
Adrik visits Atthy

146 Adrik visits Atthy

Ruvi is worried and panicked because he continues to feel guilty about what happened to Atthy, but Halvir tries to keep Ruvi calm, so he can hear the story properly.

Halvir then began to recount the chronology of the events of Adrik who imprinted Atthy on Ruvi, making him sigh and stroke his chest.

"Really, what a strange fate... just when we solved Gavriel and Dira's problem, another incident happened again. Both incidents are related to us. I'm sorry Halvir, this is the second time we have made a mistake regarding your family. Mother and daughter experienced the same thing. Sigh...” Ruvi exclaimed while letting out a long heavy sigh.

"Ruvi, I'm not finding fault with you guys!... What has happened, can't be changed. We just have to face it. Gavriel understands it, and so does Anindira... but, Ruvi, you should know too, we won't take it for granted !" Halvir exclaimed firmly.

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