
Chapter 10

All parties agreed to the settlement and went back to their home as Ms Lin Siniang calls a few contractors for the repair of the neighbourhood, as the afternoon comes to an end, and darkness slowly in gulp their humble quiet town and the moon finally shows its majestic shine and illuminate their home Ramiel sleeping under Amelia's embrace as she brushes his hair and softly sang an old song that Amelia mother used to sing to her when she was a child.

a few elders who are Mr and Mr Liu Chen's friends felt the massive Qi and after a few minutes heard the news from the local police about the explosion at the Liu Chen residence after knowing this they all rushed to see and help them in any way that they can, seeing the chaos in their neighbourhood they knew this was not an ordinary accident.

the six elders saw Mr and Mrs Liu Chen's physical condition while they sat on their porch while being treated by medical personnel, they were shocked to see them up close after everything has settled down and all of the First responders had felt the area, Grandma Mao asked elders to come in they were all brought into the kitchen because the living was not safe to stay in after settling down on the dining table

as Mr and Mrs Liu Chen explained that upon opening the boy's last Meridian seal, they described their experience and what they witnessed and encountered. Grandpa Tang thought Ramiels Qi was normal, but after a few minutes it exploded and became overwhelming and wild signs that he has a twilight Qi, grandpa Tang had to exert his QI to control Ramiels aura but the boys' Aura was so raw it was momentarily made his feel paralysis, sweating, pain, violent shaking if grandma Mao didn't interview he would have died.

grandma Mao mentions that Ramiels body is different from the rest of the people that can harness and control their Qi, it was like an engine that keeps increasing depending on the emotions he was feeling. at first, she saw it was red and like fire, it burns anything that it touches, Ramiel was still conscious but like in a dream trace, they could feel that he was actually aware of what was happening around him but too disorientated to react.

Ramiel might even think he was just dreaming, after red, a golden glow emerge from those red energy waves, it was so strong like resisting a tornado from ripping your body apart, their dress was ripped, cut, torn like it was paper, suddenly is slowly became dark heavy the filled with anger grandpa Tang was forcing his way to compress the young boys' Aura from getting bigger his eyes were already bleeding and his internal body was like being twisted and push outward without his strengthening and body enhancement skill this would end up like what happened in Chornobyl, less radiation more destructive explosion.

getting near Ramiel prove to be difficult until Amelia came down to help them, as soon as she call out Ramiels name his Aura Suddenly change from black to blue, that was the only time she was able to close his Meridian Vain.

but Grandpa Tang explained that it is only temporary the moment he feels scared or in danger, this energy will emerge once again before that happens they need to act fast and create any known measures to ensure that he won't get consumed by his rage.

one of the elders that grandpa Tang was talking to was a Tongji master named Gong Renshu suggested making a seal charm that will prevent Qi to lash out with no control the problem is what type of seal charm would they use, after hours of deliberation they agreed to use

"Qi suppression Tattoo"

grandpa Tang and grandma Mao requested that the rest of the elders do their best to ensure Ramiel will receive favourable guidance from each of them in the foreseeable future. after the meeting, the two elders said their goodbyes and ask Ms Lin Siniang if she could clean up after them for they were currently feeling down after what happened, they didn't even have the opportunity to prepare and eat dinner so while Ms Lin Siniang was cleaning the ruined living room floor that was severely damaged due to the reported overheating of their basement boiler she decided to keep her report on hold for the time being from Guan Yu knowing that he was currently busy overseas,

at the same time in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve in china, the 14 Naga were given a proper domain to which they can live but were also given firm restrictions in interacting or going outside the designated sanctuary, an underground laboratory was secretly created ten years ago and made sure the construction of this base didn't disturb and inhabitants in the area weather plant or animals. beneath tons of solid and bedrock, a 5-floor laboratory facility was meticulously made with the most expensive materials and equipment in the industry, created to be more secure than a nuclear bunker and with enough military personnel to stop a fully armed company of terrorists.

