
Chapter 173

Ramiel and Vandom Ragnar saw that every single staff and personnel of the Hellmane family were fighting and they were enjoying it, as the attackers fought with all of their skill and with the help of many different fighting equipments in their arsenal,

even the sixteen younger generations were effectively using their training to defend their new home, Hilas and Irles Filri were not happy seeing their new home get vandalized, after hearing the family name of Fanuilos, she now understands the real reason,

as they were trying their best to destroy the Hellmane family, Roshia Lierin was already walking on the second-floor hallway dragging a dead body as she went down the staircase and threw the dead corpses at the open receiving lobby and used her power to deliver an ear-shattering commanding scream, everybody heard this as the attackers from the Fanuilos family even the warriors on the Hellmane side also stop and distance themselves in a defensive posture,

and orders the intruders to introduce themselves and have a sense of dignity to face them, following the warriors' code of conduct because they were the ones who attacked first,

The intruders hesitated for a moment but eventually complied with the order. As they introduced themselves, it became clear that they were not from any known low-income family in the area. Their clothing and weaponry were also familiar to the warriors in Avarel.

This raised suspicion among the Hellmane clan, which demanded to know their true intentions for entering their territory. The intruders explained that they were on a mission to take revenge after one of their kind was severely injured while facing the seventh council head, named Irles Filri.

Ramiel was able to enter the mansion and heard that this situation arises from those who seek justice for their supposed dead family member. Vandom Ragnar was able to clear the open garden and overhear the attacker's reason; the two were a few feet from the fifteen remaining attackers, Roshia Lierin gave out a deep sigh and just laughed.

" Look around you. Didn't you people notice that no one from our household had fallen to your swords? Even our youngest was able to kill you by cowardly assault,"

"And for what? Your people are a bunch of known hooligans, criminals that disguised themselves as a hard-working merchant clan,"

"The person you are looking for was indeed defeated by my daughter, how dare you insinuate that your family is clean and innocent,"

"We, on the other hand, never killed innocent people just for the sake of gaining gold in our pockets ."

Your family member insulted and hurt my daughter's honour and nearly ruined her relationship with our soon-to-be son-in-law. And now how dare you all come to my house and have the delusion and audacity to say that they are to blame,"

Vandom Ragnar taps Ramiel's shoulders and asks him to leave the area because it's going to get ugly. Since her wife was already speaking in that kind of tone, the attackers seem to have picked on the wrong Hellmane family member. Ramiel was somewhat confused when he saw his expression, but he was willing to comply with his request, and he just walked away, despite Hilas and Irles Filr just looking down at the intruders from the second-floor indoor balcony as the lady of the house spoke to the intruders with overwhelming presence and authority over them,

The intruders were clearly intimidated by her, and they quickly realized that they had made a mistake by trying to break into her home. Echo appeared behind Roshia Lierin and gave a summary of the activities in which this family was involved,

Fanuilos family has been a key figure in the secret criminal syndicate named The Ten Highbeards; they have conducted many illegal activities from The kidnapping, and selling of sex slaves, producing and selling of addictive consumable chemicals, torture, murder, bribery, extortion, and many more. The Fanuilos patriarch himself was a ruthless leader who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

He had a vast network of loyal followers who would do anything for him, and he had amassed a great deal of wealth and power over the years.

However, his reign of terror came to an end when he was finally caught by the authorities and sentenced to life in prison. Despite this setback, the Ten Highbeards continued to operate in secret, with new leaders rising up to take Fanuilos' place. This was the missing second daughter, Eirana Fanuilos.

Roshia Lierin after hearing this, orders all of the older personnel to clean this mess and they are were allowed to freely use their skill, but take the fight outside the mansion, As the older personnel got to work, Roshia Lierin turned her attention to the younger members of her team. She knew that they were eager to prove themselves, and she had just the task for them. She instructed them to go out and clean out the Fanuilo's material assets and eradicate those who were connected to this clan

Roshia Lierin reminded them of their training and urged them to stay focused and work together as a team. The younger members of the team were nervous but excited at the same time. They knew that this was their chance to prove themselves and show Lady Roshia Lierin what they were capable of. With their weapons, they dash out of the mansion,

