

I dragged my lazy self to the door and opened it for her. She came in immediately with a laundry basket in her hands.

"Put all of your dirty clothes in here, hurry up." She handed me the basket and waiting.

"Good morning?" I said, "I don't want to do them now, I haven't even brushed or had my bath...." I began to make excuses.

"You want to do them yourself?" I heard my aunt ask.


"Do you want to do your laundry yourself?"

"Where you gonna do them for me?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Yes baby, hurry up, I have to be somewhere this morning." I heard her and I smiled.

"Really aunt?" She nodded and I didn't waste any more time standing were I was. Now I understood when she used the term baby on Nick and me too. She really babied Nick and now me too.

"Is this all?" She asked when I handed her the basket with my clothes in it.

"Yes. Thanks Aunt." She smiled with a nod and left.

"Hurry up and shower, so you can have breakfast."

When she left and I closed the door, I fell back on the bed. Now I didn't have to worry about doing my laundry. With my mum, I usually would have to take both my clothes and hers to the laundromat, but here my aunt had a laundry room and I didn't even have to do the laundry myself.


It was past twelve pm. Uche still hadn't replied my text. I sat in the sitting room with the tv on, but I wasn't watching it, I also had my phone with me but I didn't feel like using it, I was basically bored or maybe not.

I was probably feeling this way because he had not texted back. I had centered my whole mind on spending today with him, he was to help me with our math homework and give me some lessons. I saw Nick Walk past where I sat, heading outside so I ran in front of him.

"Are you going out?"


"Can I come?" I asked knowing Uche would most likely be with him.

"No." He said and walked past me, opening the door now.

"You still haven't showed me around!" I said loudly knowing his mum was still around.

"Sssh!" He turned to me, closing the door.

"Oh now you want me to ssshhh huh?"

"You can't go where I'm going, it's going to be weird bringing you along, it's just the guys."

"Where?" I asked having a feeling that he might be lying to me.

"It's not like Kim's place." He said.

"I'm bored." I told him.

"Then make friends, call Casey, you talk to her right?"

"No, I don't want to call her."

"Why not?"

"I don't even have her number..... just let me come with you, I don't mind if it's an all boys thing, you are there right? and Uche will be there too, so....." I trailed in my words, indirectly asking if Uche would be going with him.

"Uche's not going and I don't want you to be there, then I'll have to look out for you. Please just stay home, I beg you."

"Uche's not going where you are going?"

"No, he says he doesn't want to go there."


"I don't know, it's his choice, maybe he'd rather stay home, just please stay here, if you want I can give you Casey's number?"

"No, I don't want her number. You can go to wherever you are going, now I don't care." I said because now I knew Uche wasn't going with him and was probably at home.


"Yup." I went back to the couch where I sat before.

"And you aren't going to tell my mum about...."


"You swear?"

"I swear." I assured him.

When he left, I went upstairs to check on my aunt, she was asleep, thankfully. I changed from my lazy clothes and sprayed my perfume all over again like I just bath. I was going to go over to Uche's.

I took out my math note and rough hotter from my school bag and a pen to use. I closed my door quietly not to wake my aunt by any chance.

I now stood at the entrance of our yard, where we stood talking yesterday after we walked home together. I peeped into his yard from there, taking a breath and convincing myself to go ahead.

I got to his porch an rang the doorbell hoping he was actually home while hugging the books I came with. I prayed his dad wasn't the one to open the door but still I knew what to say if I saw his dad. I pressed the doorbell again after some seconds and it opened almost immediately.

Uche was the one who opened it, he looked surprised to see me at his porch. He was wearing an apron on his waist and his shirt was wet with something, I couldn't tell. He was looking behind me, like he expected somebody else with me.

"Hey." He finally said.

"Heyy," I smiled.

"Is Nick with you?" He asked and I shook my head in response.

"No." I said after."He went somewhere else."

"You wanna come in?" He asked.

"Yeah." I muttered then swallowed. He went inside leaving the door open for me to go inside.

I followed looking around the house as I went in. It was basically the same architectural design but different interior design.

"I thought I should come over, you said you were going to....."

"I'm not always this messy in the kitchen." He said at the same time I was trying to explain why I came. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said I was...." stopped halfway through my words when I saw what he meant by ' I'm not always this messy.' They were tomato juice all over the kitchen counter and the floor around it. That was probably what also made his shirt wet.

"The blender malfunctioned and splashed this everywhere." He said when he noticed me looking at the messy area. He was wiping some of it off the counter and there was a blender in the sink.

"Where you cooking?" I laughed at the whole scene.

"Yeah." He smiled when he saw me laugh. "I look really funny right now, don't I?"

"Yes." I stopped laughing. "You need help cleaning that up?" I offered

"No, I'm almost done."

And so I stood waiting for him to round up. When he was done, he wiped his hands with a dry towel and took off the apron.

"You are done now right?" I asked just to be sure.

"Yeah, what were you saying before I said something earlier?" He stood in front of me.

"I was saying...."

" Come sit." He ushered me to the couch in his living room."You were saying?" He asked sitting respectably far from me.

"You said you would help me with math lessons so I thought I should come over since you weren't coming online to see my message."

"Yeah, my phone died yesterday so I just left it to charge at home before I left for Kim's and after I had to carry Nick all the way back, I just went to sleep after I left your house. Been pretty busy since morning, I should go get it."

He went up the stairs till I couldn't see him but I could hear the doors. I sat more relaxed, he came just as quickly as he left.

"That was fast." I said.

"I'm sorry I couldn't reply yesterday, I haven't even used my phone since today." He said switching it on in my presence.

"It's fine."I said. "Are we still doing it?"


"The lesson I mean, are you still giving me the lesson? I brought my books."


Heyy, it's your author geni. Please note that everything written here is nothing but fiction.

Please vote as you read, and comment also. I am very open to constructive criticism.❤️✨

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