
Chapter 140: The Truth and Consequences

**Ellis POV

Relief washed over me as I watched them take Brenda away. Just knowing that she would be gone and also face justice for everything that she has done to my family made me feel better. A long sigh escaped me as I turned and kissed Olivia on the cheek. I could see that she too felt better and safe once again.

As I turned my face back around, I saw Joan’s face become pale white. Like she just saw a ghost. Her eyes looked wide like a deer in headlights. Her mouth dropped open and she put her hands to her face.

I could see her start to shake with fear as she stood near the door. She looked like she didn’t know what to do or what to think at this point. Maybe she felt that she just lost her only friend and the battle. But I didn’t know for sure. At least not yet.

I cleared my throat and spoke once again. “So, let’s talk about you, Joan. Have a seat.” I pointed to the couch.

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