
A New Team Pt. 2

You walked through the corridors of the Tower of Fate while Dr. Fate silently allowed you to follow him. You were completely confused but Jason did say that there were other teen heroes hiding here. An entire team of them. The way Jason described it, you were supposed to be the leader of this new team.

Y/N: So what kind of people are here?

Dr. Fate: Magic users and those who have no home of their own.

Y/N: Magic users?

Jason: The League used to be able to house them when they were able to help with the Magical Branch. Since the law was put in place, they were forced to leave. Luckily, Bruce and Diana made and arrangement with Dr. Fate.

Dr. Fate: I took them in as my students. They have been helping me around the tower.

So that meant the government really didn't give a shot for your safety. This actually brought more questions to mind. You finally made it to what looked like a lounge of somekind. A fire roared in the fireplace while some young heroes lounged around doing their own thing.

Dr. Fate: I believe you have already met some of them.

You looked at the teens as they all stood up to greet you.

Dr. Fate: Your memories may fail you due to the timewipe. Allow me to introduce them. This is my apprentice, Zatanna.

Zatanna: We only met briefly before the timewipe. It's nice to formally meet you.

Y/N: Uh, you to. Do you need pants?

Dr. Fate: This is another apprentice, Zachary Zatara.

Zachary: Yo.

Y/N: Hey.

Dr. Fate: This is Lilith and Raven.

Y/N: I met them back when I was still with the Family. Uh, sorry for fighting you all.

Lilth: It wasn't your fault. Don't worry about it.

Raven: I still owe you a swift kick in the ass.

Y/N: And you can do that, later. For now, I was told that you all were in hiding here.

Dr. Fate: This will be your chance to join a team of likeminded individuals. Y/N and his team have been working to fight against the law that restricts you all from continuing your destinies.

Lilith: Wait, are you still working with the Titans?

You shook your head. You learned about your time with the Titans from Tim and Cassandra.

Y/N: It's a long story but, pretty much, I'm not the same Y/N that was with the Titans. I don't remember my time with them at all. But, no. This is a team formed with the other Bat Brats.

Raven: Yay.

You watched her roll her eyes. Whatever. You didn't care. You turned back to the others and smiled.

Y/N: I would like to bring you guys back with me. We have plenty of room and resources.

Zatanna: Really? Is that ok?

Y/N: Of course. Though, missions will have an extra layer of danger to them.

Zachary: Living here is a danger. Try feeding a carnivorous plant the size of a skyscraper.

Raven: Don't remind me.

Right. You'll have to ask them about that later.

Jason: What do you say?

They all looked at each other and nodded.

Lilith: We're in.

Jason: Good. You guys can move in when you're ready. As for the two of us, we're going to our last stop.

Y/N: Our last stop?--------Y/N: Why are we here?

Jason: You'll see.

You were standing in front of the Hall of Justice. Jason lead the way and you followed. Why did he bring you here? Wasn't this place where the Justice League started?

Jason: Just like in the Tower of Fate, this place serves as a safe haven for other young heroes with no place to go.

Y/N: Really? Who's here?

Jason: Some people who need a place to call their own.

You actually smiled. They needed a home? You can give that to them. You weren't going to turn your backs on them.

Y/N: So, what do these ones do?

Jason: These kids do all kinds of things. You just need to see for yourself.

You nodded as you entered the hall. Variety was good. Real good. You all entered the main hall where you saw Martian Manhunter.

Jason: Hey Jon.

Jon: Jason Todd. I see you have retrieved Y/N L/N.

Y/N: Yo.

Jon: Allow me to escort you to the others.

Y/N: Lead the way my jolly green fellow.

Jon smiled at the name and turned to lead you down the hall. You finally reached the door to the conference room where Jon opened the door. You all stepped in and you immediately noticed four faces.

King: Oh.

Jack: My.

Ace: God.

Y/N: The fucking Royal Flush Gang?!

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