

If you're into Action Novels then do stop by. Here is an Action-thriller based book web novel has to offer you. Working for the National Intelligence Agency for nearly 20 years, it always goes ride or die with Kcee Jones. Even after the death of his wife and his son cutting him off his well-being, Kcee never stopped working even when he's faced with a big task. This time, another day begins for kcee as a group of terrorists are attempting to release bioweapons into the city. Kcee with the help of NIA must do all in its power to stop the attack and also make sure the peace treaty between the government of Nigeria and ghana goes smoothly, however kcee is faced with good and bad decisions to make...

tobih_daniel · Action
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49 Chs


Time: 8:34:23 AM

Location: National Intelligence Agency branch situated in the capital of lagos.

The Nia's branch is a large building across the Allen axis. It has 2,800,876 square feet (260,210 m2) of internal space, numerous amenities, and a special, secure system of elevators and corridors to keep public tours separate from the rest of the building. The building has three floors below-ground, and an underground parking garage. The structure is built in a way that it is eight stories high on the north west side, and 11 stories high on the south east side. Two wings connect the two main buildings, forming an open-air, trapezoidal courtyard. The exterior is buff-colored precast and cast-in-place concrete with repetitive, square, bronze-tinted windows set deep in concrete frames. All of these surrounds the cortex which is found at the centre of the building which appears to be the first floor.

The directors office is situated on the second floor of the building whereas the first floor contains people working in each of their stations.

He appears to be on his seat in his shirtsleeves above creased cotton trousers. While making a phone call, he tapped his fingers on the desk lightly. His faced seemed serious as his brows furrowed together amidst his glasses.

His boss who appears to be the director of Nia's headquarter seems to be very pissed as his voice really hardened towards him After a chat with the president, the chief of staff decided to make a phone call to Director Abdulquadri Salaam on the big issue on ground and also that he needs an answer to present to Mr President.

Since these attacks were made in Lagos, Director Salaam contacted Johnny Lukman who appears to be the new director of NIA's branch in ikeja lagos.

"Yea I understand you mr salaam but the thing is, we are still working on the case file we got and some other investigations but I assure you before the end of today we'll hit oo something" Pacing round his office, Mr lukman calmly said but in return director salaam yelled over the phone which Johnny diverted into a loud speaker and placed it on the center of his table.

"Listen to me Johnny, The Chief of staff to the President has given me an ultimate of two hours to find something out. Now I am giving you till the end of the hour, I need a result or else consider yourself out of that seat. I need capable hands and not inactive ones" Director Salaam's voice on the other end hardened the more.

"But Mr. Salaam" Mr. Lukman tried to explain himself not until he realized director salaam hung up the phone.

"Now great!!! He hung up on me." Mr Lukman blurted out as he threw his pen angrily. As that wasn't enough, walking up to his seat, he slammed his hand on his table.

After many years of wandering round Lagos; Johnny Lukman finally got a job as the director of NIA's lagos branch. Been threatened with his job makes him devastated as he has to find something to do about the attack on Shoprite. He was snapped out of his train of thought as soon as the telephone went out so loud. He tapped the receive button.

"Sorry to bother you Mr. Lukman, but you have a call from your daughter on line 3"

Despite his angry mood, he responded calmly not to arouse suspicion which could lead into questions like "are you okay Mr Lukman?" which he was not ready for.

"Oh! Thank you grace" He responded and then he tapped the 3rd button on the telephone.

"Dad" Debby spoke out softly through the telephone.

Debby's voice surprisingly melted the reminants of his anger. He adjusted his self on his seat and replied her back with a smile "Hey Debby... How are you doing?"

"Oh Thank god, I've been trying to reach you for the past two hours but it's not reachable. What's going on dad"

"I'm so sorry darling. We're having a situation here and that's why I haven't been reachable" Mr Lukman said as he removed his glasses which was already dripping with sweat. It was then he realized he didn't put on the air conditioning.

"Awn I'm so sorry dad... I just wanted to know how you're doing and also know if you'd be coming for my birthday"

at the word birthday, Mr Lukman froze. he definitely forgot about his daughter's birthday.

"Oh my god it's your birthday. Happy birthday deb" he hesitated in his speech which Debby noticed.

"Wait a minute, I know that voice, don't tell me you forgot about my birthday?"

"what! no, why will I?" He paused and then thought to himself, what would he gain lying to his daughter? he then opened up "Okay yes and I'm really sorry darling. It's just 'sighs' my mind has been occupied with cases and all of that" He added walking back to his seat after turning on the air conditioning.

"Yeah I get you dad... But aren't you coming tonight?" her voice sounded so down over the phone.

"Darling I can't promise you. My Job is at stake and I need to fix it" He explained with a gesture after closing a file he signed some seconds ago.

"But dad, It's been nearly a month since I saw you, I really miss you"

As the conversation was still on; Kate walked briskly with a file on her hand towards Mr Lukman's door which is made of glass. She is dressed in a corporate wear. Placing a slight knock at the door, she caught his attention even as he was still on a phone call. He then signified her to come in.

"I know Debby and i also miss you but i want you to know that the reason i took this job in the first place was because of you. I love you and i don't want you to suffer" he paused as he stared at Kate who stood some meters gazing at him.

