
Chapter 115

A thundering cheer broke out, as each of Leilatha Atinen's knight compatriots quickly took out and fought those they considered much stronger than themselves.

Their confidence was heightened knowing that they could match those who were more skilled than them. , The atmosphere was electric as the crowd watched in awe, amazed by the sheer determination and skill of the fighters., The tournament was a true test of strength and courage, and each participant was left with a newfound sense of pride and accomplishment.

The sounds of metal clashing made the spectators cheer louder, as they supported their favourite fighter when an explosion echoed, but because of the waging fight in the coliseum and the strong sound coming from the spectators they all assumed it came from one of the warriors that cast explosive attacks. Fighting fiercely, each fighter was determined to win. The excitement in the coliseum was palpable as the crowd roared with every strike and dodge.

unknown to the rest that one particular explosion didn't come from the fighting participants but it came from a well-known expensive upscale tavern where most successful travelling merchants were currently residing, the three-storey building that can house 120 tenants suddenly exploded killing 65 and injuring the rest, the Avarel city enforcers and rescue team dispatched immediately to prevent further mass panic,

the younger nobles that were watching the battle had to take responsibility and see to it that this act of terrorism must be dealt with accordingly the young sons and daughters of each ruling six house suddenly went out and secretly had a meeting away from any prying eyes especially other nobles that has vindictive intent to ruin their respective names,

During their emergency meeting, they discussed ways to gather evidence and bring the perpetrators to justice without causing a full-blown war. They knew that their actions would determine the future of their houses and the stability of their rule.

There is a young noble lady named Taenya, openly shared that she has a distant cousin who was competing in the Tournament, she mentioned that there is a big chance her uncle accompanied his son, his father has tremendous influence across all six major cities because of being a weapons merchant,

the young noble lady in waiting, immediately reached out to his cousin while the rest went to their respective staff personnel to address the issue, after a few minutes she went in alone inside the coliseum fighting participants waiting lobby, and saw numerous warriors waiting silently and spotted him and greeted him with respect and politely ask where could his father be at this time,

Arathorn Beorhtric was unlike his female cousin that was well-mannered and courteous, he was sitting while sharpening his sword and just glared at her with a rude tone, and just answered her thoughtless and impolite, his behaviour was not well-received by his female cousin, who found his demeanour to be unpleasant and uncivilized. Despite this, he continued to sharpen his sword and refused to engage in polite conversation with her.

"oh, are you looking for that old fool? check the nearest guild, always selling, gold is more important than my fight!"

"I'll kill that old bastard soon!"

she could only reply in a meek voice saying "ok" and thanked him and turned around while leaving him, then he suddenly slapped her bottom sexually and gave out a malicious statement,

"I would love to grope those huge apples of yours!"

and started to laugh hard

his behaviour towards her was inappropriate and disrespectful, even if they were related, and she felt uncomfortable and humiliated. She wished she had spoken up or reported it to someone in authority,

But this was not the time to be emotional, thinking she needed help from outside forces to save face and humiliate the people around them, because the moment she heard that the tavern that exploded was theirs, she was the one who instinctively reacted first

She realized that she had to keep her composure and investigate the matter further. She decided to gather more information discreetly before taking any action, as she knew that this was a serious issue that could have far-reaching consequences.

She was also fully aware that his family was running low on finances, which is why her father needed to swallow his pride in protecting their nobility, even if he had to secretively conduct illegal activities such as prostitution and gambling within the tavern that they owned,

when an elegant-looking woman with pale skin, and long black with blue highlight dye at the inner back part of her hair, was standing in front of the very end corner of the corridor hall and seemed to be talking with somebody that she can't see because of the distance, the young noble lady could only vividly notice markings on her hand,

when she walked passing a few of the private noble viewing rooms a door suddenly opened and a tall muscular purple haired man came out and greeted the young noble lady asking for forgiveness for being so rude, she remember the name and greeted him by mentioning his name to address his hierarchy above her,

"greeting lord Tharkeroth Dallmethad, I am a lady in waiting, my name is Taenya Leonan."

"Greetings lady Taenya Leonan, it is a pleasure to meet you, I would love to have a proper conversation with you but sadly I am needed elsewhere as the crown Regent my younger brother has requested my presence."

"of course my lord, please do not let this humble person interrupt you, please let me accompany you toward the exit my lord"

Both of them walked, and Irles Filri just vanished and observed the two as they passed her within the shadows. Something made her move further away as if he knew the purple man named Tharkeroth Dallmethad knew she was watching them. Her instinct never failed and saved her life many times, even with her high-tier invisibility magic.

