
I Am Gotham

In the skies over Gotham, a passenger plane flew by the dark and stormy city. There was a low ping to signal everyone to strap in.

Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our final descent into Gotham.

In the 12th row, a young boy looked out the window and at the city below. The city that was infamous for the danger and crime. Criminals ran rampant, only held back by the vigilante Batman.

Stewardess: Please make sure your seat belts is securely fastened and your seat backs and tray tables are in their full and upright positions. All carry on luggage should now be stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you.

The boy looked out the window, and he saw it. Among the clouds, the one thing that struck fear into the hearts of the criminals, and hope into the citizens of Gotham. Among the crowds, was the spotlight that emitted the yellow and black bat symbol. This was the bat spot light.

Jim Gordon: Got the memo in just now, uniform boys're always hesitant to share.

Lighting struck which revealed a dark silhouette standing on the roof of the GCPD with the commissioner. From the darkness, stepped a figure who became visible from the light from the spotlight.

Y/N: The raid on Fort Marshall.

Jim: No, the insanely classified raid on Fort Marshall that no one on this damn earth knows about expect for the secretary of defense and me.

Jim lit his cigarette as he looked at you.

Jim: And you. Apparently. Happened a week back, it seems. A week. Insanity. Culprits got three surface to air missiles.

That wasn't good.

Jim: Two of which my boys stumbled on in a raid on a Kobra cell an hour ago.

And it just got worse.

Jim: They chased down a fellow running with a third...but we lost him somewhere in the narrows. That leaves one desperate man with a big-old gun somewhere in my city.

Jim took a drag of his cigarette before he turned back to you.

Jim: Y'know pal, I enjoy this whole roof thing we got. But at times like these, I wish you'd just give me a damn phone number....

Suddenly, a loud explosion erupted in the air that interrupted your conversation. Looking up, you saw the plane's wing erupt in flames in the skies.

Jim: Holy...we need to get the...

He turned around to find that you had dissapeared without a word.

Jim: Right. Right.

You dove off of the roof as you thought of a plan. You activated the coms.

Y/N: Alfred.

Alfred: I am monitoring the pilot's communications now, Master Y/N. The plane sustained critical damage to the vertical stabilizer and rear rubber.

You grabbed the fire escape and swung to a stand before you landed in the alley.

Alfred: What is worse, they appear to have lost control of the central hydraulic system.

How long have you been doing this for? A month now? Ever since the Justice Leauge had gone MIA after some unknown mission. Now, you were Batman. Jon was Superman. Cassie was Wonder Woman. Everyone had to step up. Bart was the new Flash, Artemis was Green Arrow, so on and so forth.

Things became a bit more hectic with the laws in place. Regardless, you got on the phone with Jon and Cassie as you reached the ground.

Jon: Batman?

Cassie: What's the matter?

You leaped into the seat of the batmoblie and sped off. If things were different, you would fly your way over to the plane but, with the whole world undoubtedly watching, you had to play it safe. If the world saw Batmab flying like Beyond, people would ask questions. Questions required answers.

Y/N: There's a passanger airline falling through the sky over Gotham. I need you two here, stat.

Jon: On my way.

Cassie: I'm right behind him.

You hung up as you sped through the streets at amazing speeds. Even though the group was "disbanded", everyone still followed your orders. It was like the group simply upgraded to being the Justice League over night.

At first, no one knew who was going to take over as Batman. The obvious second in line was Dick but, he was still in Blüdhaven with no memory working as a detective. Jason was the second Robin but he had not only the Outlaws, but the world wasn't exactly the biggest fan of his, methods. That left you, Tim, Damien, and Terry.

Terry turned it down since he was Batman of his time and still had to track down that false Joker person. Damien was too young and felt that he was ready for the responsibility. Even though Bruce left behind a bat suit for him, Damien opted to just stick to being Robin. Finally, Tim turned down being Batman out of favor of trying to scrap together what he could to form a new Titan team.

You finally reached the bridge where you saw the plane slowly heading straight toward the water. You activated the auto drive setting of the car before ejecting yourself from the driver seat. You were launched through the sky before you activated your boots and flew up the rest of the way. You landed on the roof of the plane and ran across the roof toward the wing.

You pulled out a device and swung yourself under the wing where the broken engine was. You slapped the device against the wing before you swung yourself back over. You then sprinted to the front of the plane and the device activated. The device began to create a gravity based field that helped straighten the plane out a bit but it wasn't enough.

You shot out two grapple lines toward the front of the plane and began fo pull on them in the hopes off being able to stir the plane away from the buildings. It worked. The issue now was, how were you going to land it? You couldn't.

Y/N: Shit!

Jon: I didn't know Batman cursed.

You looked behind you to see Jon and Cassie flying toward you. You almost smiled. Almost.

Jon and Cassie flew under the plane and began to lift it up as you contiued to stir.

Y/N: Take it to the airport!

Jon: Got it!

Cassie: Copy!

On the plane, everyone let out a collective breath of relief. The intercom turned on.

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