
11.A Promise Kept? [Part 2]

Erick didn't know how to react but then again how could he? He was stranded another Earth, the very thing that brought him here was broken and to top it all off he met another version of Kara! Oh yeah he was broke! So he couldn't get the parts he needed to fix the interdimesional extrapolator although he could just steal them..

No no..that wouldn't be right, I mean maybe..it's not like anyone would even see him take anything..he could be in and out in a second. But if he didn't then he'd have to get used to being stranded here on this Earth..

Ah fuck it..desperate times call for very stupid yet somehow desperate measures, Erick takes a deep breath as he focuses as his own lightning circles around him as everyone and everything suddenly freezes into place as Erick makes his way out of the coffee shop and onto the sidewalk

His eyes scan the street as he finds a hardware store just down the road as he quickly makes his way over there, granted he could just stay like this for a while but he'd get tired eventually..the furthest he's ever gone was about a month straight

As Erick reaches the hardware store he walks in and walks from aisle to aisle grabbing what he needs and just as he's about to head out he slowly turns around as he notices some chocolate bars..more specifically Hershey's cookies and cream

"I mean..I guess taking one wouldn't hurt right? It's just one measly candy.."

But instead of taking just one he stuffs about five different kinds of Hershey bars into his pocket and scurries out of the hardware store, except he hears someone call out to him

?:Hey! I'm pretty sure that doesn't belong to you

Erick sighs and turns around as he's with a tall man wearing a red and black stripped shirt with blue jeans and slick black hair

"Uhh..I didn't think anyone could actually see me..look im just trying to get back somewhere so if we can just act like this never happened then that would be super"

Erick spots a nametag on the man's shirt as it reads 'Clark Kent'

Clark:Then why not just buy these parts instead of stealing them?

"*chuckles* Well because im broke..clearly you can tell by the coffee stain on my shirt"

Erick gestures down to the spilled coffee all over his shirt

"I'm sorry but I don't have time for this.."

Erick turns around to leave but Clark quickly runs and grabs Erick by the shoulder

Clark:Sorry but you aren't going anywhere with all of that stuff

Erick sighs as he sets all of the supplies he 'borrowed' from the hardware store and brushes Clark's hand off of him

"You really want to do this? By the time you blink I'll already be a thousand miles away from here.."

Clark:I don't know about that..I can blink pretty fast

Erick smirks a bit as he turns his head a bit and simply tells Clark

"Catch me if you can.."

And with that Erick wastes no time as he full on sprints forward giving Clark only mere seconds to chase after him as the two begin to run around all of Smallville in a matter of seconds, Erick practically taunts Clark as he turns around and begins to run backwards mocking him

"Come on man try to keep up huh?"

Clark reaches out to grab him but Erick leans back from his hand and spins back around as the chase ensues once more, Erick's eyes spark with lightning as he boosts himself enough to run faster as he runs up the side of a small building as Clark's hand brushes against Erick's shoulder as Erick does a backflip and lands back on the ground and stands there with his arms crossed

"You done? Or do you wanna keep trying because honestly this is kinda fun for me but not so much for you"

Clark's eyes glow red as he fires his heat vision towards Erick in an effort to scare him but the speedster quickly forms a shield out of pure lightning as he deflects the heat vision as it bounces back and hits Clark in the chest as he falls back and groans in pain as Erick walks over to him and kneels down

"I wasn't kidding when I meant im just trying to get somewhere..look just hear me out and if you believe me then we can keep doing this until one of drops of exhaustion"

Erick stands back up as he offers his hand to Clark, he seemed a bit skeptical but took Erick's hand as he helped him up

Clark:Alright, I'll hear you out but first you need to explain who are you and what are you doing in Smallville..because there's only person I know who can just as fast as you

Erick scratches his nose as he gestures for Clark to follow him as they begin to walk back to the hardware store

"Well to answer your question my name is Erick Thawne and I didn't even know this was Smallville until a couple of minutes ago"

Clark:You've never heard of Smallville before?

"No, I have but..this isn't the one I know..all of it is entirely different, have you ever heard about the multi-verse?"

Clark:I have..I once fought an evil version of myself..so your not from this world is what your telling me?

Erick was actually surprised..someone besides himself actually knew about the multi-verse..well damn..

"Huh..yeah pretty much, I was going to visit someone but the breach that brought me here went haywire and this.."

Erick pulls out a damaged extrapolator from his pocket as he shows Clark

"Was my ticket to them but it broke when I landed not that far out of Smallville and that's why I borrowed--"

But Clark interrupts him


"*sighs* Fine I STOLE the parts I needed to fix the extrapolator.."

Clark sees that they're back where they first started as he looks down at the parts on the ground and then back at Erick

Clark:This someone you mentioned..what did they do to you that made you want to travel across the multi-verse just to go see them?

Erick takes a moment to answer that as he looks down at the extrapolator

"I made them a promise..one I intend on keeping, she believed in me..and for that I will forever be grateful.."

Clark knew that look..he's made that promise once before..to his wife, to Lois..

Clark:She sounds like a good person

"She is.."

Clark:Alright..I can help you fix this, I know couple of people who know about this kind of stuff more than me

"Wait wait..your just gonna trust me? Just like that? No suspicious questions or anything?"

Clark:Of course not..I know an honest man when I see one and you Erick are one of them..now come on I know somewhere you can work at but first your going to need a new shirt

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