
engagement announcement!

Kara woke up the next morning with a massive smile on her face. She was snuggled into her fiancée's side and his arms were wrapped protectively around her bare waist. Kara smiled even more when she glanced over at the clock and seen her engagement ring on the bedside table. She reached over and lifted it up before slipping it onto her ring finger. She wrapped her arm back around Barry's waist and smiled when he began to stir. Barry blinked tiredly a couple of times before asking "what time is it babe". Kara giggled and replied "it's half eleven and if you even think about moving, I'll uh..... well I won't be very happy, I want to lie with my fiancé for a few minutes". Barry smiled at Kara as he brushed some of her hair from her face. Kara smiled at Barry and asked "so can we lie for five more minutes, pretty please". Barry chuckled and replied "of course we can Kar, I wouldn't want to make my fiancé unhappy would I". Kara hugged Barry tightly and said "thanks babe, you are the best". Barry smiled and said "thanks honey".

After lying for a little longer, the two got up, had a quick shower together. They then got changed and had breakfast before heading into Star Labs. Kara smiled and held Barry's hand as the couple walked into the Cortex. Caitlin smiled at the two when she heard them walking in and said "afternoon you two". Barry chuckled and said "hey Cait". Cisco grinned at the two and said "you guys took your time getting here". Kara smiled nervously and said "that was my fault, I didn't let Barry get up". Cisco asked with a knowing smirk "and does the red sun bracelet work fine". Kara's face turned bright red as she stuttered "wha-what do you mean Cisco". Cisco said "oh please, we both know it wasn't in case you turned all evil on us, I mean it isn't a bad idea for if you ever do go rogue, but we both know that isn't why you asked me to make a red sun bracelet". Barry chuckled a little and said "it works perfectly fine Cisco, but can we move on, Kara's been embarrassed enough". Cisco nodded and said "we're just waiting on Thawne and jay from getting back from patrol, then we can start on your training". Barry nodded with a small smile. Kara and Barry smiled more when they seen Nora walk out of the med bay carrying Dawn. She smiled at the couple and asked "did you enjoy your extra sleep". Kara nodded nervously and said "it was very nice, how was Dawn, she wasn't trouble was she". Nora smiled and replied "as usual Kara, your daughter was a little angel, she was no trouble at all". Dawn giggled when she seen Barry and Kara. Nora smiled and said "looks like someone wants her parents". 

Barry smiled when Nora handed Dawn over to him. He asked "did you behave for your grandma". Kara giggled a little and said "she really is our little girl huh". Barry smiled at Kara and replied "yeah she is". Kara smiled and tickled Dawn a little, making her giggle a little more. When she did, Caitlin seen a glint of light coming from Kara's hand. Caitlin smiled when she realised what it was. Caitlin asked "so how did he propose Kara". Kara smiled even more and looked down at the ring on her finger. She then looked back up at Caitlin, Cisco and Nora who all had massive smiles on their faces. Kara giggled a little and said "We um had a mistletoe put up for yesterday, but we hadn't been under it together all day, so when we were under it, Bar said a lot of very sweet things, before he then proposed, it was sooooo much better than just kissing, it was the best Christmas I've ever had and its all thanks to my amazing fiancé". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I'm glad you loved it Kara, it was the best Christmas I've had yet and I know that its only going to get better, and that's because of you and Dawn, I love you both so much". Kara smiled at Barry and teared up. She said "I love you too Bar, you and Dawn, you both mean the world to me".

Cisco leaned over slightly towards Caitlin and whispered "should we go and give them privacy". Caitlin whispered "yeah that is a good idea". Cisco nodded and stood up abruptly and cleared his throat, making Barry and Kara jump apart slightly. Caitlin rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. Cisco said "um sorry for interrupting your uh moment, we're going to go set up some things in the um pipeline, for uh your training, you two can just relax, we'll call you down if we need you". Kara smiled and replied "oh, thanks Cisco but are you sure, we can help if you need it". Caitlin smiled and said "Kara Danvers, you and your fiancé will stay put and relax and if you don't, we're going to keep you both in separate cells for a day". Kara nodded as her eyes widened. She said "we'll relax I promise, just don't put us in a cell". Caitlin laughed a little as she walked out of the Cortex. Cisco smiled a little and said "she would do that by the way, so do as the doctor asks..... oh and congratulations by the way". Barry smiled and said "thanks Cisco". Cisco gave the couple a small nod before heading after Caitlin. Nora gave the couple a hug as she said "congratulations you two, I'm so happy for you". Kara smiled and said "thanks Nora". Nora pulled away from the hug and replied "it's no problem Kara, I can't wait for the wedding". Barry chuckled and said "neither can we mum". Nora smiled and said "I better go give them a hand, I'll talk to you both soon".

Barry and Kara waved to Nora as she walked out of the Cortex. As soon as she was out of sight, Kara asked "ok now where were we". Barry chuckled and said "i think we were about to do this". Kara smiled and met Barry half way in a nice passionate, but gentle kiss. As they were about to deepen it, a flash of orange and the sound of electricity broke the couple apart, making Kara huff in annoyance. Thawne smiled at the couple, before noticing the ring on Kara's finger. He said "oh congrats on the engagement"........

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