
Gotham Is...

Every Saturday, The Gotham Gazette includes a little story piece titled "Gotham Is". In the column, random Gotham residents are asked what they think Gotham is using three words or less. You started reading it when you were brought back to the Manor.

It was mostly as a way to avoid everyone back when you still hated everyone. You found it to be interesting to read what people thought about Gotham.

Here's a list of things you've seen.





Gotham is villainous.

Gotham is a losing game.

Gotham is hopless.

Real nice stuff, right? To think that so many people in this city thought of it as nothing more than a cesspool of crime and violence.

Scarecrow: You're all ours now!

Two-Face: No way out, Bats!

You smirked as you stood in front of Bruce's, and now your, Rouge gallery. Just another day in Arkham. You found every villian out of their cages when you were investigating a case. You jist sighed.

Y/N: No place like home.

You leaped into the crowd of psychopaths, murderers, rapists, and the worst baddies Gotham has to offer.

Once in a while, someone names one these people as their answer. Usually some kid, an edgy teen going for shock value. But now and then, someone tries to make the argument that the city is best reflected in it's villains.

For example, you were punching Two-Face across the face which brought something to mind. "Gotham is Two-Face". The city is at odds with itself. Or "Gotham is Bane". A large, angry, strong, powerhouse.

There's been a few Mr. Freezes, two Black Masks, even a few new names that Bruce never met. But for you, Gotham's villians, old or new, will never define this city. In the end they're simple and cowardly. Ruled by predictable desires.

Now with a few baddies on the ground, bloodied and bruised, you moved on to the rest. You hooked your arm with Two-Face before slamming him to the ground. You were grabbed from behind and then slammed through one of the thick glasses of the cells.

You slammed against the back wall as the horde of criminals all began to emerge from the hole and into the small cell.

You've seen a few "Gotham is" that have caught you even you off guard. Something particularly depraved or twisted. Such as the prisoner that was rubbing the bat ear on your cowl with a sinister laugh.

Joker: There you are!

You looked over your shoulder and saw the mad man himself.

Joker: And here I thought, you were going to die without even saying goodbye!

You just turned back to the criminals ahead of you.

Y/N: You ready to do this?

Joker: Always so serious. Fine then....

You and Joker lunged forward and charged right into the crowd once more.

Joker: Let's get to the punchline!

You locked Riddler's head and slammed it against the wall while Joker knocked Zazz across the face.

Mr. Freeze: Joker?! What are you doing, you turn coat piece of...

He's helmet was shattered when Joker delivered a powerful back hand with a loud laugh. You lunged forward while Joker flipped back and landed on your back as he kicked away more baddies behind you. You grabbed his hands and spun him around to knock some more to the ground.

Of course, the most common answers to the "Gotham is" question is "Batman". "Gotham is Batman". Gotham is "Batman's City". Gotham is "The Bat".

All answers you have partially yourself to. As you stood on the roof top of the GCPD, you had a few answers of your own. You liked to think that the answer, Batman, is an affirmation to all of Gotham's heroes. Like the GCPD. Honest, tireless men like Jim Gordon.

Jim: I still don't understand. A full-scale breakout at Arkham? No warning?

Y/N: It wasn't a breakout. I've been investigating a weak link at Arkham Asylum. A guard named Matthews. Knew I was coming for him. He activated the doors to get away.

Jim: Dan Matthews? He was one of the good ones. And you found him out, how? A man on the inside?

Y/N: Something like that.

Jim: Would it have something to do with you fighting alongside Joker? I saw the footage. Tell me that'd be ridiculous.

Y/N: That'd be ridiculous, Jim.

Jim smiled at your blunt answer.

Jim: Good. Just a simple trick on the camera, then.

Y/N: Something like that.------------You sat in the chair as you stared at seemingly nothing. It had been a while since you had been down in the OG batcave.

It wasn't really your choice to come back here. Of course you were never against visiting Alfred or Debra or Terry. You just wished you didn't have to come here wearing a black tux with a F/C vest and matching bow tie. Your hair was styled and you looked ready to party.

???: So it's true.

You heard the voice but you didn't react. Joker emerged from the shadows while he wore a tux of his own. Red vest and bow tie.

Joker: You do practice brooding. I always suspected it.

Y/N: I'm working.

Joker: With the computer off?

You smirked as your left eye twitched. Suddenly, a hologram activated which surrounded you and the clown.

Y/N: Satisfied?

Joker: Impressed.

Y/N: It's a new system I'm testing. A contact lens with a remote access processor linked to the conputer down here. Eventually I'm going to connect it to the one in the apartment.

You looked at Joker and sighed.

Y/N: Tim, take that thing off.

The Joker reached up behind his ear and tapped on a button that caused the E.M.P mask to turned off. Tim's face came into view as he began to pull it off.

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