
Chapter 73 - The Winter is here

[3rd Person POV]

It was the last week of classes at Xyrus Academy before winter break. Several students were very focused, since most of the teachers were taking tests and asking for projects to be delivered during this period. As expected, Arthur was not outside of these parameters, he was currently teaching his Practical Mana Manipulation class, and not only that, today was the day to deliver a report from the students, along with a practical presentation of what they had learned in those first months of class.

"Class, it seems that this time there was no one who decided not to deliver the written report, I congratulate you on that, after all, some of you, in the last month, completely ignored me when I asked for something like this. Anyway. I want you all here in the arena, lined up next to each other!" Arthur Leywin said, using his trusty sheathed sword, Dawn's Ballad, like a cane, resting one hand on the object.

All the students in his class got out of their seats and went to the arena, while there were people who weren't from that PMM class, but were there to enjoy the auburn hair boy class. They did as requested, forming two lines of students who arranged themselves between conjurers and augmenters, without Arthur needing to speak.

"As today our exercise will be worth a grade, I will let each of you have 50 attempts, no matter how long it takes, the number of failed attempts will not decrease the grade. The grade will be 30% of the report that you gave me, 30% of execution of the technique and 40% if the technique is produced in a way that I consider excellent! This last item I will be comparing with the level of performance that you have shown in the last classes. After all, if you demonstrated a great performance during these classes, then you must demonstrate the same level or better than today!" He explained how the test would be evaluated, while his bond, Sylvie, was on his brother's lap, Luz, who was only there because he didn't have to teach this week, he had free time.

The students soon began their test. That test was a callback to one of the first classes Arthur taught. The goal was for conjurers to use augmenter spells and augmenters to use conjurer spells, but not only that. If a student did 3 spells of the designated type they would earn 100% of the grade, even if they didn't bring the report. Anyway, everyone knew how complex it would be to make 3 spells of the type that doesn't belong, so no one had the courage to forget the reports.

"People are trying their best to do this, aren't they?" Luz said, using sound magic to talk to his brother, even though they were a few meters away, he was in the stands and Arthur was in the arena.

"I agree, I'm even proud to see how much they've evolved in such a short time... Of course, considering they're children." Arthur replied calmly, knowing full well that that sound channel not only allowed a conversation between the two, but made sure that no one heard them speak.

"Yes. Ah... And before I forget, Mom and Dad send you a hug and are wishing the week is over soon and Ellie said she wants to show you a surprise when you arrive." When Luz said that, Arthur had a kind smile on his face.

The last time they'd gone to see their parents was when they'd both been hospitalized, after that, they'd both been so busy with their chores. But thanks to Luz having some free time, he and Lilia decided to pay a visit to update everyone at Helstea's manor on how things were going, as well as being updated on what was happening with the two families.

"Glad to hear, and Dad's Beast will?" Arthur asked, still watching the students intently and soon seeing Kathyln managing, after 20 attempts, to create an ice gauntlet, it wasn't pretty or detailed, but it was something at least.

"I won't go into too much depth on the subject, but I can say that during winter break he will be able to complete the assimilation." The black hair brother replied, while the auburn hair brother was taking notes about his students.

After some time, 10 minutes before the class ended, the class teacher approached everyone and announced the end of the analysis and that he would leave the scores written in front of the classroom door the next day. All of them were very excited to know how good they were in Arthur's eyes, after all, most of them managed to do what was asked.

Surprisingly, Feyrith was the only one among the students who achieved the feat of 3 augment spells. The elf had chosen to do the creation of a water gauntlet first, and for the other two times, he had managed to outdo himself, creating full armor for his right arm. It wasn't very detailed or sturdy, but it was enough to be considered a stable spell.

Several students were hopeful to see at the end of the class, another demonstration of fighting using both types of magic, and because of that, in the last 5 minutes of class, the Leywin brothers did this demonstration, with both switching between conjurer and augmenter spells very fluidly, almost as if they were the exact same foundation. It was quite a spectacle for that students, after all they saw situations where both boys created their own weapons using lightning mana.

While this was happening, Tessia Eralith and her companions were planning, along with Claire and Theodore, how to organize the winter party. It ended up being decided that there would be a decoration using plant and ice magics, that way they could make the event take place both in the ballroom and in the open space in front of the place, after all, it had already started to snow around since the end of week they had, that way the interior and exterior landscapes would match.

"Okay, me and another plant mage are going to take care of the condition of the plants in the ballroom. But what are we going to do with the ice part? Are we going to use ice itself, or snow?" the elven princess asked the committee captain, who was sitting across the table.

"We could make the part closest to the entrance to have snow decorations and further back to have ice decorations. That will make it look like 'entering a frozen cave'... It will look really nice." The captain said smiling as she pointed to a map that was on the table, it was a map of the structure of the ballroom.

