
Chapter 185: The Talking Cure

It was the last thing I expected to see. Anthony, who we had come to hate, at the piano we both loved. Seeing him there was like watching the Devil dance on the keys.

The tension was so tight, I could feel it in the air, Ellis’s displeasure clear. Anthony was harder to read. The piano recital was probably an act of spite, but he looked so gleeful while doing it. Not that it indicated much. He could just be delighting in upsetting Ellis, but it didn’t seem likely. Not with what he’d told me on the patio.

Anthony’s goals were clearly at odds, a contradiction that made any of his actions hard to attribute to either one of them. Was he trying to impress Ellis, maybe bringing about a new understanding?

Or was it just petty mind games, trying to get to him? Either one of them was more than possible.

As the music played on, I looked at Ellis, trying to gauge his reaction. Just to see if there might be any violence coming.

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