
Orcus Labyrinth 2

The group had learned something new about Darkness as they made their way through the floors.

If she was distracted, her instincts were enough for her to actually land a blow.

"Lalatina," Nemesis called out as Darkness was surrounded by a bunch of disgusting insect-like creatures.

"Oh, great Eris above please stop this torment." Darkness unlike usual was not at all enjoying the torment.

In her attempt to turn around and lash out at Nemesis, her sword swept through and claimed the lives of 6 of the giant insects.

Like that her the group kept tormenting her. It wasn't until they were on the 5th floor that she looked like she was about to start crying.

"Good job Darkness, you redeemed yourself," Yogiri said as he hugged the girl and caressed her hair.

Her armor was still not nonexistent and a lot of her body was still visible.

Though it wasn't like she needed any of it as her body had become ridiculously strong.

"T-thank you." Darkness who was genuinely touched by the praise smiled forgetting about her previous torment. Her arms wrapped around his waist.


"Just, next time," Yogiri whispered his arms starting to press into her neck. "If you render yourself unable to battle, I'll make sure your torment last days." He spoke, at this point nearly choking the girl, until he with the same smile he started with backed away and gave the girl a peck on the forehead.

"Haa~ That's the Yogiri I know." Darkness cooed her thighs rubbing together.

Yogiri just rolled his eyes as he turned to Yue. They were currently on the 5th floor of the true labyrinth.

Directly in front of them lay a door that had once stood strong, but now was off its hinges.

"You ready, Yue?" Yogiri put an arm around her shoulder.

"Nn," Yue said walking forward straight into her former prison.

The stone she had once been sealed in was completely destroyed.

As she walked in further and the lights turned on as she went, she found herself slowing down as she approached the corner of the room.

Yogiri feeling how she grabbed onto his hand, kneeled down until he was the same height as her.

All he did was look her in the eye and like magic her grip loosened and her anxiety diminished.

Completing the last couple of steps the lights fully turned on.

Right in the center of the room, with dust covering it completely, a diamond-shaped transparent object.

A slight smile made its way to Yue's face as she without question picked it up and blew off the dust.

Yogiri seeing this sat down on the cold floor leaning on the wall and brung the girl into his lap.

Once she figured out how the thing worked a hologram appeared mid-air and started to play.




By the end, when the hologram yet again disappeared, Yue sat silently in Yogiri's lap. Her head lay on his chest and her arms wrapped around his waist.

There were no tears to be shed, only a smile graced her lips as she thought back on the past.

The rest of the group had used this period as a break as they chatted.

Looking down at the girl clinging to him, Yogiri couldn't help the happiness he felt. Past the dopamine, his brain was no doubt getting. He was genuinely happy just to see the girl is happy.

His original reason to save her aside, he was still human and capable of love and affection. Though this time around he was more focused on lust and debauchery, but it wasn't like he had no feelings for the girl.

After another 10 minutes, Yue shot back up to her feet. All previous hesitation she once had gone like the wind.

"Someone's motivated." Yogiri chuckled.

"Nn, let's kill this bastard god." Yue raised both her hands in excitement.

Her normally stoic face now had an ever-present small smile.

"Now we're talking, I say we stop taking it slow and speedrun this place." Nemesis jumped on Yue like they were the best of friends.

"I wouldn't mind picking up the pace." Tsukasa nodded.

"Alright, it's decided then. We won't break until we're done." Yogiri nodded.

"Nn, I have extra energy stored," Yue spoke bringing out a storage device that had been filled quite a bit, from her yukata.

"Darkness don't slow us down," Nemesis called out Darkness, who shuddered silently.

Like that with a speed easily more than 2 times their previous the group went floor by floor.




Hajime took around 2 months to complete the labyrinth. That included, breaks, eating, and the duration it took to fight stronger monsters.

Yogiri and co, on the other hand, managed to arrive at the 100th floor on the 7th day. Not once did they stop moving. If someone got tired or went through energy exhaustion they would take a break on Nemesis's cushion while the rest continued on.

During this time most of the group's physical characteristics had improved to insane levels.

