
Chapter 193: Are We Going to Play?

Ellis POV

Back in the car, the driver took the long way home, trying to throw off the FBI. My Interest in involving them was even lower than before. Bethany was unpredictable and it was best to play her at her own game. Bringing the feds would be way too predictable, and she would smell it from a mile away.

The gates opened at our approach, the guard well knowing all my cars. There was a list with photos and license plate numbers in the booth.

Rolling up to the front, I was dropped off at the door, getting the suitcases from the trunk before heading in.

Straight up to the master bedroom to pack for the trip, Olivia was sitting on our bed. She just watched at first as I got things organized to get to Mexico and rescue Carl. It wasn’t until she saw the gun that she spoke up.

“Why don’t you ever listen to me?” she demanded.

“What do you mean?” I asked, distracted by packing.

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