
Chapter 275

Ramiel heard the explosion and this was opportunity to attack and exploit the goblins as they get distracted by the sound and burst of fire in the location they came from, Ramiel jump from the tree branch that was directly above there heads and kick the goblin in the head using a Jumping Spinning Crescent Kick and after killing the first one he dash toward the rest and hack, stab slash and punch them to death, seeing this violence's will surely make a groun man vomit, 

Ramiel was like a beast himself, he knows that these small harmless looking child size creature are far dangerous as they seem, if given a chance these monster will mutilate anybody and even eat them alive just to show they are truly a menace,

bac in The Forsaken Forest , Ramiel encountered many of these little terrors and at time they will act weak and frighten but this are all traps to put you guard down, these things are cunning and deceitfully in many ways, giving then any chance will end your life in a the most horrify way,

Between goblins of the same race, Ramiel prefers to deal with red caps because they don't employ dishonest or unarmed tactics. These monsters are flesh eaters who love eating children. Their sizes never vary. Even the mature goblins who rape women to bear their offspring have the same appearance.

Furthermore, Ramiel believes that red hats are more engaging in battle because they don't use deceitful or underhanded strategies. they are still violent and vile, but for him unlike normal goblins that belong to the same race, all of their adult goblins are well known to kidnap and rape women in order to bear their many children and after they will eat the victim.

They may look the same, but they are not the same in terms of their behavior and tactics. Red caps are known for their brutal and direct approach in combat, relying on sheer strength and aggression to overpower their opponents. Additionally, their uniform appearance makes it difficult to distinguish between individual red caps, making them even more formidable adversaries on the battlefield.

Ramiel had no remorse for either goblins or any other species that branched out of these malevolent, murderous creatures. He just sees them as nuisances that bring plague and death and believes that their eradication is necessary for the safety and well-being of all other beings. His heart hardened with each gruesome attack on these vile creatures.,

he run run as low as possible, Ramiel will attack while in a crouching posture so he wont miss even if these things duck, many warriors and hunters at the Royal Guild that Loki Ingeborg manage face terrible deaths, because that always swing their weapons downward assuming it will hit the target.

Many of the warriors and hunters at the Royal Guild that Loki Ingeborg oversees face terrible odds because they always swing their weapons downward, assuming that they will hit the target. Ramiel will attack while in a crouching posture, so he won't miss even if these things duck.

This strategy of attacking from a crouching posture gives Ramiel a significant advantage, as it allows him to maintain a lower center of gravity and strike with precision. 

By adapting this technique, he ensures that his attacks are effective regardless of the opponent's movements or attempts to evade. Additionally, Ramiel's ability to anticipate and counteract his opponents' defensive maneuvers further enhances his combat prowess and sets him apart,

Ramiel's adaptation and strategic attitude are demonstrated by his fast thinking and creativity in using the weapons of his fallen adversaries. As one goblin fell motionless, he would seize its main weapon and utilize it against the others. His opponents are caught off guard by this sudden move, which gives him an even bigger tactical edge.

 Ramiel is a dangerous opponent since he gets more skilled and unpredictable with every new battles he experience. the goblins he was targeting were at the back of their horde, and he had to make sure his calculations stayed within the parameters he had laid out.

 He used the cover of darkness, and since goblins can see in the dark, he moved around them constantly. Sadly, these monsters lacked intelligence and strategy, and the mana crystals they were wearing were decorations made from smaller creatures they had hunted and eaten.

These were more mature than the rest because they were wearing human skulls as decorations on their bodies and protective armor. All the goblins relied on their developed senses to navigate through the darkness as they lived under ground, making it difficult for their prey to escape. Despite their lack of intelligence and tactics, their ability to navigate in the dark was slightly higher, which gave them an advantage in hunting and ambushing unsuspecting victims.

But they were weak in terms of physical strength and endurance, relying more on their numbers and surprise attacks to overpower their prey. This made them vulnerable to well-prepared and skilled opponents who could exploit their weaknesses. Additionally, their lack of organization and communication skills hindered their ability to strategize effectively, often resulting in chaotic and disorganized attacks.

The dimensional rift may have been close, but it had only been open for a few hours, giving the goblin soldiers ample opportunity to multiply and establish their own hunting grounds throughout the forest, outnumbering and overwhelming the nearby students who were fleeing other monsters. This gave him a strong resolve to eradicate the goblin soldiers from the forest.

He had been tracking them for nearly 32 minutes, learning their patterns and movements. As the moon rose higher in the sky, he knew it was time to strike. With his trusty sword in hand and his senses alert, he silently moved through the forest, his eyes scanning for any signs of movement.