Irles Filri was known for her unpredictable behaviour, and it was not uncommon for her to suddenly disappear without warning. However, Tharkeroth Dallmethad seemed oblivious to her disappearance because the moment he came out of the room, she vanished. He continued walking as if nothing had happened and just made casual small talk with the young lady in waiting.

Taenya Leonan was perplexed and unsure of what to do. Tharkeroth Dallmethad gave her a calming potion to ease her weary mind and told her he would help her right away after he came back from the royal capital, He assured her that everything would be alright and advised her to rest and not worry too much. He then left for the royal capital,

leaving Taenya Leonan the young lady in waiting. With a sense of relief and gratitude, after sending Tharkeroth off, her staff was already waiting for her instructions. After a few minutes, she went back to the VIP spectator balcony room and quietly sat and waited even with a doubtful expression on her face that this was not just a random coincidence,

She couldn't shake off the feeling that Tharkeroth's sudden departure was somehow connected to the upcoming event, and she decided to keep a close eye on everything that was happening. As she watched the remaining warriors fighting at the Orange Rank, her mind was drifting elsewhere when her father entered the room with a sad look on his face. He sat next to her, and her father was profusely sweating, considering the news of sixty-five dead merchants at their establishment,

When she remembered the calming potion that she hasn't drunk yet and gave it to her father, and mentioned it came from Lord Tharkeroth Dallmethad after they accidentally came across each other in the corridor, and made sure she will do whatever it takes to save their family name from being shamed, so her father thanked her and opened the small glass bottle, which he curiously smelled and then distinguished by its fruity smell, drank it, and placed the bottle at the side table near the balcony chair overlooking the fighting arena.

The potion had an immediate effect on her father, as he visibly relaxed and his breathing slowed down. She felt relieved to see her father in a more peaceful state and hoped that this would help him make better decisions for their family's future.

Irles Filri was still using her invisibility spell inside the room. She waited to see if the calming potion was indeed an authentic one, given the fact that the person who gave it to her gave off a very distinguishing smell that an assassin like her knows really well: the smell of blood and malice.

Irles Filri was determined to find out the truth and waited patiently for any sign of deception. She knew that if the potion turned out to be fake, she would have to take matters into her own hands.

Irles Filri's heart raced as she tried to control her breathing and stay undetected. She knew that if the potion turned out to be fake and was something else entirely, she would have to act quickly and eliminate the threat before it was too late. but Just to be sure, she already informed Ramiel, who was in the room next to the one she was in,

When he received this name from Irles Filri, he decided to act regarding it, thus he asked Count Tiarsus Mirielis about the person named Tharkeroth Dallmethad. the Count hesitated for a moment before answering Lā mǐ'ěr question, knowing that he was a dangerous figure who had been causing trouble in the kingdom for years. He finally replied,

"I have heard of him, but be careful, he is not someone to be trifled with."

Viscountess Hilas Ugrihron was sitting next to Lā mǐ'ěr when she mention that Allatou Estrith never liked her brother in law, she once mention that his greed is bigger than the land itself, he was a key figure in the Sovereign war but he could never win against any of the Demiurgos bloodline not even toward the youngest who was the Queen of The Empire of Sheol,

"his hate toward the queen was unprecedented while he was still the house leader of his clan, but out of nowhere he abdicated his position and gave it to his younger brother who was more dignified and smarter and just vanish, rumors mention that he was a changed man but some were sceptical to his change, especially to the late queen Allatou,"

"Honestly if she was still around, she wouldn't hesitate to beat the crap out of him, he was really a nasty person even when my late husband was still alive his act of cruelty was too much even for the late Viscount who was known to be snobbish and arrogant,"

while Hilas was sharing her knowledge and exchanging information with one another, Lā mǐ'ěr was also communicating with Irles Filri by telepathy when a collective memory-sharing mind link came to his attention, it has been confirmed by one of the infiltrators Symbiote that there is indeed a drug circulating in the city and it was not the slave potion but a different kind, Ramiel asks if they were able to obtain a sample in unison they said "yes!"

"please send it to lady Laerdya Galadhiel for analysis, and inform the rest of the executives what information you are all able to gather,

"yes master, as you command!"

