
Chapter 14

Since summer has already begun, the climate was quite warm. Thousands of people travel to their daily work destinations under tons of solid bedrock every day. Despite the uncertainty of their safety, the half-a-million residents of Yogyakarta live with a positive outlook on their daily life, despite being hidden behind a highly fortified structure.

considering that they only have a 14-strong registered Ethereal and a few hundred lower class, Indonesia had its share of attacks and many lives were lost, the people with their resilient, resourceful, tenacious, and courageous, putting up with life's difficulties and because of their personality many of them Awaken their powers, even if they were not that powerful there sheer large number can inflict chaos among the creatures that dare invade their land,

and one of these creatures where the Babi Ngepet or demon boar invaded so many towns in the vicinity of Mount Ungaran, Mount Merbabu, and Mount Merapi several Blue D-Gate simultaneously opened a few days before the Lithuanian Naga attack on the second week of June, as one hundred sixty of these wild boar-type beasts twice the size of a normal adult cow rampage throughout the major residential and farming populace,

the Indonesian military 3rd infantry division used the most modern armour-piercing bullets to kill this beast but it was futile, so a handful of registered Ethereal League was mobilized by the government to lead the hunt with the military as their backup.

but their biggest threat that the League confirmed was the appearance of a Rangda that secretly roam Surakarta City while the rest of the people were distracted with the Babi Ngepet,

the feared witch-like monster has already killed and eaten 7 innocent civilians in the urban housing and small business streets of Surakarta, and because of the creature's historical link to the country's legend, mass hysteria and panic engulfed every resident of the city with dread,

so many stories and interpretations of this monster gave many Ethereal hunters such difficulty in facing, due to her ghost-like aptness and fearsome combat skills in using a kris and lastly the ability to manifest sickness, and disease on physical contact this is hard to guard against without the help of a class B Ethereal warrior healer,

The Rangda have plagued Surakarta City for days, while hunts are being conducted to eradicate the demon boars due to the economic and financial needs of the people living in the city the mayor councillor

with the approval of all of the business owners to adjust all schedules on behalf of constituents and people's safety within their geographical division and district until the Rangda has been killed.

so after the consensus from the local government all work, medical, food establishments even schools were still open early in the morning as soon as the sun shines and a curfew was issued to ensure that everybody will be at home before the sun sets it has been confirmed that The Witch will surface and attack at night due to its nocturnal quality and known to hunt kill anyone who accidentally faces it and be identified and smelled delicious, unlike in the old tales. The creatures' actions are more like those of an animal than a thinking being, so they cannot be reasoned with.

it took weeks to stop the demon boars, this exhausted the number of League hunters who were willing to continue the hunt for the Rangda, that has already Surakarta City its feeding ground, but even with the mass panic, destruction, and even the death of so many innocent people the vast remaining populace could never leave their homes and even in the

face this calamity,

unregistered low Ethereal and non-Awaken now patrols the streets every night for the past few days, these people are afraid but still held to their beliefs and traditions about keeping face and not making protecting their family, this made them move forward and turn this fear into something that can change their families neighbours lives for the better,

but as soon as they face it they were paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding them in a tightening grip, all 6 of them stood in shock making all of their muscles became tense, and their teeth chattered in fear the creature was holding them a decapitated head while it was holding the rest of the body, it was eating away its flesh from the left chest rib cage as blood was dripping all over the back alley street floor, its long claws were ripping the meat from the poor woman's body, the sound of fangs was grinding and crushing rib bone.

one of the women who were part of the patrol that was witnessing this horror could not hold self not to vomit, fearing that the sound she will make would attract the monster she held her mouth as vomit drips from her mouth and hands, this made the rest nauseate with disgust as they were 40 feet from the scene they could only stand there and tremble in fear.

they looked at each other giving hints and body signals to not make any sound because this might attract attention and the chance of their survival will be small, one of them tried to walk n reverse. but his legs collapsed underneath him, at the start of the patrol this same person was even boasting that his awakened powers can subdue this monster if just given a chance, this was his third time patrolling and this was the only time he finally came face to face with such evil.

the monster was in front of the dead woman's house because the monster was preoccupied the person who was leading the group made a hand gesture to slowly walk backwards but wasn't able to verbally inform them to do it silently, a loud crashing sound as one the woman who was with them accidentally hit an old metal food cart that was parked on the side of the street alley opening, this elevated their panic and when they saw the Rangda with its hideous face filled with human blood and sharp teeth with torn flesh was looking at them it stood up from its crouching position and stood upright its body was covered with old and ripped pieces of dirty cloth, it was far bigger than your average human being from that the patrol team could see it was about 10 feet tall and parts of its naked body can be seen as it had a female appearance but its face was too horrible to describe in any words, looking at it might even drive any human insane.

