
Stay with me….won’t you?

It's been hours…

Our footsteps could be heard as we tread through the cave. My heart was racing and eyes darted from side to side looking for my friend.

"Not again… not again.." i muttered to myself repeatedly there was no sign of Zorua i couldn't bare to lose her this time what would happen if-

"Ayuna!" My eyes widened as my mind was brought back to reality hearing Chloe's voice behind me.

I turned to her face and almost brought to tears.

"...We'll find her and she won't be gone."

She forced a smile to reassure me trying to force my confidence into her words. But i couldn't believe what she said I- no not that rather i don't want to take the chance.

Without a word I ran ahead, my footsteps echoing through the cave loud enough the surrounding pokemon could hear me.

"Oh no-" Chloe muttered to herself as she ran behind me.

"Zorua! ZOrua!!!" My voice scared the Zubats as I ran past through the cave.

I didn't stop, not even for a second my breath was going, I was hyperventilating and my heart was beating out of my chest.

My eyes.. My vision isn't clear.

I came to a point where I was forced to stop. I was about to pass out, sweat dripped down my body and my eyes couldn't focus.

..My ears were ringing-

and my eyes slowly shut..




"Altan I'm worried for you, I really am." I sat in a room alone with a woman with a notepad. She was sitting a fair distance away from me.

She keeps telling me to "open up." "Talk about what I'm feeling." I couldn't get too into it to be completely honest.

"We've been having constant sessions for a year now, and still you haven't opened up to me." She continued to speak.

Her voice irritates me. I just want to kick something directly straight into her face..

What does she know? How can she help me?

"All I got from you after all this time is that, well you're very clingy to your friends or anyone close to you."


"Why is that?"


"I heard from your mom that your friend died right in front of you, that must've been hard for you but you need to learn to let go-'' Her voice wouldn't leave my head!

"Not everyone can stay with you forever, sometimes they need to leave."

Tears fell down to my lap but I didn't realize I was too busy denying her claims and too busy hiding what my problem was.. Too busy gaslighting myself into thinking she was alright-

"Altan if you open up to me I can help you." She kept pushing and she kept coming back. All of it was irritating. I couldn't stand her. Why was she interfering with something that had nothing to do with her?? Why was I sent to this place? I don't need this! I don't need you!

I can figure things out on my own! I don't want to talk things out! I don't want to bring you into my problems!

"I don't need you!"




It was December, a Christmas dance… I didn't have anyone to dance with so I sat on the side.

"You're Altan right?" an angelic voice entered my ears. I turned to whoever just called me and my eyes caught a glimpse of a girl with silky red hair and cyan eyes.

"Yeah I am."

She stretched her hand out to me and I took it.

She pulled me in close, giving me the cutest smile one could ever receive, I felt butterflies.

We started to dance to the music. Every step I enjoyed every moment was savored. As the music neared its end I did a Pirouette and as the music ended…

I didn't want to let her go.

I know I shouldn't get close to anyone, not after..

But i was the happiest i've been in a while-

"Stay with me….won't you?"

Bro got issues-

Theothegiantcreators' thoughts
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