"I agree with Ms.Bladeheart, but maybe we could... Hm... Well, if that's the case, we'll have ice tables that will only exist in the back for snacks. No?" Fable Kristwood, the PR director, questioned, demonstrating that it would be better for the food, which will be served at the party, to be more spread out in the place.

"Not to take away from the ice cave aspect, but also not to have too much ice near the entrance... We could put other tables, like some rustic ones made with stone or rock. Theodore, you can help with that if we give you cubes like that materials?" Jarrod Redner, the Treasurer, asked, raising his hand.

"There are 4 members of the disciplinary committee who are Earth Mages, so I think we can do it in time if we all do a little. Since we are thinking about this idea, to include dwarves in the decoration, because ice is unique to humans and plant is unique of elves, these rocky tables could be in the style that dwarven houses usually have. What do you think? We have Elijah and Doradrae to help with that." Theodore gave his opinion on the inclusion of elements of the dwarven race and was accepted by almost everyone except Clive.

"I'm sorry to say this, but I would say it would be better if we put dwarf-related decorations outside. I don't think rustic dwarf tables would match the environment the president described." Clive said that, even though Tessia had approved of Theodore's idea.

"Well, since you were the only one that voted against it, let's do it anyway. Shall we?" Lilia asked.

"Yes, the decoration of the place has already been decided and how we are going to make the food available for the students in very accessible places. Anything else you want to talk about at today's meeting?" Tessia said, giving a slight sigh and looking at the map.

"There's the music situation, you told me before that we were going to call students who wanted to play to help us with that, since it's too late to ask Director Cynthia to hire a band." Claire commented.

"Well, I've already found some people to do that. I won't comment on who they are, just that we'll have violins, harp, drums and flute at the very least." the princess replied and everyone seemed satisfied with how the situation was.

Everyone got up and started to say goodbye, until Lilia walked towards Claire and Theodore, before they left the room. "Claire, can we talk?"


[Lilia Helstea POV]

"Claire, can we talk?" I said after going to them. I knew I had class to go to right after that meeting, but it was a subject I wasn't in need of points, anyway, I could make up any excuse.

"Oh. Sure, what would it be about?" She said smiling at me.

"It's a little private, could we talk somewhere else?" I asked and she just nodded.

Me, Theodore, and Claire exit the student council room, with Theodore heading toward the second floor, while Claire and I exit the building. We walked around the campus of Xyrus Academy for a while, until I saw that no one was around.

"It's about Luz... He told me yesterday about that..." I said, taking that weight off my chest.

That boy I met almost 5 years ago was someone special to me, but he was acting very unusual compared to other boys. In terms of love, I clearly noticed that he only saw it as a high step towards becoming intimate, and besides, he always told me that he would only accept someone who truly loves him, with no ulterior motives. But still, it came as a shock to me when he talked about it when we were at my house before. I needed to know if what I was feeling was the same as the others or not.

Claire stared at me for a bit and let out a sigh. "Oh, so he already told you? Good to know. I want to get along great with you two."

"W-wait! Are you okay with that?!" I asked confused.

"Yes. He told me he had talked to both of you before what he thinks is love and how he reacts to it, hasn't he?" She said stopping walking.

"Hm... Are you talking about his thing... about not having a problem if we decide to walk away from him due to lack of interest?" I asked again to understand if we were on the same page.

"Uhm. He's the type of person who's already lost a lot and has already felt what it's like to be rejected, so he doesn't want anyone else to have that same feeling." as if she was reading my mind, she continued "And I didn't understand that either, it was just something he said to me... The fact that he's already felt rejection is something I can't understand. After all, he's only 13 years old, no?" I agreed with what she said.

"Hm... I know him well enough to know that he's not the type to take the first step in these things. But... What did he say to you when you fell in love with him?" I said, leaning a little closer.

"Hm... That I should make sure I wasn't confusing love with gratitude." When she said that, I chuckled lightly.

"He said the same thing to me... Anyway, he's at least worried about whether we're making the right decisions or purely emotional ones." Claire agreed with what I said.

"As for the winter party... Who are you going with? Since between the three of us... we know very well that if he doesn't choose Kathyln, things will go to hell." Claire said, making me giggle.

"Um, I'm thinking of going to the party with Jarrod, how about you? I bet you're going with Curtis?" I smiled.

"Nope, Curtis apparently already has one person to go with him, Theo who will accompany me to the party."

"Wait... What? Is Curtis going with someone already???" I asked confused.

"It's very likely that he does the same thing as us, go with a friend to avoid attracting attention. I don't know who the person is, I just know he already has someone." Claire was laughing too, possibly because Curtis was too stubborn to understand these things.