Professor Mai Chenguang was at the forefront of understanding the Naga's language and culture one particular Nagi was appointed to be their representative and she was intelligent and was able to articulate certain knowledge that derived from their race this made Professor Mai Chenguang even her staff was able to quickly understand the connection between these races to the Narratives of these beings hold cultural significance in the mythological traditions of many Asian cultures and within Hinduism and Buddhism belief.

the female Nagi admitted and shared the stories that were passed down by her clan that thousands of years ago their race intermingled with their race and they were seen as gods before and had established a city that they once ruled for hundreds of years but the first Naga proclaimed that they were sent to rule over mankind were all lies, their ancestor was accidentally thrown into this world due to the aftermath of two powerful Gods waging war in their homeland,

these Naga used the fear of the human clan making them believe they are gods but like any other living being they are still bound to time and death so most of them breed with humans, this created a subspecies half human half Naga most retained some of their skill like adaptability like shapeshifting powers. However, they will have to sacrifice much of their divinity powers if they use this ability if they choose to be humans.

Professor Mai Chenguang asked the female Nagi why submit to Guan Yu Liu Chen the current president of Fu Xi Shi, and what made them lower there to guard and submit under him knowing that it's not in their nature to do so, she further adds that Naga is a proud and somewhat haughty creature that has an alluring exotic aura extending from them, They are not evil, Individually strong, nagas often serve in a guard by a more powerful divinity. Ferocious in their role, they may be overprotective toward their clan and kill foolhardy and a bit ignorant when exploring.

the female Naga was Surprise to hear this coming from a human, Dr Mai Chenguang explain that many stories were passed down to them also so she wish to confirm it was true, the Nagi was 4 meters tall but in human form, she might stand about 5 foot seven feet tall, the Nagi lower itself to see the Professor's face and said their new protector was marked by their creator and god and not just seeing the mark on his forearm that made them submit but they smelled his draconic bloodline and monstrous aura.

the Professor asked the Nagi if she has a name, sadly she nodded and answered no, but her new protector could name her if needed, after a few seconds a sound could be heard from a speaker in the laboratory, a huge monitor opened and greeted the Professor the Nagi saw Guan Yu face she suddenly lowered her head and greeted their guardian.

Professor Mai Chenguang ask Guan Yu why the sudden call, he told her their very well-being are under his care so it was proper to see and know everything about them because this particular Clan is directly connected to his clan of name the Nagi didn't have as the only human speaking Naga she will now represent him in many ways so by this she was given the name of Rilith.

Rilith bow and thank his master, Professor Mai Chenguang also thank Guan Yu and asked him a personal question concerning his current location, he smiled and told her he is going back to see his family and then sign off.

Rilith asked the Professor what his master said, and she just answered that Guan Yu has a clan like yours, that is what family means, the Nagi was still confused so Professor Mai told her that Guan has a mate and an adopted son under the care of two wiser and stronger clan members. she just added that there are so many things she will soon learn from this world they are currently living just do well and remain loyal

suddenly Rilith began to panic and erratic she was in absolute fear and vomited on the floor she was screaming in pain, then just bash her head on the concrete floor pulverizing the floor as more of Naga clan members began to act the same then on their nest,

it can be seen by the camera that was placed in the area they all just suddenly fell unconscious, but Rilith was able to fight it off she was holding her chest crying for the pain to stop ten laboratory personnel came in the held her down. the Professor grab and syringe and inject her with enough tranquillizers to put two adult elephants to sleep but it only made her pain tolerable, Dr.Mai asked her to explain what was happening to them she spoke desperately even in pain and mentioned the seed of an outer god is here among them then she lost consciousness.

while travelling back alone Guan Yu is listening to news about more people getting involved in the monster hunt has increased drastically but they soon encounter many deadly hurdles as they try to gain public and social notoriety, life went on as mankind was born to be adaptable to the changes in their daily routine, everything became the new norm, nationwide curfew establishing interconnected network surveillance throughout all known first responders to ensure the safety of all people in and around their respective territory.

the next day Amelia was the last person to wake and saw that her son was no longer beside her, she hurriedly stood up and went down to see where Ramiel was as soon as she reaches the kitchen she saw his son eating his favourite cereal and Grandpa Tang was talking to a man that looks like a carpenter then she notices more people can be seen walking in and out of Mr and Mrs Liu Chen home, everybody saw her looking confused the out of breath when Ramiel took her hand and ask her to sit down and told her to have breakfast and kissed her on the cheek.

