
Velvet Spa


"…and Caena, all of you have been selected for the spa treatment today," said Margaux as she called out twenty-eight names.

Some were sad, while some, like me, were ecstatic to be included to be one of the first people who will enjoy the spa.

It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that I love the spa. I had a special fund set up for the spa on my very tight budget. Now that the spa is here, I will be able to use those funds to create more spells and research.

The past one and a half months have been beyond what I had imagined. I had created so many spells in such a short time that would have made my mother proud.

It is not easy for us to create spells, mages have mana and so do we, but we also need something more, to harness the power. That makes everything slow.

Since the first day of the business, it had seemed like the tap had opened for me. I had been able to harness so much lust and desire that I had never in my life.

Thanks to class consolidation, I could now harness them, with even greater efficiency.

"Here is your schedule," she said and gave all the twenty-eight girls their schedule. When I looked at my schedule and Marge beside me. I couldn't help but become impressed by Margaux.

It is impeccable; their lessons and spa treatment are perfectly aligned. They will be able to attend their regular lessons and also take the spa treatments.

I have two lessons, consecutively. They will start in fifteen minutes. Then, for three hours, she will be in a spa, and after that, it will be her free time, before she will need to prepare for the evening.

"Girls, there is more thing. Master Silver is leaving tomorrow with Carla for Owlspring, and he is offering one of you to take with him."

"Is anyone interested?" asked Margaux and immediately, seven hands shot up, including mine.

She looked at the girls, who raised their hands immediately, and a smile couldn't help but appear on her face. All the smart ones raise their hands immediately, and this too had been a sort of test given how Margaux looked at all seven of them.

She did not even glance at the few who raised their hands hesitantly after them.

These smart ones are thinking beyond money. Dreams and ambitions had risen in their heart.

I don't know what they want, but I know what I want. I want to get closer to Remus Silver, gain his trust and, if preferable, became his lover.

I need access to the desires that the establishment is absorbing, and gaining his trust is paramount for that. He is not the person who will let me touch his most precious thing without having full trust in me.

"All of you need to write the reason why you would be the best company for this trip," said Margaux and I could clearly see this is yet another test.

"You have till evening to submit the reason," added Margaux and many girls heaved a sigh of relief, including me.

This is very important to her. More time would help me a lot to write about the best reason.

Soon, ten minutes passed, and she walked toward the hall, where I will have the etiquette class with eleven other girls.

Like the rest of the girls in my class, I am also going early. Mistress Elme did not like the girls to be late. She punishes them with that stick of hers.

Though, she was a little light on me since I know the woman's weakness.

After etiquette, it will be communication. I used to think that class was a waste, but Carla had asked me to give it a try. I am glad I did because it was tremendously useful.

It is one of the biggest reasons I could entertain more clients at a single time. It was always my specialty. I could keep multiple people engaged at a time, but now I had become even better at it, learning those little tricks.

It is the reason why she is one of the top earners. While most girls have one or two clients at their table, I always have three to five.

Even those who do not know each other sit at my table together, talking and laughing. Let me harvest the lust and desires they are feeling for me.

I had created twelve spells and not all of them are like attractions, some are really dangerous.

I would have been able to create more if not for me spending a lot of resources on the establishment.

It is better for me and the establishment that nobody sees what is happening to it. It is extremely, even for those in my class, but I still could not take a chance.

I had reduced that chance, cloaking it so that only those who are extremely powerful would be able to sense it.

The establishment hadn't reached the height to attract that sort of people yet.

"Mistress Elme, I hope you are feeling fine today," I asked the old woman. She sat in a chair as girls gathered in front of her, standing gracefully in line.

"Yes, the herbal brew you have given me had made the pain in my knees completely disappear," replied the old woman with a smile, which is quite rare to see.

"I am glad," I said. It was no simple brew. It had a minor spell attached to it, which increased the effect of the medicine.

A few minutes passed, and it was time. The old woman brought her expression to usual, and the class begin. It had lasted for an hour. Before I went to attend my communication class with a few other girls.

An hour later, that class had too ended, and I nearly ran out of it. As it is, time for the spa.