"Anyway, back to the main subject. Have you talked to Kathyln or... No?" Claire asked me.

"Not yet, every time I find a chance to talk to her, I realize that the situation could get worse... I don't know why... Maybe it's because... She's crazy about him. What about you? Have you tried talking to her about it?"

"I've tried, but I feel like she was thinking about the friendship situation and not the relationship." Claire said biting her left thumb nail.

"I can understand what you mean..."I looked at the grass for a while until I found something else to talk about. "Oh! And do you already have any clothes for the party?"

"Yes! It's a beautiful dress my uncle sent me. He said it was custom-made by someone he trusted." Claire said with a big smug in her face.

"Woah! Mine is just a very basic black outfit. I mean, it was something my dad bought, but it's not fancy or anything, just a party dress." I spoke a little embarrassed now for having started this conversation.

"Hihi! You must look beautiful in it, luxurious or not."

"S-seriously?!" Claire nodded.

"Hmhm! Lilia, your charm is quite different from mine, while I look better with more vibrant things, simpler clothes are really what suits you best! And I'm not saying this because we both have to be together, I'm being honest. " Claire patted my head and I pouted, but soon after we started laughing at the situation.

"Anyway, I don't have class right now, but you do. Better get going!" Claire immediately reminded me of that little detail and I ran out, waving at her.


[Tessia Eralith POV]

After Lilia left the room along with the disciplinary committee members, I stared at Clive for a few seconds, I didn't need to speak, he knew what I was going to say, or at least Jarrod or Fable knew exactly what I was going to say.

"Heh...Clive, seriously, what was that crazy thing you were talking about? Accept inclusion of dwarf decorations only on the outside of the party room?" Jarrod commented what I thought.

"Is there a problem? It really doesn't match at all, and would make the whole decor look awful." Clive replied in his usual smug tone.

"Clive, the situation is not that it won't match, and in fact, it matches too much, because dwarves live in cities below the earth and we are creating an environment that resembles a frozen cave. But the main point is that, we need representation of all the three races, my main work is this." Fable commented, taking into account the fact that his main role is to maintain an acceptable environment for all students.

"I agree with Fable, and most of all, if we didn't put anything about the dwarves either in or out of the party, the spoiled, supremacist and stupid nobles who are hiding inside our school would think they are winning by excluding one of the three races." I continued the comment, fixing my hair, I could see Clive's eyes blinking a lot for a moment, as if he didn't expect this answer from me.

"Well, anyway, we're okay with those rustic decorations. But on another topic, Tessia, what kind of dress are you going to wear to the winter party?" Clive caught me off guard with that question, but I soon managed to answer.

"I'll go with... Uh wait, why are you asking this so out of the blue...?"

"Well, I'm going to the party as your date, wouldn't you and I better be matching?" When he said that, I felt like a vein had burst in my forehead and I took a deep breath. In response to that, Fable and Jarrod gave a facepalm, as they already knew what kind of response I would give the member below me.

"Clive... I'm going with Arthur, why did you talk so convinced I'd go with you? You didn't even call me to the party before and just now you said something like that." I replied trying to keep calm.

Even though I didn't want to, it was obvious that I had a crush on Art, especially since we'd started dating unofficially, since for elves, dating instantly leads to marriage. And since I knew from Art's way of being kind of slow with things like that, I decided to respect him that way. But apparently, Clive was the only one on the student council and disciplinary committee who didn't know this, or at least was ignoring it in a level that everyone could call him extreme dumb.

"What...? Him? You're going out with a commoner?!? Are you crazy?!?!" Clive started talking loudly to me, this ended up making Fable and Jarrod look the other way, as they already knew very well now where this subject was going.

"You are the only daughter of elven royalty! I understand that you may not want to go with me, as I am a human... But him?!? A commoner? A commoner instead of a noble?!?!"

"Clive, enough." I said in my authoritative voice, making him shut up a bit. "First of all... My job here is to make myself a great leader, and in my opinion, great leaders don't look at status, they look at people's talent and willpower... Second... The people I have as friends and partner... They are chosen by me, it's my life. If I wanted and felt like, I would go out with even the most rotten and stupid person in this school, instead of the smartest one, I would because my choice is MY CHOICE. I asked Art myself if we could go out to the party with me, and he accepted."

I soon got up from my chair, still staring at Clive who seemed to be surprised by the way I acted. "Besides... You compared to him, in my eyes, are quite silly, you follow rules that are spoken and that now make no sense to exist in the new era that Dicathen is entering. And I bet, that even if I was being student at this school, but not being part of the student council, you would never come to me, you just keep trying something with me, because I am above you, and that's all..."