Amelia took the teapot and poured tea on her cup and place the pot in the middle of the table while staring at the people who were casually coming into the kitchen asking Ms Lin Siniang as she gave out orders on what needed to be fixed first but her voice was fuzzy and bleared, she could even see flickering after image of each person that was walking around,

grandma Mao was also doing so many things her hands were multiplying and each moment was mesmerizing like Amelia was inside a hazy dream but when Ramiel called her and pulled her sleeves at that moment she has finally woken up from what it seems a trance.

now Amelia was more confused, grandpa Tang saw her reaction and ask the construction foreman to go ahead with the plan that they have discussed and proceed with walking toward Amelia and asking if she was doing ok, Amelia took a few seconds to react to his question and just answered yes.

while checking her pulse Grandpa Tang was surprised and was left speechless then he place his palm on her forehead and check if she has a fever, Grandpa Tang repeated checking her pulse twice, and after confirming he went to grandma Mao while she was taking out a tray with some lemonade drinks for the construction crew that was working on the street and addressing their neighbour's repair request outside.

grandpa Tang sprinted with a big smile on his face and cut off his wife this startled grandma Mao she was about to scream at him when he whisper the word



she almost drops the tray she was holding, she just shoves it into her husband's hand and came rushing back to Amelia and embraces her tight, and smothers her with kisses, now Amelia gets more confused about what was happening, but she just receives this warm affection because she felt good inside. Ramiel saw this while washing his cereal bowl and joined the embrace.

Ms Lin Siniang saw this but got distracted when the construction guy accidentally used the wrong wood on the living room flooring.

and gave out detailed instructions to the people working, the three were still hugging each other, while Ms Lin's voice could be heard all over the house micro-managing the workers.

"I told you guys to double-check each item and make sure it's the right wood."

"and where is the boiler that I ordered? sigh!"

"I hired fifty people to do this job and I am missing a boiler."

Amelia heard Lin and started to laugh, she giggle and told grandma Mao that she was a great assistant a wonderful nanny, and a good friend but a lousy contractor. the three just laugh, now Ramiel was the confused one, after that he told his mother that he needs to check his invention before the science fair in the afternoon.

he went looking for Grandpa Tang when he saw him talking to the elders and they were congratulating him like he just won the contest, so he decide to not disturb him he just went up to his room and saw a construction guy coming down he greeted the man but didn't answer back so thinking that he might be really busy and must work double time, especially right after waking up from his deep sleep and saw what happened to their house after Grandpa Tang told him the reason why there was a big hole on the living room.

after going into his room Ramiel took a bath on his own after half an hour Amelia knock at the bathroom door and ask if he needs help drying his hair, Ramiel replied and told his mother that it would be nice to get some help, after taking out some clean towel she gently dried his hair and ask Ramiel if Guan Yu ask her to marry him would he get mad.

Ramiel was giggling while his mom dry him off, he answered with a smile and said it would be great to have a father that makes mommy happy, and even joked that uncle Guan Yu was a big catch for her and started to laugh at this surprise her so she tickles him some more and told him he was a naughty boy Ramiel was laughing uncontrollably so the only way to make her mother stop he slip out of her moms hold and ran butt naked.

Amelia saw this move and just ran after him, he jump on the bed and hide under the bed sheets, she saw this and like a cat, she pounces at him and just hug, Amelia told her son that if Guan Yu did ask her to get married she would say yes, as Ramiel poked out his head over the curled up bed sheet he looks at his mother and said

"I want mommy to be happy"

Grandma Mao went to their room and gently slap Amelia and Ramiels butts and told them to get ready they have a lot of things to do and scolded Amelia to stop running around the house, she ask why? grandma Mao wasn't sure how to answer her question due to the fact knowing that she was a week pregnant at this stage would be a bit weird for her to know so she just told her you are much heavier than Ramiel their room floor might have received some damage that was left unchecked so better to be safe than sorry.

she hug held her hand and said ok, as the same time a co-worker called her and asked if she found the needed papers concerning the logistic report that was requested a few days ago.

Amelia panicked because she forgot about it and ask her co-worker to give her a few minutes to get the paper and travel to the office, she had forgotten that her work leave today was actually on hold until she clear the issue with the product delivery.

so she kissed Ramiel and hugged grandma Mao and hectically grab the papers from the small desk table and shove it in her bag but before going out of the room she went back to Ramiel that was already putting on some clothes and told him that she will just drop this paper at the office and come back before the contest begins and kiss him again in the forehead.

she was about to hug grandma Mao again but she was just brushed off by the old lady saying

"ok ok fine!! you go now!"