It didn't take long for him to spot the first goblin. It was smaller than the others, but still armed and dangerous. 

Ramiel couldn't afford to underestimate any of them. He waited for the perfect moment to strike, and as the goblin turned its back, he pounced. With one swift motion, he grabbed it and pulled it into the bushes. The goblin struggled and let out a muffled scream as Ramiel's blade pierced its chest. He held its mouth shut to stifle its cries, not wanting to alert the others.

As he dragged the lifeless body away from the hunting area, Ramiel couldn't help but feel suddenly stop, the Goblin leader was carrying a weapon Ramiel was very accustomed of using, it was slightly different but from the looks of it the bar mace the goblin was holding came from the warrior it killed from were it came from, he was crouching behind the goblin leader as the rest of the horde was unaware he was their enemy was standing along side them wearing one of the goblins hooded robe in crouching posture twin daggers on both hands,

As he expected, they were visceral creatures, but Ramiel knew that he had to act quickly and silently if he wanted to take down the goblin leader without alerting the rest of the horde. He observed their movements, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. When something alerted them, it was a 100-foot-long salamander.

To the east, on the other side of the forested area next to a mountain wall, it was raging, scattering, and confusing the goblin army. By taking advantage of the opportunity, Ramiel quickly leapt for the goblin leader's neck and right temple. He then quickly pulled out a second knife and proceeded to gut the five-foot-tall goblin leader, causing more blood to gurgle before any of his allies could react, realizing that their leader was already dead.

As the first rays of sunlight began to filter through the trees, Ramiel finally emerged from the forest. He was exhausted but also exhilarated. He had completed his mission and made the forest a safer place for any student still within. As he cleaned his blade and sheathed it, he gathered all the monster cores and placed them inside a small leather pouch he got from a dead goblin.

He was able to gather enough material from the dead goblins. The bar mace was still clutched tightly in his other hand, its metal stained with the blood of the creatures he had vanquished.

Ramiel knew that he would need to find a way to use it, as it was effectively, weapon associated with hunters that might have come from the other realm. It was a fine weapon, not as good as his own weapon back in Arcane.

 But as of now, he was making do with what he had.

Ramiel's experience as a hunter had taught him to adjust to unexpected situations, and he understood that his abilities were more valuable than the particular weapon he carried. The was exposed when a second creature emerged, a 60-foot-two crimson basilisk, that had come in response to the stench of the dead goblin corpses.

Ramiel sat on a fallen tree and stared at it. The potion those goblins were carrying was valuable, and since he was skilled at spotting genuine potions, he was able to obtain four small vials of extremely potent potions; an elven could have made these due to their potency; all of his wounds healed and his stamina was revitalized—and that was before the two-headed red Basilisk arrived.

He stood up and prepared to engage the enemy, but it was more interested in eating the dead carcasses of the goblins. As he stood up, he noticed the two-headed red basilisk devouring the dead carcasses of the goblins. Intrigued by this unexpected action it wasn't emitting any aggression, he cautiously observed the creature from a distance, trying to understand its motives before deciding on his next move.

When he saw a broken axe head plunged in its back, it looked like a weapon used by a big being, maybe a troll. Ramiel questioned this: maybe not all that came into this realm were under the control of the lich. He wondered if there was a possibility that other powerful beings, such as trolls, were also present in the realm. 

This raised concerns about the extent of the lich's control and the potential dangers that lay ahead. Ramiel realized that he needed to gather more information before making any hasty decisions or assumptions about his next course of action.

After swallowing the remaining dead goblin, the two-headed red basilisk stared at him, suddenly bowed its head, turned around, and left the area, leaving Ramiel perplexed by its unexpected behaviour. 

He couldn't help but wonder if the basilisk's departure was a sign of another powerful entity's presence or if it simply had no interest in confronting him. Regardless, something came crashing near him as he evaded it from hitting him. Ramiel saw it was one of the two-headed red basilisks.

Head hanging limply, its head was ripped off from its body. It was clear that the basilisk had been attacked by another creature, possibly the same rival predator that used the axe left on its back. It was truly survival of the fittest; something that was big enough to rip a 60-foot-long two-headed snake and was able to come near its prey silently was something to worry about, especially considering Ramiel's own vulnerability in the situation. He knew he needed to be cautious and prepared for whatever formidable creature could be lurking nearby.

