

You sat on the soft leather couch while you waited for everyone to return from patrol. You had gotten in that morning and spent the whole day resting and thinking. You were going to reveal everything now. Eventually you head the doorway to the Cave open and everyone piled in exhausted. Booster spotted you and smiled.

Booster: Buddy! You're back!

You smiled and gave him a fist bump.

Y/N: Came in this morning. I, I think it's time Booster.

Booster nodded in understanding. Eventually everyone joined in welcoming you back before you sat them all down.

Y/N: Look, I've been here for a while now. You all accepted me into this family and I feel like I haven't been honest with you all.

Bruce watched you curious about your next move. You sighed and pulled off your shirt. You turned so that everyone could see your burn mark where your mark had once been.

Y/N: As you all know, I was part of the League of Shadows. But not just that. My last name is al Ghul. That is not a coincidence. I am Ra's al Ghul's son.

Everyone sat up at this reveal. Damien stood up looking like he was going to knock you out cold.

Y/N: My mother, she was young and dumb. She joined the shadows after she ran from home. She met my father and grew in love with him and he used it. Used . I was a mistake but one Ra's welcomed. He trained me from birth and then the day came to show my loyalty. I was just a child. 10 years old.

Y/N: Bruce and the New Justice League had raised the island. When Bruce found me he took me in. Raised me.

Everyone was silent. Even Bruce seemed unsettled.

Y/N: I began training to be the next Batman. I eventually stole the suit to get vengeance on Ra's but Bruce convinced me not to kill him. We ended up in some Ace Chemical Warehouse where he ended up falling into a pit of acid that killed him. I decided to keep being Batman in order to repent for my past.

Tim: That's pretty rough. So that's what you meant by you earned the right to be Batman.

Y/N: No. I just did what Batman couldn't. I stopped the Joker once and for all.

Everyone looked at you in horror.

Y/N: I didn't kill him. He died from a heart attack in prison.

Everyone let out a breath save for Jason and Azral. Bruce looked at the boy before him and sighed.

Bruce: Well now we know your relation to the Leauge of Assassins. Now what about the girl from the Royal Flush Gang? What about Black Mask?

Everyone once again turned towards you.

Y/N: They go hand in hand. The girl is Ten. Her real name is Melane. I met her before I became Batman and we started dating. You could say she was my first love. She was forced into a life of crime by her family who are my Royal Flush Gang. After I became Batman I did everything I could to get her out. When I finally did she moved in with us while her family was locked away.

You could still she her face when you and Bruce stood there in front of the prison after paying her bail. The smile she had when she first entered the Manor. The tears she shead when you told her you loved her for the first time.

Y/N: She became Batgirl as well. She fought by my side until one night. One awful night. Black Mask had a shipment coming in. We were sent to investigate.

Y/N: Booster pulled me out. I searched endlessly for Melane. Then, I found her.

Y/N: I always blamed myself. I was the one to pit her in the ground. I tried to move on but I couldn't. When I saw him again I just, I lost it. That night replayed in my mind. Over and over. The things I've been told that will always haunt me.

No one said a thing. Finally you felt a hand on your shoulder. Booster gave you a supportive smile which you returned.

Y/N: She's alive now. I don't know how or why. She's here.

Booster: And we'll find her. We'll all go back together.

You nodded and looked at the family.

Y/N: Until then, I'm here to help in anyway I can. I know I'm down and hurting. I know keeping all of this in is bad and will only make me suffer. I know all of this but I refuse to stay down. I will always get back up because I am Batman.

Bruce smiled and turned to everyone.

Bruce: It's been a rough night. Everyone get some rest. Y/N I want to talk to you in private.

You nodded and everyone began to file out except for Cassandra. She walked up to you and threw her arms around your neck. You returned the gesture and smiled.

Y/N: Thank you.

Cassandra: Family.

Your eyes widened in surprise as she pulled away. She smiled at you with a wink and walked out of the room. You turned to Bruce.

Y/N: So what did you want to talk about?

Bruce pulled out two files.

Bruce: The Leauge was impressed by your performance and so you get to pick your next assignment.

You looked at the files. Both had different names and descriptions.

Y/N: Teams? I have to join a team?

Bruce: One is more temporary simply for information and the other is a bit more about teamwork. Your pick.

You looked over the files before handing him one.

Y/N: Guess I'm a Titan now huh?

Chapitre suivant