For one Yogiri who had a healing factor, was constantly destroying his muscles and having them regrow and strengthen themselves almost every hour. His strength alone had nearly tripled even without the help of the gacha.

People like Tsukasa, Yue, and Nemesis, however, didn't have as much of a strength gain as their bodies just healed instantly, or in Nemesis's case, her body didn't work the same.

Despite that, in return, their energy restoration and skill with their abilities, in general, had increased by leaps and bounds. Yue had also along the way taught them body-strengthening magic.

As for Darkness, she at first was struggling to keep up, but on the 4th day when the group rolled their gacha, she managed to get a healing factor, the same as Yogiri to be exact.




"This is unreal." Darkness noted as she finally had a break to take in her growth.

Nemesis in preparation for the upcoming battle had given everyone a senzu bean and a cup of ambrosia she had gotten using her rings.

Nemesis although not knowing what their stats would be quantized used her ability to make a guess.

For starters, if Yogiri had a strength and other physical characteristics of 1 before they entered he now had something like 15. That was after he got 2 1.5 times strength rolls from the gacha.

If Darkness was 1 now she was 8.

Nemesis went from 1 to 2.

Yue, 1 to 10.

Tsukasa. 1 to 13.

Nemesis of course had the least growth because she was in all accounts the strongest of the group and seriously hadn't yet faced a challenge.




Opening the door, the first thing the group was greeted to was the sight of a long and side room with various pillars aligning the room.

It was the definition of a last boss room.

Yogiri while looking around caught sight of something, though he didn't get a good look as almost immediately after their entrance a gigantic magic circle plastered itself against the floor.

Within seconds a giant 6-headed hydra with different colored heads made its presence known.

"Well, I'll take out the healer, you guys try and distract the others," Yogiri called out as he burst forward with great speed.

Almost immediately all 6 heads locked in on him, but right before they could launch an attack 5 rings suddenly opened above them, and right after a stream of magic rained down on them.

Making use of the green head that had been pushed to the floor by someone's magic, Yogiri used it as a foothold to launch himself into the air and straight at the white head that was currently in the process of healing the rest of itself.

The head next to it made an attempt to knock him away, but one gravity-infused psychokinetic wave was enough to send it straight to the ground.

Yogiri finally landing on the head gripped tightly before forcing his psychokinesis in between two of the hydra's large scales and prying part of his skin open.

The hydra head wailed in pain, thrashing about as it tried to heal itself.

Yogiri though remained latched on to it as he now with a clear opening to its unprotected neck yet again used his psychokinesis as a knife and cleanly cut through its internal neck.

The attack wasn't enough that it bypassed all his scales, so even if the head didn't fall the hydra-head was completely cut off from the remaining body and rendered useless.

It did however manage to completely heal its remaining 5 heads though it wasn't like that would matter much.

Tsukasa showing off her devil fruit for the first time transformed into a golden statue around 3 times her current size.

One after the other she pummeled her fist into the hydra's stomach and watched as all the heads collectively screamed in pain before finally managing to knock her away with a fireball.

As for Yue, almost like fate, the black-scaled had tried to use its ability and force her into an illusion.

This time though, Yue was completely aware of what it could do and never met its eye.

Instead, she used wind magic to slash the head's eyes, and when it began screaming in pain shot a highly compressed fireball straight into its mouth.

Like an eruption seconds later the head exploded.

As for Nemesis, she was using her hair to hold onto one of the heads, and right when it opened its mouth to shoot out a compressed wind attack, she slammed down with her legs coated in armament haki.

The result was instant as the head had its mouth forcefully closed and the wind exploded in its mouth no doubt causing extreme internal damage.

Right after she disappeared in a black blur into the head.

Seconds later that same head began firing off wind attacks at its brethren.

That was until it yet again swallowed another one of its attacks and completely exploded leaving Nemesis who came out of her body jack with a long.

The fight didn't last much longer as the 5 easily dispatched the remaining heads until ultimately the hydra dissipated in particles of light.

"That was fun." Nemesis who was slightly covered in blood landed on Yogiri's shoulders like a little child.

