
Chapter 5


I knew very well Gabriela had seen me, mostly because of the look on her face when she saw me, or so I thought. The only thing I was sure of was that when I was arriving, she was entering the campus with Marcos glued to her as always. I don't really know why I was jealous of him, maybe it was because he had a good relationship with her, or because it was obvious, she loves him a lot, even though it wasn't the way I thought it was. They were just good friends, she herself told me once before we were a couple, but since I'm an asshole, I lost her. Now I'm going to fight for her and get her to forgive me. I don't really know how I'm going to do it, but I was going achieve it. 

"Hey Alex, don't you think you should forget about her? She doesn't want to see you; I don't know why you insist." Dani said next to me and I denied. It was more than clear I'm not going to be able to forget about her "Because I want Dani and above all because I can. I'll leave her alone once she tells me, there's going to be no other way for me to do it, but in the meantime, I'll do everything in my power to get her to at least forgive me." 

"Okay, okay, I didn't mean to offend you." he assured "Well, if you don't want to do it, please don't say again I should forget about her, because I'm not going to do it. She's the love of my life." I answered sincerely "I understand, but now I have a question." replied "Which one?" 

"What does your mother say about you being in the same college as her?" she asked and I shrugged, because the last thing I wanted was for my mom to know I'm in the same college as her. "She doesn't know I'm at the same college as her." 

"And don't you think about how she might react when she finds out?" he asked and I shrugged again "What she tells me, I don't care okay? My grandmother supports me and that's the only thing that matters to me. My mother will understand if she wants to and if not, no, but that's not my problem." I assured "Then your grandmother isn't angry with her?" 

"You already know how my grandmother is and she supports me in everything, especially with Gabriela. Thanks to her I'm at this college." I replied with a smile on my face "Did your grandmother find out she was in this university?" he asked surprised and I nodded "Yes, and I don't know how. She never told me." 

"And I don't think she does, if there's something she doesn't do, which is where she gets her information from, but it would have to be someone close to her for her to know." he assured, and I had never thought about it, but I'm also completely sure no one in Gabriela's family, nor anyone close to her would say something like that to my grandmother. 

"No one from her family and friends would tell her. They were close when everything happened between us" I replied "And that's why your mother is angry with you. Because of you, she lost her relationship with Gabriela's family." he said and I nodded "It couldn't be any other way. They got along well before what happened between us. I still don't know how it is we didn't meet before if they got along so well." 

"I can't answer that anymore. But now something I don't understand. How come you coincide in the technical drawing class with Gabriela? Is she studying architecture?" he asked and I denied "No, I remember she loved to draw so I imagine she's studying something to do with drawing." 

"Well, in this university that has to do with drawing, apart from architecture, is Fine Arts. Is that what is she studying?" he asked and thinking about it, it could be "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." 

"Of course, you have to find out everything that has to do with Gabriela, right?" he said, rolling his eyes "Of course I do, I want to know everything about her." I assured "But you already know a lot about her, why do you want to know more." 

"Because eight years have passed since the last time we spoke and I suppose after what we did to her, everyone in the class and especially I, she would change. Besides, people change, you should know that." I replied "Of course I know, you have changed a lot since that happened to your grandmother." 

"And I regret having gotten into so much trouble. If I could go back, I wouldn't get into any trouble." I assured, or at least in so many "You don't do it anymore and she's fine, it's the most important thing but now let's go to class, I don't want to be late." 

We went to class, but I was thinking about Gabriela and whether I was going to give her space to think about what I told her yesterday, because, after all, it was a lot of information to digest. First of all, she has to believe it and then we would see what she did. The most important thing for me was she was well and comfortable, something doesn't seem like it since I saw her, but I was going to do everything in my power to make her feel comfortable and we at least get along. 

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