"Master something is wrong with Lady Taenya Leonan's father, he is moving erratically like he consumed a lot of alcohol and his core energy was getting condenser, even the daughter is in a state of panic his attitude is dramatically changing from a drunken stupor to a rabid person,"

Ramiel stood up and just excuse himself and told the three to remain here

" Controlled Arcane Barrier,"

They were surprised by his action when Hilas just cast another barrier with the one Lā mǐ'ěr created and just told the two to trust him, especially when he tells them something, better just follow his instruction. Hilas had always been known for his quick thinking and resourcefulness in difficult situations. Lā mǐ'ěr reported ability to create multiple barriers at once was just one example of his impressive skills.

when a massive explosion shook the entire room, but the force didn't go out of the open sitting area, but just imploded within the third floor of the VIP rooms including the room next where Taenya Leonan was located at, it was blown apart but the people inside the next room were all safe while a triple layer of a protective barrier were all covering their entire body,

the only person who sadly perished was lady Taenya Leonan's father while she was been held tightly by Irles Filri within the barrier that luckily Rameil was able to cast and reach all of them in time, but it wasn't enough to fully save Taenya without any severe injuries,

Taenya Leonan's right arm was ripped apart and burned half of her face because she was near and holding her father when he suddenly exploded, without Irles Filri speed skill she would have been torn to pieces

Despite the injuries, she was still grateful to Irles Filri for saving her life and vowed to seek revenge against the one who is responsible for her father's death, she already has a person in mind, the probability was big and he was the only person who could have done this

"Had I drunk that so-called calming potion, I would have died!"

Irles Filri saw the damage and thought even with multiple surgeries and physical therapy to regain some use of her arm, and even if she underwent extensive cosmetic procedures to repair the damage done to her face, she could only recover 10 per cent of her former look.

staff members rushed toward the room and saw what happened to most of the nobles gaining only a few bruises but seeing Taenya Leonan made most of the female personnel cry, Viscountess Hilas Ugrihron with Countess Herleva Mirielis rush to help and saw the young lady brutally disfigured as she was still conscious and crying and begging to save her, the Countess used her powers and try to heal her burnt tissue and repair some of her skin, while Hilas Ugrihron desperately tried to stop the bleeding,

During the time the Count was still standing in front of their own room, he noticed that the people watching in the arena were unaffected by the huge unexpected commotion. He went to check out what happened from their balcony and saw something beyond comprehension; the entire two rooms next to them were fully intact from the outside like nothing happened, but as he came close he could see the destructive force never got out and was pushed inward by the triple layer barrier Lā mǐ'ěr miraculously cast,

"those fools didn't even know their lives were just spared today,"

there are forty VIP rooms encircling the entire Colosseum and two of those rooms were now unusable, even the Regional Tournament Committee was shocked to see what happened and at some point even incriminated the two participants who were illegally in the VIP rooms but many nobles saw what the two did and mention without them they could already be dead,

While this was happening, the Regional Tournament Committee decided to announce that they would resume the battle the day after tomorrow because some repairs would be conducted at the arena structure, The committee members were really stubborn to see what was going on and presumed it was just a random occurrence because of the heightened emotion and vast amounts of drunk people in a festive mood. Cancelling the event never even entered their minds.

Taenya Leonan was accompanied by Countess Herleva, to the medical room and continued to cast healing spells to save her, she was almost half dead but she never gave up and would bit her lip and just endure the pain of being surgically operated on, even with magic certain wounds can't be healed that easily, especially regenerating body parts that were totally destroyed,

saving her life was their first priority, gaining or finding a healer whose level must be above 200 is now scarce, and casting a regeneration tier four spell with 100 per cent success was rare, but still They could only wait and see if she was strong enough to live and overcome her current predicament alive,

The medical group including Countess Herleva knew that they had done everything in their power to help her, but the situation was still uncertain. They could only hope that their efforts would be enough and that she would pull through.

The decision to resume the battle was met with mixed reactions from the audience. Some were disappointed, while others were relieved that they would have another chance to see their favourite fighters in action. Nonetheless, everyone agreed that safety should be a top priority and that the repairs were necessary to prevent any accidents from happening in the future, but this was all a lie that the head committee chairman made up to continue the huge large amount of revenue coming from the battle itself.

as the Orange Rank winner was announced, a day from now they shall continue the fight for the Red colour rank which Leilatha Atinen was part of, and like the rest of the participants, spectators, nobles, aristocrats, wealthy and influential merchants were all oblivious to what happened as they all stood up and slowly returned to their homes and rented rooms to just continue the festivity by feeding all of their desires on money, food, alcohol, illegal substance, and feed their individual licentiousness,

Little did they know that the chaos and disorder that had erupted during the festival was a prelude to a much larger upheaval that would soon engulf their city, and ultimately change the course of their lives forever. The seeds of revolution had been sown, and it was only a matter of time before they would bear fruit.

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