

Rosalind's curiosity was piqued as she observed the woman's altered appearance, enhanced by skillful makeup. No skin mask concealed her features, but rather, cleverly applied coloring added stubble and emphasized her eyebrows. The woman's gaze remained steady as she spoke, ignoring the audience's dismissive reactions..

"Have you seen it?" she persisted. "Have you laid eyes upon the sea dragon itself?"

A voice from the crowd interjected, exasperated by her inquiry. "How could you come here and ask that? This story is from long ago! Sir Fleur already slew the dragon! Naturally, we would never be able to see it!"

Undeterred, the woman pressed on, showing no interest in backing down. "Did anyone truly witness the dragon then?" she challenged.

"Little one, this is merely a tale. Must you be so critical?" another audience member chided.

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