the leader of the patrol team decided to interact with it in hopes that it was capable of understanding them, it was looking at them, and as soon as the man said a word the monster screamed so loud it made the surrounding neighborhood dogs bark simultaneously this made the creature more agitated as it walk towards them as 5 of the patrol team ran with fear and haste, the remaining man was an Awaken and have the ability to create duplicate illusions of himself so he decided to use this ability to escape, the alley was 3 meters wide and he only has a few meters as the monster was walking toward him, his Heart was pounding the Pulse beating in his ears, blocking out all other sounds he wanted to run for safety, but my feet would not allow me to do so, Sweat poured down my body as I stayed still as possible and as he concentrates and summons 3 identical clones of himself a puff of smoke came out of his hands it was the perfect time to hide behind the metal food cart the remain silent, i knew that the Rangda should be near his clones but there was not noise coming from the foul creature so he decided to take a peek from where he was hiding and saw it was just standing there doing nothing, his clones where just a few inches away it was staring toward the alley street opening where his patrol team members ran towards different directions,

the monster was not interested in him, it just suddenly jump above and ran toward one of the two female members that were with them, this made him fearfully happy as he drops to the ground sitting from his pee. luckily the woman that the Rangda decided to follow was able to reach her home and just stay there until sunrise, she was about to get some water when a knock from her apartment door made her drop the water container from her hand, she knew there was a chance that monster followed her so as the knock on her door continues she took out a kitchen knife and just fight it to the death, she was about to look and the door peak hole when a voice of a woman shouted,

ayo, Dian! buka pintunya, aku menunggumu selama satu jam..

come on Dian! open the door, I'm waiting for you for an hour...

aku sedang menunggumu di depan gedung apartemen, kamu berlari melewatiku ketakutan..

I was waiting for you in front of an apartment building, you just ran past me scared out of your mind...

the woman recognize the voice it sounded like her friend, she looks at the peek hole and saw it was her friend, she rushed to unlock the door as soon as she opened it she poked her head out and quickly gaze from left to right and saw extending claw at the far end of the long corridor on the 5th floor of her apartment complex, she just drags her friend inside and locked the door behind them, and hug her and told her she was really stupid to come over this late night.

apakah kamu gila Amisha! apa yang kamu di sini? mencoba untuk membuat dirimu terbunuh ada monster yang berkeliaran di kota, dan kurasa dia mengikutiku ke sini!

are you insane Amisha? what are you here? are trying to get yourself killed there is a monster roaming the city, and I think it followed me here!

a mad growl could be heard as a shadow was standing at her door she held the knife forward as she hold her friend at her back and mentioned that she was sorry for being a bad friend all this time and that she hope that she can still be good friends in the afterlife, the burst open like it was made in tin foil the Rangda was charging at them wide its wide mouth and extending claws and was inches away when a fast-moving object hits the monsters face as the impact was so loud it sounded like a thunder clap. the Rangda twisted in mid-air as its jaw was dislocated and its long protruding bloody moist tongue was being pulled out by a hand.

the creature smashes itself toward the kitchen sink and breaks it, as it drops on the tiled floor water was leaking all over the place, Amisha told her friend to call her sister and do it far from where she is now because this is going to be messy, stunned and shock at the same time she could only say yes and walk toward her apartment broken door.

Meskipun ayahku sangat melindungiku, aku ingin bertemu denganmu selama berminggu-minggu. Aku sangat kesal ketika kamu berkeliaran di kota dan membunuh orang-orangku sendiri, dasar bajingan jelek!!

Despite my father's overprotection toward me, I wanted to face you for weeks. I was so annoyed when you roamed the city and killed my people, you ugly piece of shit!!

Amisha walked toward the Rangda while it seemed unconscious as soon as she was standing at the end of its feet it took out its weapon and started to slice everything that was in its path a spark of light could be seen like something was deflecting the attack, this made the monster more annoyed at was able to stand up while its mouth was still heavily bleeding from getting its tongue ripped out,

the Rangda saw the mischievous smile on the woman's face as ut continue to slash its way to gain the upper hand it used its legs to kick Amisha but she knew that the monster will do this to save its hive so she just steps back and drops a small metal chopstick and gave the monster an opening to stab her,

the Rangda saw the opportunity but as soon as it change the kris direction she just counters attack it with a left hook while stepping on its feet, the impact of her stomping on the monster's feet crushing every bone., she just leans forward close enough to repeatedly punch the Rangda face like a punching bag, she was having fun knowing that the monster body could take more than a dozen punches from her, the monster couldn't even raise its hand to defend its body it was so fast and focus people from the other apartment could hear a boom every second, it was like a beating of a bass drum and it lasted for 10 long minutes.

when she noticed that the monster was no long-standing upright she stop and show the messy bloody pulverize body of the once-feared creature of the night, Amisha was covered in blood sweat minced flesh from the monster, and dust tiles and every time she would punch small hints of the Rangda movement made her shift her weight in different are so to adjust the sudden change she would punch the monster twice at the same time and bend lower to punch the lower part of its body breaking every bone its body.

as soon as Amisha saw her enemy's condition she just sighed! and a sound of a bottle opening from behind her it was Annisha her twin sister she was holding an energy drink that always buy and drink after a long day of training, she look at her sister and said

ini masih belum cukup untuk mengalahkanmu saudari, aku butuh lawan yang lebih kuat!

this is still not enough to beat you sister, I need a stronger opponent!