Amelia replied while going out with

"thank you, grandma! love you, guys!"

the two just waved back to her and Grandma Mao just continued to help Ramiel put on the rest of his clothes, Grandpa Tang saw Amelia walking fast in a weird manner as soon as she near him she told Grandpa Tang the reason why she was walking like that was that Grandma Mao told her not to run, Grandpa Tang was about to ask her again but she apologizes to him for cutting their conversation short she was running a bit late and her supervisor was waiting for her. so went out walking of the house and by luck saw Ms Dolores Tesfaye was getting of her car a few meters away from their home and was waving at her, so seeing this as an opportunity she called out to her friend said I need you to help

Ms Dolores Tesfaye was confused while holding a basket of fruits in her hand, Amelia took the basket and thanked her but grabbed her back to her car and told her that they need to go now, Dolores didn't even have time to ask when she opened her car door and just sat on the passenger seat and looked at her and told her to just get in her car and she will explain everything on the way, so Ms Dolores Tesfaye just went in her car and started the engine and just drove away.

while driving Amelia was able to explain to her friend Dolores what was going on, Dolores held her hand and said she understands but told her next time can she please send her a text, Amelia laugh but Dolores suddenly became silent and asked Amelia if she was ok, so she looked at her with an odd expression telling her friend why are they so fixated in her condition today? Dolores said nothing, in particular, she was just asking her nothing more nothing less.

so after an hour Amelia was in front of her work and thanked Dolores for driving her there and wave her goodbyes and just left, Ms. Dolores Tesfaye took out her phone and called Grandma Mao and ask her about her friend's condition, her eyes grew wide and smiled as she gets confirmation on Amelia status and laughs as she mentions to Grandma Mao that Guan Yu will go bonkers if he gets the good news.

meanwhile, somewhere near the city of Hermosillo in Mexico, a well-known hiking trail called Cerro Agualurca is now overrun with what Mexicans call a Dzulúm a few months ago a jaguar-looking animal with a long piece of hair that runs from the head to its back and was said to have the ability to produce more of their kind without mating, although ancient Mayan texts said that these creatures protected the land today, they are a wild and ferocious beast that won't hesitate to kill to feed its kind. but due to their traits of seeing people as food, they come down from their mountain enclave to gather, hunt, and raid towns.

due to their rapid number drastically increasing it has been reported with four months their number has risen to more than two hundred and can be seen hunting around the city and on roads going in and out of Hermosillo city and their usual size is between 1 meter tall on all four legs, the city mayor of Hermosillo has requested assistance from all major and minor League but after weeks of waiting there was no reply,

due to the increasing attacks most cargo shipments that travel bound to Hermosillo are getting ransacked and destroyed by the Dzulúm, this made many businesses in the area faces a crisis so most owners and working civilian with no ability wanted to protect their livelihood and just earn money decided to go out to hunt the legendary Dzulúm hoping to get lucky in the process and become rich, but due to the geographical vast open land area, the Mexicans had a difficulty controlling the Dzulúm attack mainly lack appropriate cooperation from main government agencies.

so most non-Ethereal Mexicans started to establish their group to hunt the Dzulúm and harvest its body part that was known to have healing but addictive properties. but one group wanted to use this to gain more money and power the Consigliere of the Serrano Cartel and also the Blue Diablo Ethereal League master Alejandro Diaz Serrano was making sure he gets to control and monopolize said product.

so with 30 modified cargo trucks that could carry 40 people illegally gathering under the flag of the Blue Diablo with his hired personnel and an unknown number of civilians that wanted to join the hunt roam the desolate terrain of the mountain in the surrounding area, they were divided into groups and they started this hunt a month ago, and because their activity was under the eyes of the government the death toll was never recorded and even reported in the media. but a former member of the hunt that lasted 5 raids within that time told the reporter before he decided to stop joining the Blue Diablo hunt there were almost 180 civilian deaths that went unreported.

