
Vol. 2 Chapter 45: Evolution Extravaganza

I opened my eyes, and My three glowing Poke-Girls were waiting for me with a rainbow glow surrounding each of them. They all looked like they were ready to explode with excitement, but I put up my hands to stop them all.

"Wait! Go to your habitats, and I will come to see you in the order you were each caught," I told them all and Popsicle cheered while Leilani and Finny sighed. "Don't worry. I promise not to talk long, and then we can spend some time together tonight, okay?"

My Finneon and Ralts nodded and then vanished as Popsicle jumped in my arms with an infectious smile. "Can we go now, master?"

I smiled, and I closed my eyes and opened them back up again in the meadow of Popsicle's habitat with her still in my arms. Popsicle jumped out of my arms and then did a twirl before stopping to clasp her hands together. She looked so cute and excited, but I was wondering what kind of changes the evolution would bring for her.

"Ready?" I asked and Popsicle nodded. I pulled up my menu, selected the evolution option, and confirmed it.

The rainbow light that surrounded Popsicle sucked into her body, and she began to glow white. I could see her body changing as she grew a bit taller with a more lean, and toned body with visible muscles. Her head started to morph into a shape more human, but she still kept her long pointed yellow-tipped ears. She ended up losing most of the fur covering her face, but this extended in an oval shape down past her breast to between her legs. The skin under was as white as snow, but she still had her puffy tail poking out from the back. Her legs and arms gained more definition, and her feet and hands changed to look more like human feet, but with the same color fur.

Finally, Popsicle's form stabilized, and she was breathing heavily. She stood there looking at her new form, and then she started to laugh. "It is so nice to have a more human form! I can't wait to try out some new clothes!"

Before I could react, Popsicle did a standing backflip and then started to shadowbox. After that, she tried out a few kicks and then turned to me with a dazzling smile. "Master! This new body feels amazing! I watched Nemona and Lusamine training, but my body couldn't do the things that they could! But look at me now, master!"

I watched as Popsicle did another front flip, and landed on her feet, but when she landed, she didn't hold it. She lost her balance and fell on her back. I rushed forward to help her, but she was already on her feet again.

"I am sorry. That was embarrassing," Popsicle said with a blush, but then she jumped into my arms and kissed me, but it was different this time.

I was used to her body being more furry, and her mouth being smaller. Now I could feel her naked toned body press into mine, along with her supple lips that seemed to be even more sensitive. When she pulled back from the kiss, I saw that her eyes were a bit misty.

"Sorry, master. I can't help it. I have been getting more and more attracted to you, and now I just can't resist kissing you," Popsicle apologized, and I reached up and cupped her cheek.

"Don't be sorry, Popsicle. You are very beautiful, and you can kiss me all you want," I told her, and her blush deepened, but then she pushed me back.

"You have to go see the others. Thank you for this, Master. Now go make the other two happy!" Popsicle cheered, and I smiled and closed my eyes, opening them at the edge of Finny's pond. I waited, but she was staying under the water, so I activated her evolution.

I could see her glowing form under the water burst with light, but soon the glow faded, and I could see her swim up to the surface. The first thing that I noticed was that she didn't have a dress, and she had human legs. She swam to the edge and sat on the bank with her feet in the water, I was about to walk over, but she looked up at me with a smile.

"Master! I know I shouldn't worry, but I hope you like my new body!" Finny said and then jumped up, but the stubbled on her wobbly legs.

I caught her, my hands cupping over her now bigger dark blue breasts that had a light blue wavy line running across them. I could feel her nipples against my palms, and I had to keep myself from looking down at them. I helped Finny regain her balance, but her cheeks were burning bright red.

"Oh my! Master that feels nice! These things a much bigger than before, and it is quite a sensation! Oh! Look! I have legs, too!" Finny exclaimed, and I was forced to release her because she wiggled out of my grip, and she dove back into the water to do a few laps around the pond.

"I still need to practice using these things!" Finny laughed as she came back over to the edge.

"You are doing great, Finny. I am just glad that you are happy," I told her, she climbed out of the pool, and I got my first really good look at her new body.

Finny was about 5'5 with light blue hair that faded to dark blue now flowing down her back. Her breasts were bigger than Popsicle's, and her nipples were a bright light blue. She was also much curvier than Popsicle with a more adult look to her. She had a bit of definition in her arms and legs, but nothing compared to Popsicle. Her feet were still a bit webbed, but she had human legs and feet, she still had a tail that had a blue light on the end that pulsed in a mesmerizing pattern.

Finny reached out and grabbed my hand. "Master. I can't thank you enough for all this! I love being a Pokémon, but I have never had a human form before, and I can't wait to play with you tonight!"

Finny gave me a quick hug and then pulled away with a giggle, and she disappeared in a flash of rainbow light. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes back up in Ralts' habitat. Leilani was already there, and I was surprised to see her sitting down in a meditative pose with her eyes closed. She had green hair, but she only wore a white tube top because her body created a dress that covered her more private features.

rather than bother her, I sat down in front of her and mimicked her pose. The moment I did, I felt a psychic connection form with my mind.

'Hello, Master. Thank you for joining me like this. I hope that you can please wait and remain this way until my transformation is complete. Since I am the last, I would like to try and make this special,' Lealani's voice said in my mind, and I nodded my head.

"Sure, I can do that," I said with a smile, keeping my eyes closed and selecting the evolution option, confirming it.

The rainbow light surrounded Leilani and began to glow brightly. I could feel her mind in my head, and I could feel a little bit of fear. She was worried about what her new body was going to be like. She didn't want to be ugly.

I projected an image of myself holding her in my arms, and her eyes opened, and she looked right at me. 'Master? You think I will be beautiful?'

'No. I don't think you will be beautiful, I know that you will," I said with a smile, without opening my eyes. "Your final step is one of the most beautiful Pokémon out there, Gardevoir. I can't imagine that your evolution to Kirlia will be any less cute than you already are."

I felt Leilani's mind smile, and her body began to shift and I watched it happen in my mind as well. Her legs grew out, and her face became more defined with two red blades that grew out of the top of her head. Her feet also lost the webbing that she had before. Her arms also changed, and they became longer, and she grew a bit taller as well. Finally, her hair grew long down her back, and it became white, but she still kept the green ends.

When the light finally faded, I opened my eyes to see one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Leilani was standing before me, and she had a blush on her cheeks, but she was smiling. Her hair was long, but she had two bangs framing her face, and she was wearing a dress that was the same color as her skin, but it was a bit lighter. She was very slender, and her breasts were just the right size to fill my hands.

"How do I look?" Leilani asked, and I smiled as I got to my feet and walked over to her.

I reached out and took her hands in mine. "Leilani. You look amazing! I can't believe how much you have changed."

"I feel different. More mature. I feel like I can understand things better now," Leilani explained, and then she wrapped her arms around me, pulling herself into my arms, and kissing me.

I was caught off guard, but I returned the kiss as I wrapped my arms around her waist, and held her. She was much different and softer than Popsicle, and I enjoyed having her body against mine. When she finally pulled away, I was out of breath.

"Thank you, Master. Thank you for everything! This is all so new, and I am a bit scared, but you being here helps me," Leilani told me, and I smiled at her.

"You are welcome, Leilani. You and the other two are amazing, and you deserve everything that you are going to get here on Prisma!" I told her, and she smiled and hugged me again, but this time, I felt a tingling feeling in my body, but I pushed it down. I would scratch that itch and a few more later, but the day was still young!

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