
Young Blood Pt. 1

Tim: Y/N?!

Stephanie: Can you hear us?!

Helena: Y/N?! Please answer!

Mia: I can't get a read on his signature.


Jason: Beyond? Beyond?! Respond to communication!---------24 hours earlier...

Jason: And that was the time I committed seven war crimes in one day.

Y/N: The fuck is wrong with you?

You and Jason were in the living room where you were sharing a chat and some burgers. At the moment, it was just the two of you in the tower since everyone was either off on a patrol or visiting some family. Jason was still not allowed in the mansion so he opted to stay back and hang around. You just didn't feel like going back to the manor either.

Jason: So, you've become quite popular.

You raised a brow.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Jason: Well, Stephenie, Debra, Helena, Cassandra, Cassie, Lilith, and Mia seem to all have crushes on you.

You just shook your head.

Y/N: So it would seem.

Jason: What? You not happy about it?

Y/N: Why would I be? It makes for more problems if I acknowledge it.

Jason crossed his arms and smirked.

Jason: So, the laundry I did after you "talked" to Cassandra was you not acknowledging her affection?

You immediately felt your face heat up as Jason smiled at your expense.

Y/N: I'm not talking about this with you.

Jason: Oh, yes you are. She's my adopted little sister.

Y/N: Please don't say that. Especially since I'm supposed to be your little brother.

Jason: And you two totally fucked.

You rolled your eyes as the awkwardness continued.

Y/N: Yeah. We did.

Jason leaned back on the couch and looked at you for a moment.

Jason:...So who else have been in your pants?

Y/N: Dude...

Jason: This is a safe space. Now would be a good time for you to get this stuff off your chest.

You looked at the TV for a moment before you sighed.

Y/N: Me and Stephenie did it when we were dating. Me and Cassandra hooked up the one time.

Jason: Is that it?

Y/N: Yeah. And, uh, I was told that I have groped Helena.

Jason was about to say something before the alarm went off. You stood up and looked around confused.

Y/N: The hell?

Jason: I thought we rerouted the signals to the league.

Y/N: That's not the crime alert. Someone is breaking in!

You activated your watch while Jason shot up and drew his guns. You both stood back to back for a moment as the alarm blared.

Jason: We should look around.

Y/N: Agreed. Keep an eye out and try not to get jumped.

Jason: Right back at you.

You both split up and you went to investigate the armory just in case. You opened the door and looked around for a moment.

Y/N: I wonder where they are.

Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain in your rib as you slammed against the wall. You quickly recovered and looked around before you spotted a familiar blue.

Y/N: Oh. It's you.

Batwing: You miss me?

Y/N: Who would?

Batwing charged at you but you caught his fist and turned your body so that you slammed him into the wall causing it to crack. You leaped back and took a fighting stance.

Y/N: So, where's that partner of yours?

Batwing slowly began to push himself up as he looked up at you.

Batwing: She's around.

Meanwhile, across the tower, Jason found himself in a firefight against Bluejay. The two duck, rolled, and opened fire at one another.

Y/N: So, what brings you here?

Batwing: We had an anonymous tip. Said that this tower was housing illegal heroes.

Y/N: We prefer the term vigilantes but, whatever floats your boat.

You threw a jab which he dodge but you had your chance when he tried to kick. You grabbed his ankle and kicked his other leg out from under him. With him on the ground, you jumped on top and began to brutally beat down on him. He held up his arms to block your blow but you didn't let up.

He suddenly pulled out something from his belt and jabbed it into your thigh. The electric shock caught you off guard and he used this moment to push you off of him. You didn't have time to recover before he kicked your hip and flipped up. He then drop his leg onto your gut which knocked the wind out of you.

Batwing: You really caused us a lot of problems, Beyond. I'm gonna enjoy slapping the cuffs on you.

Y/N: Ha. At least buy me dinner first.

You swiped his leg and watched as his body dropped to the floor before you pulled out a canister from your belt. You stabbed it into his exposed neck before you stood back up.

Batwing: What was that?!

Y/N: Horse tranquilizer. Nighty night, bitch.

You walked out of the room as Batwing began to feel his entire body grow numb. You needed to find Jason, and fast. You could actually hear the gunfire across the way.

You sprinted towards the sounds before you heard the elevator ding. You stopped and watched as it slowly began to open. From it, Helena and Artemis appeared.

Helena: Is that, gunfire?

Y/N: Yes. Contact everyone. We're under attack.

You left the two girls just as the glass windows shattered and more soldiers flooded in. You stopped for a brief moment before you heard Jason cry out.


Helena immediately got to work with the coms while Artemis leaped into action. You ran towards Jason and soon found even more soldiers surrounding him. You leaped into action and immediately punched one of the men before a loud noise pierced through the air.

Suddenly, your body grew colder. Something wet began to flow from your chest. You looked down and saw the stain of red spreading through your armor. You had been shot.

Y/N: No.

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