
CH 31: Just thinking

(Third person POV)

Alexis sighed with the back of her hand over her hip bone :"alright, guys, I won't back out. We'll keep quiet about what happened tonight. It was a nice duel, Ali."

Ali nodded with a smile and a wink :"yeah, I had a really fun time. It was quite exciting. You're really awesome too, Alexis."

Alexis nodded with a smile :"well, happy to hear that from such a strong duelist. But don't you think that it's over.

I will get even better and have my rematch with you. And you better believe that I will win at that time."

Ali chuckled with an amused shake of his head before nodding :"alright, glad to duel against you anytime.

But I also have to say that you better not think that I won't make my deck stronger till our next match. By the way, let me check how much DP I got from winning against you."

As he took out his PDA, he opened it to see how much his DP had increased after beating Alexis, one of the top duelists of the academy.

Obelisk Blue Ali Ashborne VS Obelisk Blue Alexis Rhodes

Winner: Ali Ashborne

Winning against an Obelisk Blue

2,000 Win a duel against an Obelisk Blue.

Winning against a high ranking duelist

10,000 Win a duel against a high ranking duelist, depends on who the duelist is.

Quick Victory

2,500 Win a duel within turn 1 - 4.

No Damage Taken

500 Win a duel without receiving damage.

Perform a Tribute Summon

300 Conduct at least one tribute summon.

Perform a Special Summon

100 Conduct at least one Special Summon.

Activate a Spell

100 Use at least one Spell card.

Activate a Trap

100 Use at least one Trap card.

2,000 + 10,000 + 2,500 + 500 + 300 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 15,600

15,600 ÷ 2 = 7,800 DP

Total DP: 25,000 + 7,800 = 32,800 DP

Taking a look at his total DP and how much he got from Alexis, Ali couldn't help but let out a whistle.

Seeing his impressed face, Alexis raised a curious eyebrow as she asked :"so? How much DP did you get? I would rather you say that it's a lot."

Ali chuckled as he winked at her :"it seems that I should duel with you more often, beautiful. You actually gave me a total of 7,800 DP!"

Hearing the number, all of them were surprised as Alexis blinked in shock :"what? Why? Isn't that too much?"

Ali scrolled up as he took a look at the points that he had gotten :"let's see... Ah, here. There's a new point, it says "winning a duel against a high ranking duelist".

Basically, it depends on who the duelist is. And it also seems like you are considered a pretty strong duelist since defeating you actually gave me 10,000 points!"

Alexis hummed as she nodded with a look of understanding :"I see. Well, happy to know that I'm a big shot here."

Ali nodded as he turned his PDA off before he raised his head and smiled at Alexis and her friends :"well, it was fun, girls. But we have to return now."

Alexis nodded with a smile as Ali sat down next to Jaden :"alright, take care. And please be careful not to cause trouble.

Specially you two, Jaden, Syrus. Luckily for you, Ali is always there to save you when you're in trouble."

Ali chuckled while Syrus laughed nervously and Jaden pouted :"more like steal the fun. He took my duel against Chazz and now against Alexis."

Hearing his sentence, Ali couldn't help but laugh out loud :"hahahaha! Sorry, bud. I will treat you to two meals instead."

While Syrus rode the boat away, Jaden's eyes shone like a star :"really?! One meal for Chazz's and two meals for Alexis's?!"

But Ali snorted while folding his arms in front of his chest :"don't test your luck, pal. Two is already the max."

Jaden's shoulders slumped with a pout :"aww..." Causing the girls who were watching them get further and further away from them to giggle at the childishness interaction.

After the boat that the boys were on finally disappeared, Jasmine and Mindy noticed that Alexis was still staring at the way that the boat went.

So with a giggle and a meaningful look between each other, Mindy leaned a little forward with her hands behind her :"that was a really awesome duel, huh, Lexi?"

Jasmine also joined in with a teasing smile :"yeah, even though the duel was short, you two really went at it!

I knew that Ali wasn't a bad duelist when I saw his duel this morning, but I didn't expect him to make his deck this much stronger in less than a day!"

Alexis nodded without a change in her facial expressions :"yeah, I told you that he's a really strong duelist.

He actually managed use and summon the Serpent Night Dragon that has been labelled as trash because of its hard summoning condition so easily.

And not just one, but two at the same time with a single combo. He really is a skilled duelist, and he proved it just now. Anyway, let's go back now, it's late."

What they didn't know, was that someone in the water was almost having a mental crisis :'oh god, oh god, oh thank goodness that he won!'

The only person that would get in the water at this time of the night, was Dr Crawler who had previously planned to get Jaden expelled.

'god damn it! You want to get a single student expelled, the whole world turns against you! First, instead of Jaden, that stammering Field spell nitwit!

And then, I thought that the situation was solved when Jaden showed up. Heck, TEO Slifer slackers would be expelled at the same time!

