
Chapter 22

A blinding white light filled the entire space of the room, and then what felt like an explosive shockwave knocked Nymia to the ground along with Sara, hard enough to force Sara back into a partial transformation. They could hear the sounds of screaming as the wires and cords from the initial wave snagged, slash and pierced through the crowd before them, and then the loud thuds of bodies being thrown about.

Jeremiah heard Sara and Nymia fall, but also heard the pained cry of Spider. A sound he relished for that moment. He felt himself fading in and out of consciousness, knowing he couldn’t let himself fade out right now, he needed to open his eyes, he needed to get up and finish this fight.

As he thought about that he realized he didn’t even know when he’d fallen down. He couldn’t feel his body for a second but realized he was kneeling down on one knee instead of on his back.

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