Ramiel and Vandom went back to their campfire spot and Echo already took the dead bodies and disposed of them, while Hilas and Irles Filri casually went out thru the back door and joined the two. Behind them was Saran carrying a trey of warm tea, the intruders were forced out of the Hellmane mansion by Roshia Lierin's overwhelming power as she uses her wind skill to push everybody out with wind equal to the magnitude of a hurricane that can uproot a hundred-year-old tree,

as the last Fanuilos attacker was slowly dying, he could not accept that their arrogance and over-bloated ego lead their entire clan into ruin thinking that they were superior to the rest of the family, this thinking made all of them were special

During the final stage of the Fanuilos attack, as the last attacker was slowly dying, he could not accept that their arrogance and inflated egos had led their entire clan into ruin, believing that they were superior to the rest of their family. In my opinion, this thinking made them feel like they were exceptional because their criminal activity for a period of many years went unchecked or unchallenged by the authorities.

However, their arrogance and overconfidence eventually caught up with them, and they were brought down by their own hubris. With his final breath, he used his own body to activate a high-tier summoning scroll as he used his own dagger to stab himself in the chest where the scroll was hidden.

The scroll glowed with an intense light, and a massive creature emerged from it, towering over the open yard of the mansion. while the Hellmane staff was stunned into silence as they watched the Onikuma Standing over 30 feet tall, it was their first encounter with the Demon Fire Bear, and it was a terrifyingly imposing figure with large, razor-sharp claws and almost hypnotic blood-red eyes. It possessed enhanced durability,

Daran was setting up a small wooden table while Ramiel cast a protection barrier around them as they watched the towering beast from a safe distance of 200 feet away as it unleashed its fury upon them. It was clear that the summoning scroll was a last resort, a desperate move born out of sheer desperation. But it worked, and the demon bear was strong; even with the combined strength of the original members of the Reckless Brigade, they were having a hard time, and its massive size was wreaking havoc on the landscape and even demolishing the newly built mansion.

at the same time, Aelinor Mithrandir was irritated seeing them nonchalantly sat and view this calamity-type monster with such a calm demeanor as if it were nothing, and she couldn't understand why they weren't taking it seriously.

Aelinor had always been cautious and methodical in her approach to any challenge, but it seemed like the others were content to just sit back and watch. especially the man that they have confirmed was just a new hunter and was Irles Filri Hellmane's lover,

As she watched them, she couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and anger building inside her. She knew that they needed to act quickly if they wanted to survive this encounter, but it seemed like they were content to just wait for something to happen.

Aelinor took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down, knowing that getting angry wouldn't solve anything and that she needed to find a way to deal with this situation. Standing up from her hiding place, she addressed them indirectly, hoping that she would not be heard since she was far enough away.

"You people are really pissing me off with such arrogance; you can't just sit here and do nothing."

when she did something that made her fall flat on the ground. as terror washed over her, raising the fine hairs on the back of her neck. as sweat poured down her face as she saw something terrifying looking straight back at her It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, with piercing golden eyes and massive, overflowing mana She scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding in her chest, and tried to run, but her legs wouldn't move. She was frozen in fear, unable to escape the man's gaze at her location, even if she was 330 meters away.

"All of the reports we gathered were wrong; we were looking at the wrong place, and the person we were looking for was right in front of our eyes all along."

Aelinor Mithrandir took out a mythic grade assessment device that was used to measure the current regent and even her own father. As she activated it, the last number it recorded before it shattered as the sudden shock made her muscles tense. become tense. She couldn't believe what she saw on the device's screen. The reading showed that the person looking at her from that distance has a power level of 3500. This revelation shook her to her core as she ran mythical with all her power as she saw the man was still staring in her direction,

The ability that she took pride in became a nightmare to her right now and without a second thought, she just ran and ran until she couldn't anymore. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her mind was racing with fear and confusion. She had never felt so vulnerable before, and the realization that someone was able to locate her position was really terrifying.

As she finally slowed down to catch her breath, she realized that she needed to report this to the upper members and confirm that the King of Arcane was real,

come up with a plan. She couldn't just keep running forever, and she needed to find a way to protect herself. With a deep breath, she started to think about all the strongest defence spells that she had to learn. She knew that she needed to be smart and strategic if she wanted to stay safe. As she walked back home, her mind was focused on finding a solution to this problem. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to do whatever it takes to protect herself from him.

"That was not a man!"

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