
ID software

Raimon walked behind Billy, while Billy followed Anne, who held all her resentment toward the company's presidents and operations director. This could only be an excuse to throw at Raimon the tax review of fast food and hotel companies, perhaps... also the new payments to suppliers, after all, he did a great job when recommended, yes... let him take care of the restaurant simultaneously, the company's new dining room, which featured an outdoor tent and two food carts, along with microwave service, taking advantage of the available green areas. They had almost 9 acres of unused land.

-You'll have work at your desk since you don't have much to do, - she said Pointing at Raimon, who fled to his office, only to be met with Rachel's disapproving look, who just crossed her arms and continued to talk about childish behavior, forgiving Billy because he must have been tired from his work as an actor.

Raimon lowered his head, but inside, he was amused; it had been a long time since he had enjoyed himself so freely.

-As for you, we have a meeting with ID software immediately about the company's expansion. The year has been a boom for video games, and we are relevant, about the next steps we must consider. Our new official administrator argues for the purchase of a game studio or a software company, - said Anne, opening the door of her office. As a man sitting, wearing a leather jacket, tall, what caught his attention the most was the composure and coldness with which he behaved, he was a man to be feared. Unbeknownst to him, there was another on the balcony, wearing a tight combat military suit.

-Who are these? - asked Billy.

-Your bodyguards, let me introduce you to Mr. Erwin Kyle, retired US sergeant," pointing to the man in the suit, "member of the US Special Forces, served for seventeen years, decorated with two medals for his outstanding valor in combat, has been tested, knows four fighting styles, and is an expert in weapons," pointing to the next, "Douglas Sing." This is our chosen tough guy, again a member of the US Navy, who has been on the front lines in light combat units in reconnaissance, assault, and sabotage, where's Leo? - asked Anne.

-Mr. Hatcocok is doing rounds around the perimeter, identifying possible security breaches to solidify the company's security system, - said Erwin Kyle.

Billy felt like whistling. These guys looked tough. - I'm Billy Carson, nice to meet you, - he said.

They both nodded in a military salute. - We're here to serve you; for now, we'll be entrenched in your security, we'll be your shadows, - responded the US senior sergeant.

'He'll ask Anne about this later,' Billy thought, watching how these guys behaved.

-Well, now that the introductions have been made, let's get into the important stuff. You should know that Richard Boll is the new official administrator. Our company has an excess of income, and we've already discussed that it's best to make some purchases of companies that have caused a stir in development. He made reports and pointed out the chosen companies, - said Anne.

The folder listed twelve companies; interestingLucasArts was ly, among the companies to Arts. Old George kept expanding his company, albeit shortly in different games that, at first glance, seemed few, but they were bold and quick plays.

The highlighted companies are Interplay Entertainment, Sierra Online, and Midway Games.

What stood out most about Interplay Entertainment was the game Baldur's Gate, a failure; the proposal was rejected. However, he knows that the essence is special for this type of video game, a game that would mark as one of the most popular RPGs in the world. Well, many lists of companies, all the gaming companies were present, even a new one that was not highlighted, Blizzard Company.

-You're right, acquiring a Parallax software company is one of the best purchases we can make if we want to expand our market. Let's acquire the rights and codes of Baldur's Gate. There's Raven Software, which also caught my attention for its alternative approach to making video games. However, the real gem is Blizzard Entertainment; even though people may not notice, they have very innovative ideas, - said Billy.

After a 30-minute read on all the US companies, which weren't many but enough to talk about.

-Why would you buy a company that reported losses last year? - Anne asked.

-These guys have confidentiality clauses, - Billy replied.

-They're on a trial period, - Anne said.

-They have confidentiality clauses. What I'm about to say is trade secret, worth billions of dollars, private information, - Billy said.

-We understand. But we have confidentiality clauses. Our work specializes in protecting big businessmen, public figures, politicians, and high-risk entities. We can step out if you wish, - said Erwin.

Jim looked through all the companies and eventually asked for a favor from James Cameron, who connected him with a special security services company.

