
Azure Flames

A loud "boom" which brought about a light quake sounded in the dungeon passageway, originating from the collision of Seth's fist and the bar in front of him.

Despite the little ruckus which Seth's action had caused, the bars stood firm, not a single dent or crack appearing in them.

"You're really strong, but your resistance is futile" Ella commented.

"You see, any place in this dungeon can be turned into a cell, and the seal that makes this possible was given as a gift to Edwin's great grandfather, it comes from a higher level world, and till this day, there has never been any record of someone breaking out of it' Ella explained to Seth who was running his hand over the red bars.

Despite there being gaps between the bars, these gaps weren't empty as Seth's hand could feel a thin barrier covering them, and it was this thin barrier he had thus punched, and yet his punch had been totally ineffective.

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