
Just Say The Name Pt. 3

You flew over the rooftops as you used your visor to scan the area below. You looked up to see several colorful blurs zip around. You turned you attention back to the streets below before spotting something very peculiar. A small flash of lightning that would be missed to anyone who wasn't paying attention. You decided to investigate and landed on the roof. You checked around before seeing a skylight and walked to it. You peeked in and saw something that immediately caused you to freeze in fear.

Black Adam. What was he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to have been banished by this time? And why was he...moving so weird.

???: Dang it! I can't get the arms right.

You looked over to see someone else in the room.

In his hands he held a controller of shorts but it seemed to be made of some kind of energy. He grunted in frustration before throwing away the controller which dissipated before it hit anything. You watched as Black Adam also vanished. Magic?

???: Dang it dang it dang it! How many times have I done this now? Why can't I get it right?

You zoomed in and noticed the cat on the boy's shoulder. It looked off to you. Before you could investigate, the cat looked directly towards you. It mowed and the boy snapped his head to look at you.

???: An intruder. At least we can have some fun!

The boy threw a BALL OF FIRE AT YOU?! What the hell?! You moved out of the way and rolled onto the roof as the glass shattered and the place you once were was destroyed. You finally landed and looked up to see the boy levitate through the hole.

???: A Bat? Must be my lucky day. I needed to blow off some steam!

The boy launched another fireball which you dodged by flying up. As you flew you noticed a presence next to you. You looked down to see the boy flying towards you with no effort.

???: Stop running Bat Brat! Fight me like the Batman!

Ok! That done it! You stopped midair and deliver a spinning kick to the little punk's nose sending him hurling back to the building below. Will it hurt? Yep. Will he die?

Ah crap.

You dive for him and reach out to grab him but the boy grabs your wrist. His eyes are now completely red and he seemed to have grown fangs. Is this guy actually a devil?

???: No you've really pissed me off! I'll teach you to mess with Klarion!

The boy, Klarion you guessed, clenched his fist which fire erupted from and slammed it into your face. You went falling down with no hope of recovering.

Y/N: Shhhhhhiiiiiiiiitttttt!!!!!!

???: Got You!

You felt yourself get caught midair and you opened you eyes to see something truly marvelous.


Captain set you down on the roof as yet another Marvel joined you.

Y/N: O-oh. Hi Ms. Marvel.

Mary waved at you with a cute wink before you shook yourself back to your senses. You took a fighting stance.

Captain: Isn't this that Witch Boy? He's the one causing the surges?

Y/N: I don't know what he was doing exactly but he made a copy of Black Adam. Not a perfect one but I can not guess what he'll use one for.

Mary: Oh gosh! We have to stop him!

Captain: You're right. Oh geezer. It would be bad if something like that was terrorizing the streets of my city!

You looked at the two adoptive siblings in awe.

Y/N: The amazing thing is, they don't grow out of it.

The Witch Boy, Haha, flew right towards Mary and knocked her away before she quickly recovered and began to trade blows midair.

Y/N: This guy seems strong. I wonder why I've never heard of him before.

Captain: He's usually the Team's problem. At the very least he's not doing anything worth the Leauge's time.

Y/N: Regardless. If something like this is going on then it would've been in a book or the files. There's nothing here.

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