this interview was conducted secretly since they are investigating the Serrano Cartel connection to the death, after two hours of in-depth questions concerning the 180 death, a loud explosion could be heard in the other room supposedly where the man's family is hiding and staying even though before they could get out from his room 4 men could be seen walking toward the room entrance where they are conducting the interview holding machetes and as soon as the reporter saw them she screams and beg for her own life, like she already knew what will happen to them after hearing her beg, the man already knew his family was gone and decided to jump out of the window to save himself but it was too late as soon as he turned around to the direction of the window the female reporters head could be seen separating from her body as blood spilled from her severed neck down to her chest and drop on the floor like a rag doll, the man also fell forward and thinking why was he going down the moment his face hit the floor a sharp pain rush to his brain and made him scream like crazy when he saw that his legs were already cut off he was in so much pain ang begging one of the men that entered his home to spare him... the man just smile and said one thing...

"oh really!"

"mira a este estúpido!"

"look at this stupid man!"

the afternoon ended as the people cower behind closed doors and just accept that there was nothing to see. while more Dzulúm roams the area slowly coming in closer to where men are living the fear that these creatures will soon be at their doorstep.

the school auditorium door are now open as faculty members were arranging tables and chairs for the science fair competition, kids all over the city with their parents and guardians were beginning to come in, and you could see the excitement in the eyes of the participating kids and see the competitiveness of their parent to prove how smart their kids are, Ms Dolores Tesfaye, is the community head chairwoman of this year's science fair. she was instructing the janitor to open all the lights outside the building and double check that no outsiders can get in the back door,

after checking the sound system she addresses the contest participants to place their projects on the designated table that was provided and all of the school performers to get ready they will start the program at exactly 8 pm

Ramiel and Grandpa Tang were already setting up their table and double-checking all the items they will present to the judges later, while Grandma Mao with a few of her friends were also attending to the food that the people will eat at the venue you could hear loud Chinese elderly woman arguing on where to place the dishes to make sure each food will get to be eaten and distributed among everybody.

Amelia was still at the office she was about to leave when she thought of calling Ramiel as soon as she said hello Ramiel was panicking and told her mother they forgot to bring the research paper concerning his project so like any loving mother Amelia told Ramiel to calm down they still have sufficient time and she was done at the office and told his son that she will personally go home and get the papers and travel to the place the science fair is being held.

Ramiel was so happy and even told Grandpa Tang that his mom will go back home and get the papers for him he look at his watch and saw it was 6:01 pm and it take 30 minutes to travel from the factory to their home and told Ramiel that they have a lot of time to spare so just enjoy his time mingling with his classmates. Amelia was lucky enough to get a taxi to go back home as soon as they enter their neighbourhood she notice there were no opened light posts along the way to their home, the police officer was waving a flashlight and stopping any vehicle that was entering the place and informing them to be mindful and cautious because it is getting dark a food delivery guy asked what was the reason, the police told him that the construction crew accidentally cut the main powerline in the area while they were fixing the damage at the Liu Chen residence.

so after hearing this, she told the taxi driver that it would be much safer and faster if she just walk and politely ask the driver if it is ok with him, the man just smile and said yes so without wasting time she went out of the taxi and walked toward their home that was just 40 meters away, Amelia was that the construction crew that Lin was supervising had placed 3 huge generator powered light tower as they fix the problem Amelia Saw Lin and just looking at her she was really under a lot of stress so she made a choice not to disturbed her while working.

there was so much noise and Amelia thought she needs to hurry so she will be able to attend Ramiels school activity on time, she ran up the 5 step porch and took out her door key, and went in it was dark in some area of the house that has no window facing the light tower outside so she had to use her cell phone to illuminate especially staircase going up to there room when she notices that her phone only has 10 per cent battery life remaining, she was too busy at the office and forgot to change her phone but didn't bother her she already knew where Ramiels Papers are placed so thinking that she has enough battery life and continue to go inside,

while going up she could still hear the noise of the construction as jackhammers overwhelm her hearing and made her uncomfortable, she had to walk a few yards to the right in a corridor to reach the first room that belonged to them as soon as she opens the bedroom door that wasn't able to get any reflecting light from the light tower was pitch black and the only source of light was in her hand with the remaining power of her phone she saw the papers that Ramiel needs is was on top of their bed so she carefully walks toward it and the moment she took the papers while turning back her phone made a beeping sound and it suddenly just powers down she has no choice but to just walk straight back toward the door in darkness when she heard a very familiar and distinct voice.

