
Chapter 177 - A New Home?

It is now a few days after Lena went shopping for her wedding dress, and Kara and Lena are sitting at home in their penthouse, while Alura and Morgan run about, playing games together. Today is a weekday, so Alura went to school, Morgan continued her work with the private tutor, and Kara and Lena both went to work. So right now the family are all just enjoying each other's company, and relaxing.

Over these last few days though, Lena has had anything but a relaxing time, as she both has had to deal with multiple issues at L-Corp that have cropped up, and she has had to deal with finding the right designer to make her wedding dress. Dealing with the latter problem, Lena has realised that designing a custom wedding dress is a lot more intensive than she first thought it would be. So, Lena now knows that for the designer to even begin to design the wedding dress for her, she is going to have to meet them in person, and then spend multiple hours having all of her body measured intimately, just so the wedding dress will be a perfect fit. Of course, Lena knew that she would have to do this already, but she has recently found out that the process could take as long as 4 hours. However, after making a few phone calls, Lena has found a wedding dress designer who she is happy to work with, and booked an appointment with her for next week, while also having done multiple mock up drawings of the wedding dress design she has in her mind.

"What are you thinking of?" Kara asks Lena, as the two fiancés sit next to one another, with the CEO being lost in thought.

"Not much. I was just thinking about how I want my wedding dress to look." Lena explains, "Imagining it in my mind."

"You not going to give me any details? Even a small little one?" Kara asks.

"Nope. I want you to be entirely surprised on our wedding day." Lena says.

"Okay. Fair enough." Kara smiles, and places a kiss on one of Lena's cheeks.

Kara and Lena then sit there and snuggle for a little while, with Lena's head resting on one of Kara's shoulders as the two parents watch their kids playing, and running about before them.

"Darling?" Lena soon asks.

"Yeah?" Kara replies.

"I've been thinking....." Lena says, but then trails off.

"Oh, that's dangerous." Kara teases.

Lena chuckles.

"I'm not sure how you feel about it.... or what you think.... but.... I think that after we get married..... we should move to an actual house." Lena says.

"What? You don't like our penthouse?" Kara asks.

"I do." Lena says, "But.... you see the girls running about.... and..... I just feel it's a shame we don't have a real garden for them to run about in.... and just be kids.... I mean.... we have our garden on the roof.... But it's not real grass.... or a real garden...... I would like a place with just more space.... where Morgan and Alura could play in the garden, get dirty, and have all sorts of adventures together."

Kara smiles upon hearing Lena say that.

"That sounds nice." Kara says, "But what about this place? I know you put A LOT of money into refurbishing it before Alura and I moved in here with you."

Lena chuckles.

"The amount of money I spent on this place, is literally nothing to me." Lena says, "I guess.... most people don't understand the true scale of billionaire's wealth. But.... to put it into perspective.... the amount of money I spent on the refurbishments to this place..... in terms of wealth scale.... is probably the same amount of money the average person spends on groceries in a week."

"Oh...." Kara says, "Still.... it was a lot of money.... even if you are richer than Rao himself."

Lena chuckles.

"Richer in love, certainly." Lena smiles, and places a kiss on one of Kara's cheeks, "But... back to your point.... I'd still keep this place. I think..... it would be nice to have our home in the city... maybe on weekdays when I'll have to work late at L-Corp.... then for weekends... and times when you and I don't work late.... we can spend it in our house."

"That does sound nice." Kara smiles, lovingly.

"So..... what do you think?" Lena asks.

"I think we should do it." Kara says, with a nod, "But.... I don't want us to wait until after our wedding. I'm sure whatever home we get, you'll want to do updates to.... and I would like you to add extra security and everything.... So..... it'll be nice to actually get the home sooner, and then just wait the few months it takes for the home to be refurbished, or upgraded, whatever you want to call it."

Lena chuckles at Kara saying that.

"Alright then." Lena smiles, "I guess we can start looking from tomorrow."

"Yeah." Kara agrees, with a nod of her head, "But.... maybe we should include Alura and Morgan in it too? At least ask them things they'd want in a home."

"Good idea." Lena smiles, "Girls?!"

Lena and Kara then hear Morgan and Alura coming running towards them.

"Yes, momma?" Alura asks, with a big smile, while Morgan stands next to her with her own big smile.

"Momma and I were just talking.... and... if we were to move.... into a house.... with more space.... and a garden and everything.... is there anything you would like us to have in the home?" Kara asks.

"A swimming pool!" Alura says, quickly.

Lena and Kara both chuckle.

"We should have guessed that." Lena smirks, "A swimming pool, got it."

"Morgan?" Kara asks, turning to look at the 4-year-old.

"Uhhmmmm.... I don't know." Morgan says, "I just want us to all stay together."

"And we will." Lena smiles, lovingly, reaching out for her youngest daughter.

Morgan allows Lena to pull her towards her, and take her in for a hug.

"Yeah." Kara says, leaning over and placing a kiss on the top of Morgan's head, "We are staying together forever. But maybe in a new space, where you two can run about more, in a nice garden or something."

"I'd like that." Morgan smiles, happily.

"Me too!" Alura says, eagerly.

Alura then joins Kara, Lena and Morgan on the couch, where Kara takes the 6-year-old in for a hug, making it a big family hug.


It is now a few days later, and today is the day that Kara is going wedding dress shopping, with Winn, J'onn, Alex, Sam, Eliza and Elizabeth all accompanying her to the wedding dress shop. Lena, for her part, has the kids, all by herself this time, however, instead of doing something like taking Alura, Ruby and Morgan to a park, like Kara did with Winn, the CEO has decided to keep it simple. So, Lena has just taken the kids to go see a movie, and then they might play some arcade games in the movie theatre afterwards, depending on the time.

Today Kara's group is in a completely different wedding dress shop to the one that Lena was in with everyone. They specifically decided to do this because they thought it would lessen the chance of Kara and Lena getting the same, or similar, wedding dresses. However, just like in the other wedding dress store, Alex and Sam are having a good time drinking all the champagne that they can get their hands on.

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