That was even better than my original plan! But who would've know that Jaden would actually drag Ali into this?!?!?!?!

As if getting himself expelled wasn't enough, he actually wanted to get the best student in the first year expelled too!

If Ali, who actually beat Chazz Princeton and Alexis Rhodes was to be expelled, it would be the waste of the decade!'

Yup, he knew about the duel between Ali and Chazz. How? Well, their duel disks. The academy had installed a chip or something to their duel disks to keep track of their duels.

That's how they issued DP to them according to their duels. And that's how Dr Crawler knew about the duel between Ali and Chazz that didn't even last three turns.

Even though he had lost against Ali, he didn't hold any hard feelings against him. Because unlike a certain Slifer, Ali didn't win by dumb luck and even got into the Obelisk Blue by himself.

You have to knowz most Obelisk Blues are there because of their family. But Ali managed to get in by himself!

Dr Crawler also found out about him being an orphan, so he was even more impressed with him and found him a worthy student.

And after finding out that Ali had actually became friends with the best student in the academy, Zane Truesdale, another student who became an Obelisk Blue by himself, he was even more happy about Ali joining the academy.

So once he found out that Ali had actually came here with Jaden and could've gotten expelled, his heart nearly dropped into his pants.

He would come out to stop the duel, but he would be in serious trouble if the academy found out that he was trying to get a student expelled.

And so, he just had to pray for the best. 'Phew! Fortunately, Ali decided to duel against Alexis instead of that Slifer Slacker.

If that Slifer Slacker dueled against Alexis who is one of the top duelists of the academy and lost, I would be screwed if Ali got expelled!'

Thinking of the incident, Dr Crawler couldn't help shivering with nervousness. 'But thank goodness, Ali won and the problem is solved now.

Just you wait, you damn Slifer Slacker! I will get you expelled from my academy before you can drag Ali down!! Well, after I get back home at least...'

"Ha, ha, achoo!" Jaden sneezed while chatting with Ali, causing him to raise an eyebrow :"did you catch a cold, J?"

But Jaden shook his head in denial :"no, just a random sneeze that suddenly came and went away."

Ali nodded while leaning back on the boat :"sigh, yeah, it's just the first day of the academy. Wouldn't want to catch a cold. It's kinda crazy when you think about it."

Jaden blinked in confusion as he tilted his head to the side :"what is?" Causing Ali to sign again :"it's just the first day, but we've already gotten into two big problems. Kinda worrying to be honest."

But Jaden just laughed after thinking about :"you're right, but you can't deny that it hasn't been fun, right?"

Ali shrugged with a small smile :"yeah, I guess you're right. It would be pretty boring if it was just a regular school."

You wanna know something great about Jaden? It's the fact that you can just chill with the dude.

Like, he's the type of guy that you don't need to have a reason to hang out with. You can just chill and chat with him.

That's why Ali liked to hang out with him second to Zane. Even though he loved hanging out with Jaden, he honestly didn't have that much in common with him.

But Zane? He was the type of guy that you could hang out in silence without feeling awkward at all.

And they could just talk about dueling or whatever. After all, Zane also used a dragon deck before getting the Cyber Dragon deck.

So he knew quite a few things about dragons and dragon cards. AND they could hang out in the gym and talk about muscles, baby!

Zane didn't have friends other than Alexis and her brother who has gone missing, just a few acquaintances.

So all day, he would just chill at different places. Like the beach or the spot beside the sea where was shown in the anime.

So it's fair to say that his school life was damn boring. But since Ali, who has a lot in common with him, has shown up, his daily life has gotten more lively.

Just chill around the island, challenge random Obelisk Blues, and go to the gym or whatever to spend time.

After all, this was a academy on an island. There wasn't anything else to do since there wasn't even a shop other than Dorothy's.

So, they would just chill while Ali challenged Obelisk Blues to duel with him and raise his beautiful DP.

Honestly, the amount of DP that he got in a single day even shocked Ali. You have to know, 10 DP equals 1 Dollar!

And now, he made nearly 3,300 Dollars in a single day!not only was he having fun, he was making a killing!

So he didn't have any problem with dueling left and right like a madman. After all, besides love, power and revenge, money was the sweetest thing for Ali.

'heh, I wonder if I can get as rich as ma boy Kaiba when I finish the three years in the duel academy? Maybe get even richer than him?'

Ali couldn't help but wonder and daydream about the future with an amused smile on his handsome face.

After all, even though this wasn't a world of martial arts and shit, it was still a pretty fun world where he could get stronger by bonding with duel spirits.

And so, why couldn't he have fun while making money? With the money syster in this academy, he was planning to milk the DP here.

He made more than 3,000 Dollars in a single day, and even held back on dueling because he didn't want to lose because of his deck still being weak.

But after getting a few more good cards, he was planning to make it rain with DP up in here, baby!


DP: 25,000 -> 32,800

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