"hello, my darling Amelia... oh god I miss you so much!"

she couldn't move after hearing, under the cover of darkness Amelia was shivering in fear, she scream as loud as she could but the sound of the jackhammer diluted any sounds that might come from inside the house, she was already panicking and began to cry you can hear the fear and panic in her voice,

she could feel movements from the wooden floor and begged him to stay away from her, a whisper in her left ear made her run as she hits the wall in front of her the man even ask her to stay still or she might get badly hurt.

"darling don't go, I am back to take good care of you!"

Amelia once again shouted at the man as she navigate into pith darkness

the voice of the man was everywhere it comes to get too near her she could feel it on her skin, she was still crying and screaming that he doesn't belong there and he need to leave them alone.

suddenly a hand grabs her best as she fight it off, the hand retracted from her body and a burst of laughter replace the sound, Amelia was shouting heavily that he is a monster and to leave her and Ramiel alone.

a slap hits her face and an angry tone came from the man's mouth

"how dare you love that pest, that boy is not my son, I know that you are a slut and you got pregnant by another man!"

then a hand grabs her by the neck and the man licked Amalia's face and started groping her sexually, she push him and bash him in the head with her phone and just walk away in dark.

"how dare you hit me! but I still love you and, you know you are my property, and seeing you love another person makes me sick!!"

"don't make me hit you, woman!"

Amelia decides to crawl onto the floor so he can't touch or attack her but it was futile, he would just grabs her hair and drag her upward and once again started to sexually assault her, so like a caged animal she never stops resisting and did whatever it took to get him off from his hold until she was able to punch him in the head but something was covering his face and the force broke Amelia's hand she groans in pain and bends forward as he kicks her in her face with his knee the for the impact made her tumble backwards and accidentally hit the room door, her nose was broken as blood was coming out of her nasal cavity.

as she opened her eyes the pitch black darkness was not overwhelming her vision anymore, she notices faint dim lights illuminating a small area that was the hallway facing the staircase. the man inside the room was still narrating his twisted sense of love for her even if she had a broken hand and bleeding nose she gathers all her strength and with one push she was able to stand up and just ran towards the dim light, as soon as she was a few years away the man ran after and was trying to grab her long black hair and force her to stop, but the moment he was about to do it they both fell on the staircase and rolled downward severely injuring Amelia's arm and twisting her left ankle.

they both landed on the ground floor moaning in pain, the noise from the construction was still overlapping with her voice so even after falling her screams weren't able to attract anybody outside. so with a broken arm and a twisted ankle, she crawled and just endure the pain in her body until she was able to grab hold of the kitchen archway door she was biting her lip as she used the archway to stand up she was limping and every step sharp pain would make her scream once again her breath was humming as she drags her body along the kitchen wall hoping to get across and open the main house door,

she was just a few feet when the man stood up and shake his head a sign that he was still recovering from the fall, Amelia saw him gaining consciousness her fear instantly rush into her brain as adrenaline pumped her heartbeat signalling every muscle to move away from the wall and sprint toward the door, the moment she held the doorknob she desperately turned to open it when the man just laugh and walk toward her as the light from the outside was more focus on the door the light was able to illuminate the path where they are standing, Amelia was able to see her broken hand and even see the man image while as he comes in closer wearing night vision mask.

"do you think you can escape me that easily? hmm... I just remember that my lovely wife loves to cook now! let us go inside the kitchen and you can serve me one of those apple pies huh?"

Amelia nodded no but she was too hurt to stop him from choking her neck and just forcing her inside the kitchen she was in pain and gasping for air she was about to lose consciousness the man slaps her until she regain awareness her cheek was a bruise and with a broken ankle he made her sit down on a stool that was facing the kitchen counter top, she had to hold on to the edge of the marble top to keep her body from falling off the stool while the man walks on the other side opened the oven where an apple pie was resting to cool down, he took it out and place it on top of the counter and turns around again to get some plates at the cabinet cupboard, Amelia was already swollen from the slap that he gave her and sitting an unlighted room made it hard to see anything a few feet from her, but she was still able to see what the man was doing,

the man took out two small plates with forks and place them near the apple pie, Amelia told him to leave her and her son alone and repeatedly begs him to just go away, this irritated him, and spoke to himself saying that Amelia was cheating on him even before and the son she has now was conceived by having an affair while they were still together,

Amelia begs him again

" Please Samuel I beg of you just leave us alone!"