"Debby i know I have not been there for you, but i promise i'll find time, then we'll talk, maybe take a vacation to Florida. You know! Just like you've always wanted" He ended with smile on his face.

"Really dad?"

"Yea, just like you've always wanted" He nodded, fiddling his hands with a pencil.

"Awn! I love you dad"

. "I love you too darling. Now i want you to do something for me. Get off from the bed, take a good bath. Get out with a birthday mood and have some fun" He said with a smile on his face, the grin lighting up his bright eyes.

Debby gave a tiny laughter over the phone before bading him "Alright dad. See you soon... Bye"

"bye darling, I'll call you later" Mr. Lukman ended his phone call tapping a button on the telephone. His eyes made a quick gaze at a small frame standing on his table. His lips parted into a wide smile as he took it staring at the picture of debby. According to the picture, body shape and the charisma she posed, she looked some what matured, like 21 - 22 of age. Light skin, attractive face and a blonde hair was all debby needed to attract hundreds of men to herself.

Mr Lukman once again was brought out of his train of thought by Kate who coughed out loud. definitely he had forgotten Kate was in his office.

"Oh good god Kate, i'm very sorry. I definitely forgot about your presence. have your seat" He said streching his left hand towards the seat right in front of him while the other hand, he used to drop the frame back on his table.

"It's okay. seeing you stare at the frame, your mind appears to be some where else" Kate observed while having a sit. before he could utter a statement, Kate asked "that was debby right?"

"Yeah, infact today is her birthday" Johnny replied as he touched his face to feel if he had some drop of sweat. He then realized the air conditioning was working perfectly.

"Yea I know; I actually called her this morning" Kate said.

"You know, what beats me" he continued "is that debby is not happy with me" he added as he interlocked his fingers which he placed on the table.

Kate's eyebrows furrowed together at his words, she decided to ask "not happy with you, why?"

Taking off his glasses slowly, he adjusted his position as someone who wants to lecture. Kate on the other hand puts on an attentive look as she leaned forward. Johnny coughed then uttered,

"Ever since Clara died, it has been really hard for debby and i. being the only family she got, today which apparently is her birthday, we are suppose to be together, have fun which I'll never miss but here i am working on some stupid case and all director salaam could do is to threaten me with my job" he sighed then continued "i just don't know what to do" Mr. Lukman ended as he shook his head in fustration. His hands placed on his head and his eyes closed together didn't make him notice Kate who stared at him for some seconds.

"I'm sorry if I sound odd but sir you don't have to say that... Yea I know it's been hard for you, for Debby but that's the reason you're in this position, to learn how to face challenges even if it comes with a price. I know this past few weeks as been like tough but put in the back of your mind that very soon it will be over"

Raising his head slowly, he muttered loudly in form of a question "it will be over?,"

"Yeah" Kate answered with a smile "most of the time I get discourage or depressed that it's not working, no solution... but do you know what? I always snap out of that thought when I remember those who we are serving, for our country, loved ones and guess what? there'll always be a solution and as for debby, I know she'll be proud to have a serving father like you" she ended with a smile on her face.

"Kate" Mr Lukman called as he gazed at her with one eye closed. he nodded with disbelief at how some one like kate could advise him "I um..." he paused thinking of what to say "Thank you. With what you've said, i feel a bit relieved and maybe even when this case is over, I'll find time and go surprise her" Mr. Lukman said this time with a smile on his face. He felt quite relieved at Kate's advise.

"So away from that what do we have?" remembering earlier she came in with a file, he quickly changed the topic.

"Yea... During our investigation" she started "we found out that most of the bullet the armed men used during their attack were the V-crown jacketed hollowed point bullets used only in this kind of weapon" Kate replied as she raised the file she placed on her laps and handed it over to Mr Lukman.

He took the file, viewing the contents. He then caught sight of the weapon Kate was talking about.

With his brows raised, he exclaimed "That's the Sig Sauer Weapon"

Kate nodded in affirmation "yes sir"

"oh my god" he muttered silently before lowering his head.

"Luckily for us; we got to know that those weapon were just shipped into a warehouse here in Lagos. Headquarter sent us details of an assumed suspect. A man named Ahmed Danladi" She stated as she took another file from her laps but this time, brought out the details of the suspect printed on a white paper presenting it to him.

"Who appears to be a cover arm dealer is assumed to had supplied the weapons or even operated the attack on Shoprite" Kate added.

"Do we have a location on him now?" Lukman asked still staring at the file.

"Yeah, um i just uh wanted to inform you that Kcee and the team are minutes away from the location and also i wanted to know if you'd like to view the operation" Kate replied with her hands placed on her laps. she silently tapped her lap while waiting for an answer from Mr. Lukman

"Well um" he chuckled before he continued "this is fantastic, good job, good job" he repeated as he closed the file before placing it on a bunch of files on his table.

"you head downstairs alright, start the processing and um i'll also like to address every one... get that" he added.

"yes sir" She replied and then stood up to leave not until she was stopped by Mr. Lukman's voice "and one more thing Kate, good work"

"Thank you Mr. Lukman" She smiley replied before heading out of the office. She pushed the glass door and then walked down the stairs. Mr Lukman on the other hand looked happy as he beamed with smile that everything is working out perfectly.