My words were very hard and rigid against him, but I didn't care, at the moment I wasn't being that rational, even if I managed to hold back, I was being pretty emotional in that situation. I turned around, noticing Jarrod and Fable dumbfounded by the situation they were in.

"I-I think we have things to do today, so see you later." Said Fable, he left the room with Jarrod.

"Hm... I'll also go out... I'll train a little in my special room... See you in Professor Glory's class... Clive." I said, leaving the room too and leaving the vice president of the council alone.

I went towards the training room, after all, it was still 8 am and my first class of the day would be 1 pm with Professor Glory. That way I could calm down a bit, while sinking my thoughts into some combat.

Arriving there, I passed through the large wooden door that only allowed the Eralith, Leywins and my mentor to pass through. The terrain was the usual, a big green field, with some small trees, a water fountain in the center and there were some robots that Professor Gideon created, to be the training dummies of the Leywins, since their fighting style was very aggressive most of the time.

As these robots were in a corner of their own, there weren't that many obstacles to get in my way. I walked to the northeast area of ​​the big training room, where it was the place with the highest density of trees.

"Elderwood Domain..." I activated my first phase, with grass growing around my legs and a dark green glow appearing in my vision. Before my feet were fully attached to the floor, I started moving them slowly from side to side, taking smooth side-steps.

This training consisted of being able to use the first phase and to do some movements at the same time, since normally, the skill I was using, made my body connect to the grass, in a way that I would stay in place all the time. Continuing with the side-steps, going left and right repeatedly, I was carefully lifting one of my hands towards a tree and gradually, a thin vine started to climb it slowly.

"Hm... That'll do..." I said to myself, lowering my hand and making the vine go down, but then I go up the other hand carefully, making another vine climb another tree.

I continued like this several times, that training was exhausting on the same level as if I were doing physical exercises without using any mana in my body. It was even sad to see, that when I'm standing still, being an easy target, the vines I control are dense and destructive, but when I try to do the same while moving, my abilities are extremely reduced.

Lance Alea gave me a tip, saying that possibly I should fight the same way an Elderwood Guardian fights, because maybe this will help me, the only people close who know how this mana beast fights are Art, Luz and Elijah. But until now I haven't had the courage to comment on this subject, because it seems that something very tense happened there, so intense that I feel terrible even trying to mention it.

I had a maximum of 4 hours total to stay here and 1 extra hour for me to eat before Glory's class. During the first hour, I practiced using my first phase while moving, after which I rested for 20 minutes and then spent another hour training my skill, but this time standing still. Clearly the method of not moving was far more powerful than moving.

After another 20 minutes of rest, I started to train wind and water magic, using a wooden sword that was there. But I was soon interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

Looking in that direction, I saw my mentor, along with some people I didn't recognize. "Tessia, I was told you'd be here. As student council president it's best to get to know these people." Goodsky said, approaching me.

"Woaaah... The elf princess... is as cute as they say." a young woman with brown hair and eyes commented, making my cheeks blush slightly, but I kept my expression neutral.

"Diane you silly! Don't talk to royalty like that!" Said a man who appeared to be only a few years older than the girl, he looked at me and bowed, along with another man with dark hair. "Forgive us for our friend's behavior, she has become too relaxed in these times. It is an honor that we will be working with you, Princess Eralith."

"A-ahn... What? Grandma, what are they talking about?" I asked my mentor.

"They are some adventurers who were out of work at the moment. As I told you before, I was hiring some so that there would be no problem at the winter party, regarding the group of rebel nobles. They are all reliable, and I say this for they're acquaintances with a certain elf adventurer you're friends with." She said and winked at me, after a few seconds I realized the whole situation.

"Oh! Are you acquainted with Diamond?" I smirked, saying my "big brother"'s adventurer name is so cool!

"Yes, we are. It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is—" Before the polite adventurer could speak, the dark haired one interrupted.

"Ha! So that freak is friends with a Princess?!? He really is an insane case!" He said it in a very expressive way and with a very strange smile on his face.

"Al, stop it. And at least introduce yourself. Did you forget about the education our mother gave you?" again the polite adventurer spoke, revealing himself to be the brother of the more agitated one.

"Okay.. Geez.. Hello princess, my name is Alexander Lovefall, and this is my brother Jayden." he said with a smirk, but after this, Jayden slapped behind his neck. "Ouch!"

"Hunf.. I'm the oldest between me and my brother, I'm sorry for his ways." the adventurer Jayden spoke, looking right at him, he looked more like an assassin than an adventurer.

"Hmmm... W-well... My name is Diane Whitehall, it's a pleasure to meet you... We've been hired for two jobs for Xyrus Academy, we hope we meet your expectations." when the girl said that, i was confused.

"Two jobs? What are you guys here for besides being party guards?"

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