
Midnight talk (Simeon x reader)


"Do you have everything? Pajamas, pillows, snacks, extra change of-"

"Yes, Mom." I taunted at Asmo, who was seeing me off as I was leaving the manor for a sleepover at Purgatory Hall.

"Okay~! Have fun, but not too much fun. Because having fun without me isn't allowed."

"Bye Asmo." I just turned around, and left the manor. I was carrying a bag with everything that I needed. I was feeling pretty excited.

I chuckled to myself as I got closer to my destination. It didn't take too much longer to arrive, and ring the doorbell. The door opened almost immediately to reveal Luke looking up at me.

"Y/N! You finally made it!"

"Thanks for inviting me Luke. Where are the others?"

"They're setting up the room we're all staying in! It's so cool looking. Come on, it's this way." Luke started walking, and I followed behind him, looking at the interior of the manor.

We walked down a hallway, and Luke opened up a door at the end of the hall. The room was bigger than I expected, and there were four mattresses in a little circle in the center of the room. I set down my bag on one of the mattresses.

"Oh. Hello Y/N. You arrived earlier than I expected." Solomon greeted me. He was a little ways away, looking at a table that had a lot of delicious looking food with a slightly sad expression.

"Hi Solomon. Is something wrong?"

"Well, I offered to make the food for tonight, but Simeon said that he could handle it. He's actually getting the rest of the food ready right now." I felt a wave a relief wash over me. If Solomon had made the food, I wouldn't be returning to the House of Lamentation tomorrow.

"O-Oh...well, don't worry about it, Sol. I'm sure he didn't want to burden you with too much work." That seemed to make him feel a little bit better. Just then I saw Simeon walk into the room with some trays in his hand.

"Hello Y/N. Sorry to trouble you, but could you assist me?" I hurried over to him, and took a couple trays from his hands. For the briefest of moments, our hands touched. My cheeks turned a little pink as I set down the food on the table.

"Now that Y/N's here, we can do something fun!" Luke exclaimed. Simeon nodded as he turned to me, and had a bright smile on his face. My heart nearly melted at the sight of it.

"That's a good idea. What shall we do?"

"Maybe we could-" Before I could finish my sentence, my stomach growled. I blushed and did my best to hide my face. Simeon chuckled softly as he went over to the table of food.

He grabbed a small plate, and placed some food on top of it. He then handed me the plate along with a fork, and I quickly took a bite of it. My eyes widened as I took another bite.

"Simeon, you are hands down the best cook in all of the three realms."

"Thank you, but I don't think I'm *that* good. I'm still learning." Simeon bashfully smiled. Luke and Solomon went over to the table, and got some food as well. We ate for a little while until we were all satisfied.

"You know what we should do?" I said as I walked back over to my bag. I could tell the others were curious. I pulled out my pillow, and walked over to Solomon.

"Y/N wai-" I smacked him in the face with the pillow, and I smirked at the angels next to me. They seemed slightly nervous at my expression.

"A pillow fight!"

"Are you sure I didn't knock him out?" I asked Simeon as I looked down at Luke, who was unconscious on his bed already. Simeon shook his head.

"He just has an earlier bedtime than us.  He'll be fine. We should start getting ready for bed as well. It's not good to stay up late."

I went into another room and got changed into my pajamas. When I returned, Solomon and Simeon were already laying in their beds. Unfortunately, my bed wasn't next to Simeon's.

I got into the bed, and snuggled up with the blanket. We all said our goodnights, and we went to sleep. Unbeknownst to me, I was going to have a horrible nightmare soon.

3rd POV

Simeon woke up, and he could feel that something was off in the room. It wasn't anything evil, but he could sense that something wasn't right. He looked around the room, and his eyes stopped on the girl sleeping a little ways away from him.

She was shaking, and she had beads of sweat on her forehead. Her body was tossing and turning, and she was murmuring incoherent words. Simeon silently got up from his bed, and went over to Y/N.

He didn't like seeing her like this, so he lightly shook her, hoping that she would wake up. Surprisingly, she woke up immediately. She stared at the angel in confusion for a few seconds, but then she clung to him.

"Shhh. It's alright, Y/N. You're safe." He whispered softly. The girl was still shaking a little bit. However, the shaking soon subsided. Mostly due to the fact that Simeon's presence was extremely calming.


"Are you alright now? I can let go if you want."

"I'm fine, but...d-don't let go." She rested her head on his chest, wanting to stay close to the angel she adored so much. He was a little surprised by her request, but he didn't mind since it was Y/N.

"Alright. Don't worry, Y/N. I'll keep you safe from any bad dreams." The two of them laid down in Y/N's bed, and fell asleep together. The girl didn't have any other nightmares for the rest of the night.

Q: I know this may seem weird, but what part of the world do you live in?

A: It's not weird at all. I live in the Northern part of the US. I'm not ready for snow at all.

Q: Which one of your stories is your favorite?

A: I can't choose just one! But one of my favorites has to be Invisible part one and two. I really liked how it turned out.

Q: Which of the brothers is your favorite?

A: Lucifer!

Q: What got you into Obey me?

A: I think I saw an ad for the game on YouTube. I've actually played a couple of the other games by the same company, so I decided to get this one.

Q: If you could date any of the side characters (besides Luke) who would it be and why?

A: Simeon! He's super sweet, and he would be an amazing cuddler.

Q: What's your favorite place in the world? Besides your own house?

A: It's a tie between my best friend's house, and my uncle's house because he has a pool.

Q: What hair color would you love to have?

A: If we're talking natural hair colors, I would probably want a lighter brown color. My hair is a really dark brown.

If we're talking dyed hair, probably some purple highlights in my natural hair color.

Q: Why are you gay?

A: .............

I'm not . I'm a straight girl.

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