It was already observing him from its concealed spot. A monster bred to stalk and ambush its prey, it consistently favors hunting formidable adversaries. It was an earth troll, known for its immense strength and cunning tactics. Ramiel could feel the weight of the situation, knowing that any wrong move could cost him his life.

He had to rely on his instincts and training to outsmart this formidable creature and make it out alive, Trolls are hard to kill, especially with their regenerative ability. Beheading is the only way to kill one. But its thick skin was like hitting a rock, making it difficult for Ramiel to land a fatal blow. He needed to find the right opportunity, but without his monstrous strength, he had to rely on strategy and precision.

Ramiel could only wait and observe the troll's movements. He knew that patience would be key in this battle, as rushing in blindly would only lead to his demise. As he cautiously analyzed the area, an idea sparked in his mind: perhaps he could use the environment to his advantage and trap the troll. Like what the creature was doing right now, chances were that it had submerged itself in the ground.

That was the only possibility, knowing the smallest troll he faced back in the Forsaken Forest was 15 feet tall. Ramiel recalled his previous encounters with trolls, remembering their ability to blend seamlessly into their surroundings. He knew that if he could find a way to expose the troll's hiding spot, he would have a better chance at defeating it. With this in mind, Ramiel began scanning the area for any signs of disturbance or unusual terrain that could give away the troll's location.

While this was happening, the students were being led by Amahle Zadzisai finally reached the safest place they could find. She messaged Ramiel, but she was too far from him; the device could only be used if they were within a certain range. Frustrated, Amahle decided to take matters into her own hands and started searching for any other means of communication that could reach Ramiel.

Ramiel reminded them that even in the safest location they could find, they should always be vigilant while fleeing and never let their guard down until they arrived at their house. Amahle realized that they had to be alert in order to survive, especially in light of the threats they had already faced. Amahle's will to protect her other pupils only strengthened as they travelled, driving her unrelenting pursuit of a means to go to Ramiel and guarantee everyone's safety.

It appeared they were camouflaged by the surrounding foliage and several broken tree branches as they made their way down the mountainside to gain some stealth and avoid detection until they were able to find a few dozen first-year Ethereal Academy students inside a cave that they too unintentionally approached. 

There was some relief and some alarm when it was discovered that the first-year pupils, when Amahle recognized the duty of defending not only those who were with her—all 14 of them, including herself—but now also these new members of their group, now that they numbered 75, they all huddled close as they weathered the chilly night, knowing that Luc was with them when they awoke here. 

After one of their classmates discovered the cave, they waited patiently until an emergency signal warned them to hide because a dimensional rift had appeared close to the south. Fearful, they all decided to enter the cave and wait.

Because they were still impressionable and unaffected by the social structure of a small group of elites, the first years were smarter than them. The only thing they could do was make a fire, which was a common mistake made by ethereal hunters. They were wise enough to put extra provisions in their bags, and even though they had no idea what would happen, they still utilized the extra time to add more supplies to their packs the night before.

Because the smoke and heat can alert the beast, and the smoke was a dead giveaway of their location. But because they were inexperienced, they missed this important point. Unaware of the danger they were drawing, they gathered close to the fire.

Amahle and two more second-year students stood near the barricaded cave entrance with Broken tree branches and bushes wouldn't stop any monster from entering the cave. They were oblivious to the fact that their actions were putting them at a higher risk of being detected by the beast.

 As they continued to gather and talk, little did they know that their noise and presence would soon attract the attention of the lurking monster.

Amahle hushed everybody and gestured for them to move away from the entrance, realizing the potential danger they were in. She whispered urgently, warning them of the need to remain quiet and inconspicuous in order to avoid alerting the lurking monster.

Ramiel was being thrown around like a rag doll during this whole thing because the troll appeared as soon as he started a fire and used some flammable liquids that he had obtained from the goblins. The small, handle-friendly pouch was very useful even though it could only hold four potions and six small fire liquids; he simply calculated the distance from where the snake head originated and calculated the moment it left his line of sight. He then gave it a strong toss and used a long cloth as a wick, and the fire broke out a short while later.

So now Ramiel was at the end of the stick as the troll emerged from the ground and ran toward him furiously. As it grabbed a long log and swung it at him, this was something he was also anticipating but it was too strong he forgot he was not in Arcane and he had a human body, he was flying in the air, when he regained some consciousness before landing on his back, he rolled and search for the bar mace he was holding before he got his by log, desperately trying to defend himself. 

The troll's swings were relentless, forcing Ramiel to rely on his agility and quick thinking. As he finally found the bar mace, he mustered all his strength and prepared to counterattack, determined to protect himself from the troll's relentless assault.

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