-Alright, since we're talking about the service they'll provide, real-time strategy, they were recently acquired by Davidson & Associates. This seems like a desperate purchase from a company that distributes educational games, while Blizzard distributes war games. I believe they're hoping to be bought. We have many war series in our game repertoire, but this one, in particular, can help us advance in online gaming. They'll likely sell it again, - said Billy.

-So, you want to buy Blizzard based on your hunch that it will help expand internet-connected games? - Anne questioned, still doubtful about making a purchase based on personal inductions.

-I can bet my company that, with the right service, Blizzard will grow unprecedentedly. Along with the tradition of sharing information, we can analyze that ID software could acquire the tricks these companies work on. Send Steve Parks to purchase the company; there's no one else I trust, and tell Davidson & Associates that we can provide contacts at universities, much more profitable than war games, - said Billy.

-We'll call Richard Boll; he'll give you his ideas on what may or may not be particularly interesting to us. He's an expert on video games, - said Anne, dialing a Texas phone number.

The bodyguards simply stayed in their places, but now they saw the arrogant style of the boy, not much older than a nephew of Erwin Kyle. That's why he needs protection; a great businessman always has some enemies along the way.

Richard Boll was as prompt as always and picked up the phone in an instant. Anne didn't have time to wander about more on the hows and whys. She got straight to the point.

-Richard, I just spoke with Billy; he agrees to the acquisitions of Parallax Software and Raven Software. However, he mentions that he prefers the purchase of Blizzard Entertainment over Interplay Entertainment, - said Anne.

-Well, these are things I still can't quite grasp. But his reasons... I'll pass them on to you, - said Richard, extending the phone to Billy.

-Good morning, Mr. Carson, - said Richard over the phone.

-Richard, good day. I hope to go to Texas in a few days to see the state of the company and discuss the reports. I've been closely monitoring the company's progress; I hope everything is in order, - said Billy.

-Yes, we have a very suitable working environment. You can come whenever you want, - said Richard.

-I'm glad to hear that. Well, although Interplay has a keen eye for games, the composition of video games, in my opinion, is based on two main ideas: that they are fun, catchy, and entertaining, and that people are willing to play them. That's why we ask you to expand the teams and create a marketing and sales team. Now, Blizzard offers real-time strategy games, meaning logical units that allow playing these games against a technological unit to be shared with different people worldwide, tactical units. Beyond that, from Doom, we've created an online gaming service. If we can duplicate this pattern in our games, in ten years, our efforts will be rewarded, - said Billy.

-Online gaming, however, how certain are we that online games will be represented as important in the future? -Richard Coll asked.

-A gamble, it's a gamble. A hunch as Anne calls it, but you can bet a lot on something I believe to be so. I've already given the order to Steve Parks; he'll handle the negotiations with Blizzard. You can sweet-talk Parallax and Raven Software, - said Billy.

Richard, taken aback, could only follow suit. He hadn't been in the company for long, and his proposal had already been heard. He didn't have to fight against the tide; he knew that in the coming months or years, he could have a more solid opinion to deliver.

-Yes, sir, I'll handle all the arrangements for the negotiations, - said Richard.

-Perfect, and have a good day, Richard, - said Billy.

Anne had been listening to everything and realized that there was no turning back. The expansion of ID Software was planned in such a way that in the next thirty days, the expansion would be the decision that would shape the future of the gaming company.

The new purchases made were necessary for the company's future. ID Software had another monumental task: to perfectly execute one of the biggest games in history.

Billy Carson:

Drawing: 33,009

Literature: 32,000

Acting: 34,050

Points: 000]


Resident Evil – 45 points.Before Trilogy – 14 points.Forza Horizon – 30 points.Star Wars – 45 points.Ed, Edd, and Eddy – 15 points.The Boys – 15 points.Silent Hill – 20 points.


From his portfolio, he pulled out a small comic titled Resident Evil, with all eyes set on its publication.

-I want you to publish this next week. No matter the cost, this comic will only have parts published in a non-specific order. However, the important thing is to make a video game. I'll sit down to create all the models for the next few days, I'll take a flight to Texas in two weeks, - said Billy.

-Before that, you must head to San Diego. They're waiting for you at Microsoft, and we can't decline. They bought the largest subscription package, $14 million, for 250 teams from Pixar Studio, - said Anne.

-Wow. -


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