Annisha just smiled and gave her the energy drink, took out a small towel and rub her younger sister's bloody face, and told her she was just 3 minutes older than her and she will never look at her only sister to be weaker than her, Amisha smiled with a hint of a malicious grin and reply with a simple answer I was born like this sister,

in my eyes you are the only person in my life that needs to be protected if I am not stronger than you, how can I protect you! and drank the energy drink, Annisha walk back and lean beside Dian who was speechless after seeing what Amisha did to the most notorious monster, Dian was an unregistered Ethereal and her quick reflexes ability has saved her life more than once, but this time she saw that even her quickness without

Amisha would have already died at the Rangda's hands. she was trying so hard not to vomit nor faint after seeing the Monster's current condition, Annisha grab Dian by the shoulder and ask if she wants to stay with them for the time being while her apartment gets renovated.

news about the Rangda Death spread like wildfire, but Amisha refuse to reveal her identity to the media as the daughter of the riches man in their country would either make good publicity or bad, so thinking that it's not her personally to clamour for fame unlike her sister who was a social media fashion influencer, she won't take those chances in involving her family name in such a mediocre promotion, but with all her efforts she was unaware that the Liu Chen patriarch has already planned to include the twins in the inner working of the main family because of her skill and mindset

after a few days, the Indonesian Government acknowledged two Leagues, which gave them The Star of the Republic the highest award for their contribution to the eradication of the demon boars and the killing of the Rangda.

Ular Kembar Twin Serpent

Penjaga Bayangan Shadow Guardians

major reporters tried their best to get any information about the Ular Kembar League but even with all their efforts, the faces of members of this group were never found.

because of Amisha's accomplishment, Mr Suryadi Hartono was so happy to inform the Chuàngshǐ rén about his twin's achievement on the battlefield, the grand master has already foreseen their talent so he allowed both of them to participate as seneschals in the upcoming council leader assembly, knowing firsthand that they are skilled and has been trained personally by their mother in the art of tea ceremony and the culinary arts this was a great opportunity to see them blend with the mask that he shall create for them for the public eye to see.

after a few weeks, the assembly proceeded according to Mrs Sersi Mikhailov Xú request to the 14 leaders, now a new name will be included in the long list of a bloodline that descended from a primordial elemental Being.

Annisha already explained all the necessary conduct upon seeing Chuàngshǐ rén, the only thing that he must do is accept his clan's fate, Guoliang long opened the door of their chamber hall and walked toward the main hall accompanied a few feet behind him were two elite guards.

Guoliang long reach the main gathering hall as a dozen elite guards were standing on both sides of the corridor leading toward the main door, two beautiful women were standing on each side of this huge and amazingly fabulously crafted entrance made from gold wood and steel while walking he was wondering on how to open such a massive door would it open from the other side, or even if the structure was old there might be a modification that the door might be mechanically operated.

as he finally reaches the main door, the two female attendants grab the huge door handle and push what seemed to weigh around a ton gliding gently inch by inch with no effort at all, the sound it made was an indication that it was really heavy.

as it was fully opened he was ecstatic to see the full extent of the interior the main hall was huge and filled with extravagant architectural designs from so many Asian countries.

while walking on the red carpet path he recalled the rules that Annisha

explained, as soon as he saw 7 people sitting on both sides with a guard standing on their side, he stop before walking in front of the first two seated persons who he knew were council leaders, he stood there and bow down to greet the first two council leaders, and after continued the process until he reaches the foot of the stage. there he place both of his hands on his forehead as his palm was facing forward and while looking down at the floor he introduce himself and call out his bloodline and rack within the family,

as soon as he ended he kneel and gave 3 bows and waited to be further instructions, a female voice spoke and gave out the Chuàngshǐ rén edict

"the grand patriarch saw your willingness to save your clan's dignity by being true and firm in your beliefs, he finds your action to be admirable,"

''so the grand patriarch is allowing you to be the next sub-family successor of the Long clan, this is his will and you will obey!''

'so what say you Guoliang long?"

Guoliang long steadied his breathing and tried to calm down, thinking that there was escaping the responsibility that he now has to accept with no hesitation he opened his mouth while in a bowing posture and answered with vigour and dignity

"I Guoliang long a sub-family descendant of the great Liu Chen family accept this role and pledge my life to its glory!"

another voice spoke but this one was full of authority, the tone was mild but you can feel the vibration in the air as his ear could distinguish that even though the air in the hall was beginning to change, and the candles that were lit were dancing in response to the man's voice, and he felt like a giant killing beast was standing on top of him, even the man's voice was far beyond normal. In the voice, the man was told that he could return home with his family and await orders, upon returning home to fulfil his duties and obligations to restore his clan's greatness.

Guoliang long once again bowed 3 times and stood up while looking down he walk back slowly until he reach the last council leader's chair and turn around and walked toward the main door it began to open as he pass thru and quietly followed the same two guards that accompanied him.

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