
Chapter 94

"Thanks for having my back!" Frisk said quietly as Burgerpants walked over to his little buddy and gave him a side hug.

"No problem, little dude," Burgerpants replied. "Don't worry about anything, alright? You've paid for your mistakes already. Now, we have to make Mettaton pay for his. After all, the bastard made me stay behind with a vengeful maniac."

Frisk's eyes darted away in shame before Burgerpants placed his hand on his shoulder. Frisk looked up in time for Burgerpants to give him a wink.

"They're gonna stop cheerin' eventually, little buddy," Burgerpants said. "We have to find something to play. Just look at the ratings."

To Frisk's dismay, the ratings had raised by 200 points. The ratings were at 10,000, and the fight still raged on the monitor screen behind him.

"Oh, crap," Frisk said quietly. "Burgerpants, what are we going to do? The ratings only got higher."

"We need to play something offensive, Frisk," Burgerpants said. "Something that will disgust them all so much that they'll leave without a second thought. Do you know any offensive songs? Like something that'll really piss people off?"

"Oh, yeah," Frisk said. "My Mom loved playing dark songs. She also taught me how to play them under the condition that I wouldn't share them with other people until I got older."

"Well, you're older now. Aren't you?" Burgerpants said with a smile.

"Yep," Frisk said. "And I know just which one to play. It's a song called 'Dirty Night Clowns.' Have you ever heard of it?"


"Well, my mom said it was about a pedophile who got away with his crime."

Burgerpants stared at Frisk in shock as the audience died down some more.

"What?" Frisk responded in confusion. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Frisk, do you know what a pedophile is?" Burgerpants asked in concern.

"Uh, yeah," Frisk said in annoyance. "I know what a pedophile is. I'm not stupid. What about it?"

"What do you think a pedophile is?" Burgerpants asked nervously.

"It's a sick person who wants to date kids and be romantic with them even though they're too old for them," Frisk replied sassily. "Duh."

"Oh, okay," Burgerpants said breathing a sigh of relief.

"Why did you ask?"

"Uh, don't worry about it, kid."

"Do you think it'll offend people?"

"Oh, it'll offend people," Burgerpants replied. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah!" Frisk said. "I'll gesture to you when I want you to play. You just need one drum for this one."

"Whatever you say, kid," Burgerpants said getting back to his seat. "Let me know when you're ready."

Frisk gave Burgerpants a thumbs up and went back to his piano bench. The audience took that as a cue to quiet down so Frisk could perform again.

Frisk smiled at the camera and said, "This next song reminds me of Mettaton."

Burgerpants' expression twisted in horror as Frisk played the opening whimsical yet serious harmony that grew more complex with every play.

Nonetheless, Burgerpants went along with him when Frisk gestured towards him with his head to play along to be the song's underlying rhythm.

When Burgerpants had played the drum for several measures, Frisk began to sing, "Pick me up. Hose me down. I'm sorry, boys, about the dirty night clowns. The Earth does break the things that we make like model planes and cuppy cakes."

Frisk played a few instrumental measures before he gestured to Burgerpants to stop drumming and continued singing, "I can't clear the leaves from here. They're too far under the brush this year. I can't clear the leaves from here. They're too far under the brush this year."

Frisk nodded his head signaling Burgerpants to play again and continued singing, "Let them be buried, buried alive, in their suits, in their ties. Trees that shade the moves that they made, in their suits, in their ties. Let them be buried, buried alive, in their suits, in their ties. You're safe here now. You're in the clear. Now, we'll eat soup and apple pies."

Frist gestured to Burgerpants to stop playing again so he could sing the chorus, "I can't clear the leaves from here. They're too far under the brush this year. I can't clear the leaves from here. They're too far under the brush this year."

Burgerpants started playing again without Frisk having to gesture to him and the latter continued singing, "I will never be…dirt-free. Up the stairs come find me. Come sneak up behind me. I'll be sleeping soundly. L-i-i-ike a baby!"

Frisk gestured for Burgerpants to stop playing while he played several chords to let the message sink in. Despite the hatred he felt towards Mettaton, Burgerpants had a really bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Frisk gestured for Burgerpants to play again and started singing while his chords returned to being as simple as they were in the beginning, "La-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. La-da-da-da-da-da-da! La-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. La-da-da-da-da-da-da!"

Frisk took his hands off the piano signaling Burgerpants to do the same as he sang the closing acapella, "I can't clear the leaves from here. They're too far under the brush this year."

Frisk played the song's closing harmony while Burgerpants followed along with the song's closing melody.

When Frisk finished playing, he stood up expecting a chorus of disgusted boos but instead found to his disappointment that everyone was applauding. Well, everyone in the audience.

Burgerpants, Inferno, Mettaton, Undyne, Sans, Toriel, Alphys, River, Calibri, and Napstablook all had their mouths hanging agape in their respective locations.

"Undyne?" Papyrus asked innocently from the battlefield. "What's the matter?"

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