
Chapter 5: Finally, it's starting- The visit.

--------Prasad house, Baker Street, London-----

As a shut-in nerd in my past life, my days were filled with anime, manga, and endless fanfiction. But since my rebirth in this magical world, I realize most of that fanfiction is just pure fiction.

Independence, once taken for granted, is rare in my new life. My freedom is limited to the park in front of my house—no adventures to the Leaky Cauldron, no visits to Gringotts, and no waving wands.

Gone are the days of trying to become an author or giving futile business advice to my stubborn father. That bull-headed man will never listen to anyone, least of all his son.

Entertainment here is far from developed, which is ironic since it's the reason I've achieved so much.

With lots of free time and few distractions, I've been able to focus on honing my skills and expanding my knowledge.

[AI Profile

Name: Arjun Prasad 

Age: 11 years a

Wizard: Muggle born 

Physique: Under-12 karate champion

Charm: First-year level>Lumos: Mastered

Variants: Lumos Duo - Mastered, Lumos Maxima - Mastered, Lumos Solem - 52/100

>Wingardium Leviosa: Mastered

>Accio: 5/100

>Alohomora: Mastered

>Aberto: Mastered

Transfiguration: First-year level

>Transformation: Matchstick to needle - Completed


Incendio: 1/100 Augumenti: 1/100 Skills:

Medical knowledge: Postgraduate level in Medicine, Pediatrics, Human Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry

Programming: Computer science student

Social studies: Graduate level [Enjoys reading about politics and history] 

Magical reserves: 10 L (L = Lumos - 2 basic units + 1 cast unit )

[Author's Note: L represents the official units for magic reserves from now on.]


I heard the door knock, along with my mother's voice. "Arjun, come down. Someone is here to see you."

My best achievement is privacy.

Seriously, it took my first tantrum in years to afford it.






I went down into the living room with a run, where my family was seated. My thoughts halted as I saw the visitor.

Facing me was a tall, black-haired woman clad in emerald-green robes. Her face was so stern it could give some competition to my dad. Her demeanour screamed out she wanted everyone to be firm and proper with no mistakes. I did not need any foreknowledge to know that.

It is the same appearance my dad projects as an industrialist.

Yep, Dad finally established his chemical industry, ATHUL Labs - Manufacturers of Intermediate drugs, in the Pharma Field.

Minerva McGonagall, in the canon timeline which I assume is the one I reincarnated, is the deputy Headmistress and Head of the Transfiguration department of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Good morning, Mr. Prasad. I am Minerva McGonagall, Deputy principal of Hogwarts; a boarding school for gifted children, children like you." Professor McGonagall introduced herself as she put down the teacup. "You should take a seat, young man."

I did as I was told, keeping a watchful eye on her all the while.

"Gifted? I guess I did well in classes - ranking first, sports and even won the under-12 karate competition." All these achievements in their own right are impressive for a kid. Something I can see has impressed her. 

Though most of my genuine achievements are in the dark, even in school seeing there is no need for brute force for graduation since I was waiting for a Hogwarts letter. Besides, I didn't waste my time in classes. Just like the other kids, I was learning. They were learning the course, while I continued my private study using AI, which is the best tool for learning.

Knocking these thoughts away, I came back to the point I was making, "But to warrant sending a recruiter, much less the deputy headmistress, is weird. Also, please use my given name, as everyone here is Prasad. Since, with your position or age, there is no need to be formal with a kid like me."


My reply was mature. However, my feelings were something else compared to the controlled reply I gave.

She showed no change in her thoughts and simply took her seat. My father, the autocrat of the house, bluntly asked her, "Excuse me, I do not know what kind of school you are from. I did not hear Hogwarts–"

"Hogwarts, sir, ends with 'ts,' not 'ds.' You see, sir, Hogwarts is a school that may be one of the oldest schools in the world, easily dating back centuries." She corrected him calmly, her confidence unwavering.

Turning towards me, she spoke with utmost confidence in her words. "You are gifted, Mr. Arjun. Gifted with something most people could only dream about, of that I know." She started, looking into my eyes to convey her sincerity. "You might have found yourself in strange situations before, seen things you thought impossible."

I felt excitement bubbling up within me. Unlike the others in the room, I knew the context of the matter. While magic is an incredible power, hiding it all these years and the slow progress had depressed me for a long time.

Most importantly, it was the words that she was about to utter that almost gave me an adrenaline rush.

"It is magic." She gave me the slightest of smiles before adding the fateful words, "And you, Mr. Arjun, are a wizard."

Even after years of using magic on my lonesome, hearing another person tell me that made my emotions jump like a roller coaster.

I couldn't contain my happiness and laughter burst out of me, not caring if my family or she misunderstood whether I was laughing at her, probably assuming I was laughing at her words.

My dad could be considered a true tyrant in work or personal life. I could already feel his anger rising from her words. I forced my laughter down, hoping to stop him before he exploded, but I wasn't in time.

"No offence, ma'am, but I cannot believe such ridiculous claims. You look educated enough not to say such stupid things. You can get out of my house," my dad snapped, his words sharp and cutting.

And there he was, my dad, followed by an incoherent noise from the rest of my family.

My mother tried to console him, while my brother struggled to calm him down. Unfortunately, they were always wrong in the way they handled these tasks.

My mother shouted at him, while my brother simply told him he was wrong to insult people in anger.

Pointing out my dad's mistakes. Here, the apparent disrespect to the elderly woman only made him angrier, like showing a red flag to a bull. Ahh, the blissful chaos of a family.

Though, it seemed I had done a good job of hiding my magic since they didn't believe her words. Before I could intervene, as the one person who knew the way to calm him down was with slow talk and proper explanation, Miss Minerva drew her wand from her sleeve with a flick of her hand.

A firm, decisive move saw the tip of her wand glow slightly; magic so concentrated it became visible.

Fuck me. The dining table turned into a large Siberian tiger.

Minerva calmly stroked the long tiger as it purred at her feet, casting a spell of awe and shock among the rest of the room. Seeing the magic in action, live and tangible, was truly incredible.

The stern woman explained her position with a serious expression as she addressed us, "I am no joker, Mr. Prasad. Rather, I am one of the foremost experts in the art of transformation magic - Transfiguration. Please take a seat and listen to me."

During the talk, she explained the magical world to my dad, covering rules and laws. I learned that Muggleborns have had basic rights, like gender equality, for thousands of years. This surprised me and challenged my fanfiction-based prejudices.

However, she didn't mention other issues, like the power of Purebloods or corruption in the wizarding world. She also didn't talk about the fate of other magical races or different laws. In many societies, powerful people often have fewer legal restrictions because of their wealth or authority

As the discussion went on, my family understood that, like any world, the magical one has its own complexities and injustices, despite its wonders. It was a lot to take in, but they are understanding. Any good family will support their budding wizard child to learn magic, even if they are not blessed with it. They will support it all the more because their family member was blessed with such a unique power.

I can say with complete confidence, for all their flaws, my family is good. I don't need the best, just my family is enough for many lives.




Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand sorcerer, Chief Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, ICW)


Dear Mr. Prasad,

You have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I have enclosed a list of all the books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress[2]

Second page




People might wonder how I currently feel. Like many things, it is something you need to experience to understand it. No words, no image would be enough to describe what I am feeling. It was simply magic.

"I am going to Hogwarts."






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