
Chapter 352 Still Kung Fu

"Don't come, you coming is of no use... wait for us to evacuate... over!"

Li Yang took over for Li Jingang on the radio, and while he spoke, his sniper rifle kept firing. In the brief time it took to say that sentence, he had fired twice.

If a sniper rifle is shooting at such a fast pace, it can only mean that the situation is really dire.

Gao Yuan was frantic, and he was getting angry, so he shouted into the radio: "You have time for that bullshit, tell me your position, damn it! Damn it all!"

"Right side! Machine gunner! Right side!"

The radio was chaotic because the people fighting in front needed to communicate through it as well. The shouting was from Panxin, but immediately after that, Yuri's roar came through the radio.

"Medic! Medic!"

Yuri was speaking English, and although Gao Yuan was not good at English, he could at least understand the word 'medic'.

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