
Chapter 174 Condensation

James looked around for a sneak attack again, standing still on the the ground.

Although he looked defenseless just standing there, His senses were working to the max and the thrusters were ready to be deployed af any moment with a strong burst to het him out of the situation.

Although he had installed the frequency maxhine on the Armour that part had been damaged so it would not be of any use.

James waited for a few seconds and suddenly he sensed movement, What he found weird was that it didnt look like it was heading towards him.

He followed the movements with his senses and looked towards where a large spike erupted from the ground precisely hitting the opened aura piercing Set's Body.

Confused James just stood there for a few seconds not completely understanding what the hell happened to the frog.

James looked at Optimus and rest and asked them to get away from here because right now they could not help James either way other being simple cannon fodder.

Optimus and the rest reluctantly listened and backed away as James turned his head to look AT Set.

And saw that the particles had completely solidified around its head forming a black head armour revealing only its red glowing eyes as it looked towards me, Failing to realize the existence of the frog, It seemed to have had no information of what had happened prior to his.

The frog to realized this and immediately turned it back on its previous decision and sent spike sand towards James.

James senses went wild as his thrusters activated shooting him up in the air avoiding the attack.

For a second he looked down to see multiple sand spike erupting from the ground rising towards him and wondered whether there was something wrong with frog's head.

"Just how indecisive could it be!"

James body quickly moved once again as he began gathering the particles into a singular point and began to dodge and weave against the multiple sand spike that began to chase after him like a homing missile.

Set looked at James getting closer and wanted to move its body but it couldn't even feel anything from the head below all it could so was cahse minor chaos around James using the sand following him.

The frog didnt have the ability to control wver sand grain perfectly when it was at such large scales and James must already have realized that as James seemed to have some kind of enhanced senses so Set decided to cause a few particles to shift out the order and with its built up momentum attack James like a suprise attack.

That is exactly what Set did as multiple Sand particles moved out of the frog control and began hitting ja.ja.catching by suprise, His senses were already getting overwhelmed observing where all of the sand particles were heading and avoiding going those places but these sand particles broke out of the ordinary and began hitting the Armour like pellets causing small bumps to begin appearing on the Armour.

It didnt affect him so he ignored it heading closer to set.

Set also realized that and tried use it's full forces to hurry the condensation on its body.

The frog realized that simply following James wasnt doing it and James seemed to be able to predict where it was going so the frog decided to completely surround James and stop him from heading towards Set and move him away for there location.

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