Soon, I stepped out of the establishment toward the back and walked toward the three-story building in the middle of the right. The building looked like it was made of pure white marble and in front of it was a small pond with lotuses floating inside it.

It all seemed very peaceful and likely designed for that effect.

Soon, she reached the building and entered inside through its beautiful white doors, and there was a reception. A table made of blue marble and behind it is a young girl, Laura.

She is wearing a fitting dress with the tag of her name on her chest. She also changed her hairstyle from long hair to a bob. Which is making her look professional.

From what I have heard, four girls would work here through different shifts. There was fierce competition for this job.

These young girls receive a small stipend every week, but they are pennies compared to what we earn. So, they always looking for jobs to make more money.

"Miss Caena. Welcome to the velvet spa. This is your itinerary of treatments," said Laura, and handed me the paper.

"Thank you, Laura," I said as I took rose-colored itinerary paper, which felt good to touch.

I looked at the rose-colored paper, which was smelling wonderful. It had the heading in beautiful flowy letters, spelling 'Velvet Spa'.

Below is the name of two treatments. The first treatment is Herian Massage with short information about it below. The second treatment is Hesla Flower Bath, a bath with petals of magical flowers to invigorate the skin.

The paper is expensive and so is the ink, but they did instead tell them to go to the place.

It seemed like they were providing the whole experience that master Silver talked about. I have to say; I am feeling better already.

"Miss Caena, changing room is on the left," Laura informed me when I moved to leave.

I nodded and walked toward the changing room and entered inside and was quite surprised when she saw the robe was waiting for her, with a note with her name on top.

When she wore the soft white robe. She saw the slits on both sides, and the most amazing thing about it is that it is monogrammed with my name.

I am loving it.

I picked up my small purse and put it into the pocket of the robe before walking toward Room 07, where I will have Herian Message.


The door clicked open as I pushed it. Where there is a Heraldan woman waiting. She seemed looked to be in her early thirties and have shining brown eyes, which made her look especially pretty.

She is wearing a green spa suit which had pleated lines and had a blue name tag, below the monogrammed velvet spa text.

"Welcome Caena," she said as I entered inside. "Thank you," I replied.

"The message you will go through is called herian message."

"It originated in the herian kingdom thousands of years ago and uses the combination of nine magical and mundane oi…" she explains.

I had expected her to ask me to remove my clothes to start with a message but unexpectedly she is explaining it to me. Even in the crystal spa, very few people had done that. Likely because they were whores.

She found the information helpful, and it made her feel further relaxed.

"Caena, if you feel relaxed now. You can hang your robe there and we can begin." She said gently. I nodded and opened the sash of my robe and took it off; I did not feel as much as self-conscious as I had felt in the crystal spa.

Maybe because I am getting more confident of my body or maybe because she had made me feel comfortable or both.

In the minute, the massage begins. I felt the warmth of oil being poured out on my skin before experienced hands begin to move across my body. Within seconds, low moans begin to come out of my mouth.

There was a small doubt in my mind that these treatments wouldn't be as good as the crystal spa, but it had vanished.

Seeing that, I burned the spell in my purse. It would have hurt quite a lot if I had burned this expensive spell for subpar treatment.

Immediately, I felt the change. I am not the only one. Kaasa had also felt the change, as her hands stopped for a moment, before resuming with the same expertise.

The spell is the imprinting type; I am imprinting this very massage into the establishment.

It will increase the effects of the massage.

A similar kind of spell was used to imprint master silver with the establishment. The chances of succeeding were extremely low, considering they have targeted a being, but it somehow succeeded.

I and every girl here are glad it did because, without it, we wouldn't be here and have this life.

I could already feel the imprint sticking into the establishment and the desires it had absorbed filling it.

The spell imprint is shaky, but it will slowly reinforce itself, before growing in power as they perform more massages on girls.

If it had been any other place, it would take a lot of time to have any substantial effects, but here, it will be fast. If it transformed into a legacy, then the effect would be astronomical.

These imprints are meta-physical bricks that I am laying in the establishment. I wish I could imprint myself on it, but it is near impossible. Unless, of course, I get permission.