Samuel took out a hunting knife and pointed it at her and cursing to stop talking or he will get mad knowing the person he knew was an evil and really bad person, and he can promise that he can protect her from him, Amelia was puzzled with his words and act like she was talking to a different person when Samuel used the knife he was holding to slice the apple pie and gently took the pie and place it on the plate and move it in front of Amelia he saw her face was badly injured and was shocked and went over to her side and ask a very disturbing question...

"oh my god! sweetheart who did this to you?"

"this is not good my dear! we need to fix you before he gets back."

Amelia looked at him with disdain and hate and lash out and curse him and scream that he was the one who hurt her and scream some more but Samuel just stood there looking at her face with a big smile when he took the apple pie plate and bash it in her head and said

"Oh, dear! sadly you made him mad!"

Amelia fell once again on the floor now bleeding from the cut on her forehead, Samuel bent over and greeted her

"did you miss me, Amelia, have you forgotten the face of your true love..."

then he took off the mask that was enabling him to see in the dark. and kneel and lifted her head and kissed Amelia on her lips.

It was already 6:42 pm and Ramiel was worried because he can't contact his mother but he didn't want Grandpa Tang and Grandma Mao to get worried she might be held due to many reasons and one of these was maybe her phone was off because it no longer has power, or she was stuck in traffic, his attention was no longer focus on the science fair but on his mother,

he has a bad feeling that something happened to her, so secretly he took out his phone again and texted Ms Lin Siniang and waited for her to reply but after 3 minutes he got impatient and decided to move to a different location and act like everything was perfectly fine and not worry Grandpa Tang who was 3 feet from him but he was preoccupied with talking with some of the participants family members and giving out drinks and finger food that Grandma Mao made as one of the events food sponsors.

like a scurrying mouse, he move further away but was still within the vicinity where he could still view grandpa Tang, he called Ms Lin Siniang and not knowing that the person he was calling put her phone on silent, this was the first time that particular situation was happening simultaneously, and he thinks it might be just a remarkable concurrence just like what he usually see on those detective hero novels that grandpa Tang loves to read while grandma Mao binge watches a Chinese rom-com on her smartphone while waiting for her pie to get cooked.

so he asked grandpa Tang to stay with his project and made an excuse that he will go and see his classmates before the program starts but he just want to secretly ask Ms Dolores Tesfaye if she can ask one of her staff to take him home because he accidentally forgot to bring the papers that were required by the judge when presenting his science creation.

and Ramiel has a reason because of the hectic activity around the house he was bored and just waited and sat and star at his bedroom window that was overlooking the street behind them saw that Ms Dolores Tesfaye had already packed her car and was coming out of the driver seat side holding a basket of fruits when his mom haul Ms Dolores back after a few seconds just drove away, so he knew that she was the one who drove her mother to work that morning, and even made a white lie that his mom message him an hour ago that she would be late and will be here before the program starts at 8 pm.

and beg her that she was the only person he can ask for help because Grandpa Tang and Grandma Mao are all over the place giving away free food, Ms. Dolores Tesfaye understood Ramiels request and admitted it was valid and reasonable, so she called one of her volunteers to drive Ramiel home and just return to the auditorium after getting the item he needs.

while in the car with one of Ms Dolores's staff named Makena Sade, she was 24 years old around 5 foot 2 feet tall and has been volunteering at the orphanage for 4 years, but her real job was as a paralegal she was very good at her job, Ms Dolores would tell stories about Makena when she was still at school to inspire us and like her to have a goal in life,

the one thing that made Ramiel annoyed was her dependency on her phone, even when she was helping Ms Dolores Tesfaye she was always on her phone constantly talking to somebody either her boss, a friend, a client or her boyfriend. Ms Dolores has to walk up to Makena and pluck the blue tooth earpiece on her ear so she could hear her instructions, Ramiel knew firsthand she was a nice person but her very distinct obsession to always be connected seemed to be a waste of face-to-face interaction.

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