
Fast-food (Diavolo x reader)


"A prince trying fast-food, huh?" I mumbled to myself as I walked in the direction of Diavolo's castle. He had asked me if I could take him to AkuDonald's, and I told him I could. I have had their food before, and it was alright. But this was going to be Diavolo's first time trying it. So I was interested in seeing his reaction to it. When I finally arrived, Barbatos was waiting for me.

"Hello Y/N. Shall I get Lord Diavolo for you? I hear you two are going out." My cheeks flushed at his words. I knew what he meant, but the way he worded it made it sound like we were dating. "Y-Yes we are. Thank you." Barbatos walked inside the castle, giving me a few minutes to calm my nerves a little bit. When the door opened again, Barbatos and Diavolo walked outside.

"Hello Y/N. Are you ready to go?" Diavolo asked in his usual upbeat voice. "Yep. See you later, Barbatos." I waved to the butler as we started to leave. As we did, Barbatos whispered something to me in a low voice so Diavolo didn't hear. "Enjoy." I raised an eyebrow as I glanced back at him. He just waved his gloved hand and smiled at me. "Are you alright?" The demon prince asked me. "Yeah I'm fine. Anyway, onward to AkuDonald's." I pointed dramatically in the direction of where it was located, and Diavolo let out a laugh.

"Barbatos knows something. He probably looked into today's future. Is something good going to happen? I hope so. But what exactly is going to happen? Will it just be a normal lunch? Or...something more?"

I glanced up at the man walking next to me, and couldn't help but blush. I immediately looked at the ground to hide my red face, hoping that Diavolo wouldn't see it. Luckily, he seemed oblivious to my face. He continued walking with that charming smile of his. "Have you been enjoying Devildom?" He suddenly asks. A small smile appeared on my face as I answered him. "Yeah. It's a lot different than the human world, but in a good way." I spoke honestly. He seemed delighted by my answer.

For the rest of the walk we just talked about random things. Well, it was mostly him asking me about the different shenanigans that happen at the manor, but it was still fun. His golden eyes sparkled as I talked, making him seem like a kid in a candy store. "Here it is!" I gestured to the neon sign that said "AkuDonald's." Diavolo smiled as he walked to the door, and held it open for me. "T-Thank you..." I felt myself become shy again. Why did he always have to make me feel like this? It wasn't a bad thing, but it still felt weird.

To our surprise, there wasn't a line. Diavolo glanced up at the menu, trying to decide what he was going to get. "Interesting..." I heard him mumble to himself, and I couldn't help but chuckle. He raised an eyebrow at me. "S-Sorry...but it's kind of funny watching you be serious about ordering fast-food." His smile was still there, but he seemed a little embarrassed now. "Haha! I guess it is funny. How about you recommend something to me?" I nodded as I looked at the menu, and ordered our food. Diavolo paid for our food, and the worker asked us to take a seat. Diavolo suddenly grabbed my hand, and lead me to a booth to sit down it. But once we sat down, he didn't let go of my hand.

I glanced down at our intertwined hands, and felt myself blushing again. Just then, a worker came to our table with two trays with food on them. We thanked him for the food, and lifted our hands up to eat. We both looked at each other awkwardly since we were still holding hands. So we began eating in an awkward silence. The silence was short lived as Diavolo let out a sound of delight. "This is pretty good. I'm glad Lucifer told me about this place." He said with a childish smile. The heavy tension seemed to evaporate. "I'm glad you like it."

We continued to chat as we ate our food. Diavolo was pretty enthusiastic the whole time, which was pretty cute in my eyes. Pretty soon though, we had finished off all of our food. So we threw away our trash, and left AkuDonald's. Once again, Diavolo held the door open for me. Once I stepped out, the prince grabbed my hand once again. I was about to ask why, but I got a little tongue-tied. The words just wouldn't come out of my mouth. Passing by demons gave us confused looks, and I felt like dissapearing.

Diavolo glanced at me, and I looked away out of instinct. I felt his grip on my hand tighten a little bit, as if he was trying to reassure me. I squeezed his hand back softly as a silent "thank you." Once we were out of town, the tension that had been building up in my body seemed to drain through my feet. We soon arrived at the House of Lamentation. "Thank you for showing me where AkuDonald's was." "O-Oh. No problem. I had a lot of fun." He smiled as he lifted my hand up, and placed a soft kiss on the back of it. My entire face probably turned as red as Diavolo's hair. "I hope we can go out somewhere again sometime soon." He said as he turned around, and left. I brought my hand up, and gently caressed the spot Diavolo had kissed with my other thumb.

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