If I get it, then I wouldn't need days to charge the spells. I would be able to do that in minutes.

The message ended in an hour, and she stayed there for another hour more, relaxing and letting oils seep into her, while Kaasa massaged the Della beside me.

When the time was over, I gently got up, feeling light. That I had not felt in weeks.

Though before walking out of the room, I place a few coins in the crystal bowl.

Who says the whores can't tip? When we have money, we can be generous. I want to be generous, like my mom used to be, and Kaasa deserved it.

She had been great. I am feeling wonderful. Every little knot in my body disappeared, giving me free movement. I had not felt such free, even after massages in a crystal spa.


"You have come at the right time, Caena. I had just finished drawing the bath," said a short zenidan woman as I entered another room. It is nearly twice as big as the massage room.

The zenidan is a woman of about Margaux's age and short, with soft facial features and kind eyes.

The most striking quality of her is her homely smile.

"Should I just step into it?" I asked. "Yes, dear. Remove your robe and get into it," said the woman with a smile.

I nodded and removed the robe, before walking toward the round white pool, which is big enough for ten people to sit. It is filled with warm water and covered in small blue petals.

They are hesla flowers, magical flowers and they are smelling amazing.

I stepped into the pool and felt the warm water, which is at the edge of being comfortable. She went inside completely and sat down, drowning her whole body inside except for her head.

"What do you want me to do now?" I asked. "Just lay there dear, when it is time, I will inform you," said the woman in her homely voice.

Hearing that, I lay more comfortably and breathed in the calming fragrance, while burning another spell from my purse.

I felt calm in the water that, before I know it, I fell asleep, only to be woken up by the gentle shake of the woman's hand.

"It is time, dear," said Rosa with a homely smile and I smiled back, but the next minute, I struggle not to scream. As she begins to scrub the petals on every part of my body.

The petals are wonderful to smell, but they are just as painful when their essence seeps into the skin.

I felt tears burning through my eyes as the women scrub, but I did not make any sound. I let her do her thing, while silently bearing the pain.

"There, all finished." "Look how beautifully your skin is glowing," said the woman as she stopped scrubbing.

It took me a while to focus my blurry eyes through the pain, but when I did, I couldn't help but become surprised.

Truly, my skin is glowing.

Seeing the beautifully glowing skin, a smile couldn't help but appear on my face. I even forgot the pain I am feeling, after seeing it.

"Thank you," I said. "There is no need to thank me, dear. You deserve it," she said. I smiled and closed my eyes again.

I stayed there till the pain receded, before slowly getting up and wearing my robe, and walking out, but not before adding the tip to the bowl.

Soon, I changed back into my own clothes and walked out of the spa, with a content smile on my face.


Soon, I reached my room and closed the door behind me. I had thought for a few days before revealing my level, and it was the best decision.

Thankfully, they did not ask about my class and they did seem to care. As long as you are level 20, you can get a private room. Including her, twenty-four girls are now above Level 20.

In my life, I had never seen people leveling so fast. They are not just leveling, but also consolidating their classes, which are far harder, but it is happening.

My both classes had merged, creating a specialized class that I had been waiting for decades to happen.

Specialization is extremely important for people in my class, more than any other class. It is one of the reasons why I am crafting so many spells, so quickly.

I closed my eyes as I reached the center of the room, before opening them a second later.

I know, nobody intruded in my room. Though it is forbidden, I still fear it. I don't want people to know about my class yet.

Feeling relieved, I sat on the chair and removed multiple things from the different drawers. I had asked for a few tables the day I got the room, as it was too small for my work as an herbalist.

They brought it the very next day. It is an herbalist's table, with many drawers and jars inside it.

I took out all the stuff and begin working on crafting a spell. I am nearly finished working on it. In half an hour, I will be done and then will work on the reason to go with Master Silver.

I really want to go with him. The sooner I earn his truth, the sooner I will get his permission.

Soon, it was five; it is time for me to go to the studio. Thankfully, I am finished with the spell and also the reason.

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Chapter 80: Owlspring

AnWancreators' thoughts
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