
Pushing Buttons

-Stetson POV-

The time for the ball to begin was approaching. Thanks to the king, I was seated next to the princess's friends for dinner. Just then, the girls and their parents entered the hall. They bowed to the king and made their way to their seats, both girls grinning at me. It appeared I would be sitting next to the younger of the two. We greeted each other with a nod, and turned to the door waiting for the princess to be announced.

"All hail Princess Estelle Joyce Windsor of Kingdom of Criba, and royal heir to the Criban throne!"

All conversations immediately stopped and everyone's eyes shot towards the door. There she was. My breath hitched, and I stood frozen. She was a sight to behold, a polished gem. Her purple gown and amethyst jewelry tying together perfectly. Her raven black hair was done up so neatly. Her golden eyes showed nothing but love for her people.

It was a slight nudge in my left side that broke me of my trance, reminding me to bow as she walked by. I shared a look at the young lady next me, and she grinned knowing she caught me drooling over her friend.

Attentions turned to the king as he made his speech. Everyone cheered and clapped in response.

"You must be the additional suitor," the young lady spoke to me.

She filled her plate with various foods, while I focused on the beautifully done meat.

"Ah yes, news must travel fast here," I responded with a grin.

"Not quite, my father is the king's right hand, so we hear about everything before anyone else."

"That explains your seating being so close to the king," I said to make conversation. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what can you tell me about the princess? Care to give me a leg up from the competition?"

"And what makes you so deserving of one?" the older sister piped in.

"I'm not sure. Maybe it's the fact that I have acquired the king's blessing already? Or maybe it's because you two would prefer it if the princess chose me, leaving two of her other suitors for you? Do not think I didn't notice the two of you fawning over the other suitors." I said with a sly grin.

The older sister looked at me distastefully while the younger only blushed, trying to hide her face behind her napkin.

"Let's say your accusations are true. There is still one other you must compete with. Why shouldn't we help him?" she countered.

"Because he cannot give her what she wants. A sense of mystery and adventure. I could almost guarantee her life with him would be dull and boring, whereas with me, the mysterious foreigner from beyond the Kingdom of Criba, could give her a life of discovery."

The older sister seemed to ponder over my word, and finally she nodded in agreement. "Alright then. We shall help you."

Throughout the rest of the meal and gift opening, they shared with me things that the princess did and did not like. What her attitude was like, and some of her tastes. Giving me caution to not press her too much. I listened carefully, noting every word they spoke, and looking forward to my chance to speak with her.

"You don't seem to be too hungry, Mr. Scott. Are you unwell?" the younger sister asked. "You only served yourself meat, and you have barely touched it."

"Sorry, but I suppose I am a bit nervous."

"Do you not like the beverages here either?"

"Ah, that, I have already discussed with your king. My stomach cannot handle Criban drinks. Instead, I have brought my own," I motioned to my flask.

"Could I try some?"

"Dee! You cannot just ask others for their drink! It's quite rude!" her older sister scolded.

"It's alright, Miss…"


"Miss Sabina. What a beautiful name."

"Her real name is Candace." the younger one chirped with a devilish smirk. I could tell she enjoyed messing with her sister.

I raised a questioning brow and looked at Miss Sabina.

She cringed. "I hate that name and she knows it! Please do not address me as such. I prefer my middle name."

"Very well. And to answer your question, young lady, I am sorry, but I must decline you a sip of my drink." She looked disappointed, but I continued. "It is much too strong, and it is not fitting for a young lady," I lied.

"Fine, but someday, you better let me try some," she said, leaving no room for argument.

"As you wish, but I can guarantee you will not like it," I quipped.


-Estelle POV-

The others had left for the ballroom to join the guests. The only ones who remained were my newly appointed queen's guard James, myself, and Stetson. James stood by the exit to give my fiance and I our privacy.

Stetson and I stood, staring into each other's eyes. Neither of us were willing to break the silence. After what felt like eternity, I swear I saw a few flecks of something. Maybe it was just from staring at them for so long, or maybe he wasn't truly who he said he was. I could almost feel a certain energy coming from him that I hadn't felt before. I finally broke the silence.

"What are you hiding, Mr. Scott?"

"Are those really your first words to your new beloved?"

"Yes, now answer the question, Stetson," I persisted.

"First name basis already?" he quipped with a smirk. He knew he was pushing my buttons. "Don't you think we are moving things along a bit fast? I mean at this pace we would be wed by morning, and you'll be with child by noon."

My eyes grew wide at his insulation and boldness. My neck and face felt hot, I knew I was a bright shade of red from embarrassment.

"Don't worry dear. As flattered as I am by how fast you want to take things, I insist we get to know each other first. And we can start by attending your ball."

I was now red with anger. He was avoiding my question. "No, we can start by answering my question. Do not make me repeat myself."

"Or what, Princess?"

"James!" I called out, and he rushed to my side. "Please, take Mr. Scott to his chambers."

"Sorry James, but there will be no need. I will escort myself out to go retrieve my horse from just outside the capital. Upon my return, Elle, I expect a dance from my betrothed." With that, he turned and left the hall. Leaving me next to James, stunned.

The audacity of this man. It was as if he was a child.

Hello all!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. We get to see more of what kind of character Stetson will be like...if Stetson is even his real name...mwahahaha

Enjoy Reading!

RoxxyPrincecreators' thoughts
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