're exposed."


A Wakandan warrior raised his vibranium shield, the energy barrier expanding to cover more of his body. He aimed his spear skyward and fired a laser beam directly at Agent Rossi, who nimbly dodged to the right, using his thrusters to keep moving in an erratic pattern.


Rossi retaliated with a series of rapid plasma shots from his gauntlets, aiming at the shield's weakened spots. The vibranium bullets struck the energy shield dead-on, and with a loud crackle, the shield flickered and died. The Wakandan warrior barely had time to react before Rossi's next volley of bullets tore through his defenses, sending him crashing to the ground, his spear clattering beside him.


"One down," Rossi muttered.


Meanwhile, Weiss and Müller coordinated their attacks from above, never descending close enough for the Wakandan warriors to touch. Using their advanced flight systems, they circled around the tribe, flanking them with precision. Weiss fired a series of homing missiles at a group of warriors who had attempted to form a defensive line. Their energy shields expanded to meet the incoming projectiles, but as the vibranium alloy-enhanced missiles hit, the shields gave way under the barrage, shattering like glass.


"They're tough, but they can't keep up with our speed!" Müller shouted, pulling off a barrel roll in mid-air to avoid another energy spear. He unleashed a barrage of bullets and plasma bolts, raining down from above like death from the skies. Two more Wakandan warriors fell, their vibranium shields disintegrating under the relentless fire.


"Keep moving! Don't give them a chance to aim properly!" Laurent ordered. He took out another warrior from his elevated position with a precise shot to the chest, the vibranium alloy rounds slicing through the warrior's armor like paper.


Below, the remaining Wakandan warriors struggled to adapt. Their spears, while formidable and able to shoot energy blasts, lacked the range and tracking capabilities of the Foundation's suits. The agents stayed in constant motion, darting across the sky, firing controlled bursts from above with mechanical precision.


One Wakandan warrior, desperate to land a hit, threw his spear with incredible speed and force. It arced through the air, the vibranium blade glowing as it closed in on Laurent. But Laurent had anticipated the move. He activated his suit's energy shield for just a moment, letting the spear ricochet off harmlessly before opening fire with his vibranium-enhanced rifle, shredding the warrior's shield and sending him to the ground.


"They can't keep up," Novak said, hovering next to Laurent. "They're not equipped for this type of fight."


"Exactly," Laurent responded. "Their weapons are meant for ground combat. They can't deal with enemies who won't come down."


Another warrior, his energy shield flickering from the strain of sustained fire, tried to regroup with his comrades, only to be cut down by Weiss's precise marksmanship. The remaining Wakandan forces, realizing they were outmatched, began to retreat, falling back toward the safety of their territory.


But the Foundation agents weren't going to let them get away. Laurent gave the order, "No survivors. Finish it."


The agents descended slightly, just enough to ensure their shots hit with maximum lethality. The Wakandan warriors, despite their valiant efforts, couldn't keep up. One by one, their energy shields collapsed, their spears shattered, and their armor failed under the relentless assault of vibranium bullets and plasma fire.


In a matter of minutes, it was over.


The ten Foundation agents hovered in the air, surveying the battlefield below. The bodies of the fallen Border Tribe warriors lay scattered across the ground, their vibranium weapons broken and useless. Not a single agent had been touched.


"Mission complete," Laurent said coldly, lowering his rifle. "Let's move on. The shield's coming down soon, and we need to be ready."


With that, the team of Foundation agents activated their cloaking systems and disappeared into the sky, leaving behind nothing but silence and the remnants of a Wakandan defense that had never stood a chance.




In the dense jungle just beyond the border of Wakanda, a team of Foundation agents lay hidden beneath layers of foliage and high-tech camouflage, invisible to even the most advanced surveillance systems. The jungle was thick with life, its sounds all around them, masking their presence. Among the team were five elite operatives from Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11, "Nine-Tailed Fox," the best of the best when it came to covert operations.


Sergeant Graves, the team's leader, crouched low behind a thick cluster of trees, his eyes focused on the shimmering barrier that had protected Wakanda for generations. Through his visor, he could see the faint distortion of the vibranium shield that encircled the nation. It was an awe-inspiring sight, but that wasn't what he was here to admire. He and his team had one mission: disable the shield.


Around him, his team was busy, their movements deliberate and quiet as they finished setting up the equipment they had lugged deep into Wakandan territory. It was a marvel of Foundation engineering—an anti-energy disruptor specifically designed to interfere with vibranium technology. They'd smuggled it in piece by piece, their months of preparation culminating in this moment.


"Equipment's set, Sergeant," whispered Dyer, the team's tech specialist. His hands moved quickly over the console, running final diagnostics. "We're just waiting on the go-ahead from command."


Graves nodded, his eyes never leaving the shield. They'd been embedded in Wakanda for weeks, blending in with the outer tribes, learning the rhythms of the land, the movements of the guards, the timing of patrols. It was risky, but the Foundation didn't do anything without meticulous planning. And this—the takedown of Wakanda's shield—was the first domino that needed to fall.


"Stay sharp, team," Graves said quietly over the secure comms. "Once the shield goes down, they'll come running. Our job is to disable and exfil without getting caught in the crossfire. Understood?"


The team gave a series of affirmatives. Each of them knew what was at stake. They had all seen the horrors contained within the Foundation's walls, the things most of humanity would never know about. Wakanda's isolation wasn't just about keeping their vibranium secret; it was about the unknown dangers they might be hiding. Or worse—unwittingly harboring.


"Incoming message," Dyer said, glancing at his wrist-mounted display. "It's from command."


The rest of the team tensed. This was it. Graves held out his hand as Dyer patched the message through.


"Team Foxtrot-One, you are cleared to proceed. Execute the operation," came the calm, authoritative voice of General Nepoleon through the comms.


Graves inhaled deeply and gave the signal to his team. Dyer's fingers flew across the interface, activating the disruptor. There was a moment of tense silence, broken only by the natural sounds of the jungle, and then the faint hum of the vibranium shield began to waver.


Graves watched through his scope as the shimmering dome over Wakanda flickered, its energy destabilizing. A faint crackling sound filled the air as the disruptor overloaded the vibranium energy matrix that powered the shield. In a matter of seconds, the barrier that had protected Wakanda for so long collapsed, disappearing into the air with a faint shimmer, leaving the nation exposed to the world.


"Shield is down," Dyer reported, his voice low but steady.


"Good work, team," Graves said. "Now we exfil and disappear before they even know we were here."


But as the team began to pack up their equipment, Graves couldn't help but glance back at the city in the distance, now vulnerable for the first time in years. They had just changed the course of history, but there was no time to reflect on it now.


"Let's move. Extraction point is 3 clicks west. Stay quiet, stay sharp," he ordered.


The agents moved swiftly through the jungle, their bodies melting into the landscape as they made their retreat. Behind them, in Wakanda, alarms began to blare, but it was too late. The Foundation's plan was already in motion, and soon, the full might of Napoleon's army would be upon them.





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