
Bit worried

They arrived at the mansion after a while, and Drakun sighed as they exited the carriage, and she glanced at him, knowing that he was still worried about what had happened earlier, even though she had talked to him about it, but that was natural.

"Lady Raena, come on," Drakun said as he entered the mansion and noticed Akaz sitting in the living room, and he smiled upon seeing them.

"Welcome back, did you guys get what you went for?" He asked and Raena nodded.

"Well, come and sit I will take care of your hand," Akaz said and Raena smiled and then looked at Drakun.

"Master," Drakun said and Raena grabbed onto his arm, then he looked at her.

"What is it, Drakun?" Akaz asked.

"It's nothing, he just got worried because I mistook from his eyes for a few minutes, I just went out of the shop to see the kids playing outside, and he wanted to apologize for that," Raena responded as she fixed her clothes and covered the bruise on her arm.

"Drakun, don't worry so much, the main thing is that she is fine, it's okay, you need to relax a bit Drakun," Akaz said as Drakun stared at Raena and she smiled at him, then he sighed as she went and sat down on the couch with Akaz and he brought forth the hand on which she was burned, then Drakun handed him the herbs and he collected it then smiled.

"Thank you for doing this and taking care of her, Drakun, even if she went out of your sight for a few minutes and you didn't notice, it's fine, she's stronger than you think, you really don't need to worry all of the time," Akaz said, and Drakun looked at Raena, who nodded, then he sighed and bowed his head.

"I understand master," He replied and Akaz smiled before taking the herbs out of its packet and placing them on Raena's burnt palm.

"With this, it'll be healed by tomorrow morning," Akaz said as his hand glowed purple and the herbs began to melt, forming a paste on her hand. She flinched when she felt how cold it was instead of warm, and Akaz chuckled.

"It's cold," He said.

"Yeah, it really is," She replied as he moved his hand away from her, and the herbs melted perfectly, completely covering the burnt part.

"Now, don't trouble it; even if you take a bath, it won't get wet, and if you feel a little tingling, don't touch it because that would mean that it has started healing, got it, Raena?" Akaz asked, and she nodded.

"Got it," She responded as her stomach growled and she clutched it.

"Are you hungry?" Drakun asked and she glanced at him as her head began aching and she sighed.

"Yes, I am," She responded.

"Come on, let's go have dinner, then you can go to bed or do whatever you want," Akaz said as he walked away, and they followed him to the dining hall, where Drakun served them dinner, and Raena glanced at him, and he smiled before bowing his head, and she poured herself a glass of juice and drank it.

"Lady Raena, please tell me next time you're hungry," Drakun said as she began eating, then he sat down to join them and she looked at him.

"I'll make sure to tell you, thank you," She replied and he smiled a bit.

"You are welcome," He said as he began eating his food along with Akaz who glanced at Raena and she looked at him.

"Is there something wrong?" He sighed before smiling as she asked after noticing him staring at her.

"Nothing, you just remind me of someone, a person I was supposed to forget," He responded and Drakun's eyes narrowed as he looked at Akaz.

"Is that a bad thing or a good thing?" She asked as he closed his eyes and a smirk appeared on his face.

"No, I think it's perfectly fine for me at least, it's something that should always be remembered, not only by me but by everyone," He responded.

"Master," Drakun said and Akaz glanced at him and then smiled.

"Eat your food," He replied and they continued eating.

"Oh Raena, I hear you guys will be placed in your official classrooms tomorrow," Akaz said.

"Yes, we will be and I also heard that things are going to get more difficult from there, I guess ranking really matters to everyone," She replied.

"It does, it helps you to show superiority, and you'll see why soon enough, you guys have a lot of stuff to do, both academic and training, and the only way to get through it all is if you try your hardest," He said, and she smiled at him.

"I intend to try my best," She replied.

"That's the right spirit, without that, no one will be able to move forward, it's better you find a stronger reason, more like a drive," He said.

"I think I will, I want to see what this world is really like, so far it's beautiful, but a bit dark," She replied and he chuckled.

"It's darker than it appears, sweetheart, the past has a lot to do with that, of course, you will learn eventually, give it time, power means a lot here," He said, and she smiled, knowing he was correct.

Raena stood up, stretched, and looked at Akaz and Drakun after they had finished eating.

"I'm going to bed now, I have to get up early tomorrow, I do not want to be sleepy in classes if we get any, of course, good night to both of you," She said.

"Good night Raena, sleep well," Akaz replied.

"Good night, sweet dreams, Raena," Drakun added and she smiled then went up to her room where she locked the door, took her clothes off then went to freshen up.

After she finished, Raena changed into her nightgown, then applied an ointment to her bruised arm before climbing into bed and turning out the lights.

She fell asleep shortly after because she was exhausted and needed to get enough sleep before going to the academy the next day.

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