
Chapter 42

An ear-splitting roaring explosion could be heard, as it continued to pulsate miles away, thundering roar echoed as more mutated beasts get killed by an upset mother, and a nest of Drakes fell unto Allatou's rage, while Trazgallen just stood from afar and just let her get off some steam,

she was about to kill her 14th drake when Trazgallen called her because Ramiel was already awake and was having breakfast with the other hunters before they go on their separate ways, Haella was able to locate an uncontaminated Freshwater Ponds, a few meters away, Haella was gathering water when Krysha went up to her and ask if she can persuade Ramiel to join their group,

Haella was 5 foot 7 feet tall, with a heart-shaped face with lovely almond-shaped emerald green eyes, her skin was soft and youthful but it was pale and marked by traces of hardships in life, her lips are typically pursed but with a cynical smile, and with shoulder length curly silver-haired that is a known trait in her family and tribe, and with an alluring body that is well proportioned and was developed thru her adventuring and battles, and because of this features, many male suitors were attracted to her, but because she was raised as a hunter, and seeks to find a strong partner, her standards were set too high even among her race.

while Krysha was 5 foot 2 feet tall, with an oval-shaped face and slanted-shaped blue eyes with thin eyebrows, her alabaster skin was glowing, soft, smooth and youthful with freckles, and her lips are small and perky, but always have a warm smile, and with a pixie cut hair that hung over her face, and lastly, she has a slender body that is well proportioned. she came from a family of merchants that are known in the southern region, but at a very young age she wanted to travel and become an adventurer, and not remain inside a shop counting products to sell.

after filling her container with water Haella cast a spell,

"purify!" and gave it to Krysha, she told Haella if Ramiel becomes a member of the group will soar higher than before and might even get ranked by the guilds in the Ivlares city.

"what do you think is Ramiels rank level?"

" Krysha, do you think that will even matter?"

" he was able to kill two salamander beasts that mutated into a black feral, that are notoriously powerful because of its hunger trait!"

"his rank level must be at three digits!"

Haella re-explained and shared with Krysha that even before she registered and become an official hunter at a guild she was already at level 25, she pointed out that everybody has a fixed or permanent level rank, training beyond what your body can achieve is perplexing and extremely dangerous.

so that is why many warriors train for years in expanding their skills in fighting because, with this experience and knowledge, they have a chance to face and survive a more powerful enemy, but doing this is a huge gamble risking everything and just leaving it to luck and chance,

the amount that level they can gain is based on what type of creature they killed, killing lower mindless monsters can only give materials and can only increase their attributes, until a person reaches his or her limit,

"that is why we always buy and carry expensive attack scrolls because we already max out all of our attributes."

"but there were a few instances that an individual can break the limitation and increase one's level even higher,"

"and that was surviving death itself, it was said it can trigger the core body to expand one's power level to a certain degree."

"oh! like what happened to the Viscountess Hilas Ugrihron?"

"she was just level 50 before, "

"After surviving the queen's onslaught, and was able to overcome death, she was able to level up to 70"

after that dreadful experience, Viscountess challenge the queen again, for 2 straight days they fought and laid waste to the Ivlares' renowned Colosseum which was constructed to withstand any attack from even a dragon, was constructed by the Viscount himself to his wife's request, so she can reclaim her honour.

as the two of them duke it all out with so much aggression and ferocity, the granite flooring was destroyed, and the supporting Orichalum beams were cut, bent, twisted, and distorted, after two days Viscountess once again lost, it was a traumatising defeat as thousand saw her fall and lose an eye in the hands of the marauding queen.

" oh! are you talking about the queen?"

"geez! you surprise us Ramiel!"

"sorry about that! I was about to wash my face in this pond when I secretly listened to what you were talking about."

"Are you a fan of queen Allatou ?"

"me? I am a huge fan of hers, I can even honestly say, that I adore her!"

" that is why I am training here inside the forsaken forest, so I can look into her eyes and stand from where she stood, as the greatest warrior in the land."

"ah! so you are saying you are not planning to register in any guild?"

"Sadly yes! I don't want to leave my mother all alone, I want to be powerful enough to freely spend our peaceful life together."

"huh! you don't plan to get a partner in the future?"

"about that! time will tell, but as for now I just want to travel with my mother and experience everything in this vast open land."

"I told you Krysha, he won't join us!"

"ah! sorry! But we can still be friends, and if you need my help, I will always give a helping hand, deal?"

"ok, Ramiel it's a deal!"

Allatou and Trazgallen saw and heard everything this made them happy, and she look at her former teacher and said

" my Ramiel has grown up to be an understanding and caring individual."

"my queen, I did tell you to control your feelings."

Allatou now understood what it means to be a real mother, the feeling inside her was unfamiliar and uncommon to her, so many vibrant emotions were circling her heart it was smooth and peaceful, then in a split second everything will go wild uncontrollably like a plasma storm was consuming her, so this is what the fallen ones wanted to feel, and gain realization to what this emotion can do their endless longing,

this was Ramiels 5th day inside the entrance toward the middle part of the forsaken forest and he knows that going further within will be his most difficult and deadly challenge, so with this in mind, he had to make a believable lie to ensure that the garden brawlers won't follow him inside.

"so I think this will be our last time together!"

"so Ramiel you are leaving? where are you going?"

"I think it's time for me to go home, and see my mother,"

"taking on two black ferals and surviving, is already a huge reward by itself!"

"I do not want to needlessly die here alone,"

" and make my mother cry!"

"so! til the next time we guys meet, bye warrior Beor, bye Krysha, and goodbye Haella,

"cast spell!! swift dash!"

a sharp thump Ramiel ran in the opposite direction to mislead them into thinking otherwise, he was almost at the forest clearing he suddenly stop. and jump up toward a huge twenty-foot-high tree, that was an extension of the sacred root, and cast

" examine area!"

" energy scan!"

his ability to view and observe energy, increase ten folds, he was able to see three energy signatures that were walking in the other direction bound westward to another path of the forsaken forest, which is near a merchant outpost clearing or the first zone, that is facing and bound toward the Ivlares city,

Ramiel sat at the tree branch and waited until they were far enough from his view, after taking a quick nap, maybe a few hours had passed he woke up after hearing voices under the branch he was resting on,

he saw a horde of orcs were seen roaming the area hunting for possible food to eat, the orc looks tired and weak, they were skinny and most of them were having a hard time walking and some just collapsed out of hunger,

" camouflage,"


Ramiel went down and tried to listen to the orcs' conversation, and found out they were living a few miles east of the barrier dome was situated, after the powerful surge of light 38 days ago their home was destroyed when the sacred roots started to reform their habitat leaving them vulnerable and exposed to their enemy, and even demolishing their farmland as poisonous plants consumed their home and territory, so they are now hopelessly roaming the forest hoping to find new land to settle in that is not contaminated by the miasma.

" oh! this is bad! it is actually my fault!"

"I need to correct my mistake! before I enter the middle forest."

"Orcs are not mindless beings, they are a bit anti-social and hate other races, especially dark elves."

"But! the teacher told me that they only respond to those who are powerful."

"I think seven days won't be enough to accomplish teachers' tasks,"

"I can just ignore this! but I am not like that, teacher and especially mother might get upset with me,"

"oh well! this is going to take a while."

from afar a floating mirror could be seen, as Trazgallen and the queen were watching his every move and decision with smiles on their faces.

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