It wasn't just he though everyone was pretty messy from the week-long journey without any breaks.

"What's that?" Darkness pointed out as they finally got a good look at what Yogiri had seen earlier.

At the far end of the room near the door two figures that vaguely resembled people lay.

Walking closer what they were exactly, was made clear.

A boy and a girl. Both with white hair and red eyes.

The girl was missing an arm and a leg, as well as had a giant hole where her heart should be.

The boy wasn't much better, in fact, he was worse.

His right eye, left arm, and right leg were gone. His head upon closer inspection was barely attached to his neck, and his body was burned badly.

"Guess he didn't make it," Yogiri spoke taking note of who the two were.

"How unfortunate." Tsukasa slightly reeled back looking at the sheer brutality.

"Eh, so is this the guy that originally killed the God?" Darkness questioned a little more than bothered by such a sight.

"Yeah, I suspected something like this would happen." Yogiri voiced though his voice didn't express much care for it.

"He needed Yue, even if he did have this girl with him it still clearly wasn't enough." Yogiri despite the situation gave a smirk to Yue.

"Hmph." Yue too couldn't really find it in herself to care all that much about the boy, as she stuck her chest out in pride. After all, even when this boy had the chance to rescue her he left her, she may not blame him, but asking her to sympathize was out of the question.

"I'd I had to guess I'd say she died at the beginning of the fight. He may have been able to beat the hydra but...yeah as I thought. He's out of ambrosia." Yogiri nodded checking his belongings. It was strange after all that he hadn't taken the divinity stone.

"Well, since they're dead anyway." Nemesis who of all the group was not in the slightest bothered by the current situation dashed to the body and proceeded to snatch the various weapons and bullets that the man held.

"Seriously." Darkness couldn't help but to be put off a little by such a thing.

"What? It's not like he can use it. I'll make sure they're put to good use." Nemesis defended herself like she was in the right.

"I guess." Darkness sighed, she was honestly more mentally exhausted from the past 2 minutes than she was from the week-long adventure.

"We should bury them," Tsukasa spoke looking to Yogiri.

"Sure." He said picking the two up and being careful not to damage the two more than they already were.

Walking through the door they all squinted their eyes struggling to adjust after the week-long darkness.




Tsukasa did her best with the resources she had and made two graves for the two.

Even with her indifference to death, she still couldn't help the uneasy feeling that came with seeing a young child lose their life so early.

At the very least, something like reincarnation might have existed, in which case she prayed they would enjoy their next lives.




The group experienced first hand just how much of a headache one got when they received ancient magic.

It was enough that even Darkness wasn't having a good time.

After it was over though the group decided to settle in a bit.

They did the same with the skeleton that used to be Orcus and buried him, though they made sure to loot him of his valuables.

The group had finally obtained a storage ring. Nemesis had made a pit somewhere far from any civilization and would just use her rings to retrieve them at her leisure.

This however was better as the items stored did not experience the typical passage of time. Most likely due to a combined effort of restoration magic, spatial magic, and creation magic.

Speaking of creation magic, that was what the group had received from Orcus. None of them had a particular skillset in the art of transmutation so it was fairly useless to them.

Looking in the shop though, the cost of it was fairly cheap, only around 500 TWD points. Surprisingly Darkness was the one to buy it.

Her reason for doing so was that it would make her life a lot easier if she could make her own equipment. Thankfully, that at least was easily accomplished by her thanks to the knowledge she was given. Though, modern things like guns and the like were completely beyond her as of now.




"I'm going to try again." A determined voice spoke out through the cool morning breeze.

The artificial sunlight reflected off the speakers glistening skin as he looked at the blonde-haired vampire in front of him.

Yogiri right now was working on a theory he had since he first got access to origin energy. It was something every anime-addicted team tried to replicate at least once.

A Super Saiyan transformation. Or well in his case a Super Human transformation.

Truthfully, it was possible though it's not exactly the same and is more of a cheap knockoff. For one, Yogiri wasn't a Saiyan meaning he didn't even have the S cells required for the transformation.

Instead, he was just basing his transformation on Yue's body-strengthening magic.

Essentially the magic used mana to strengthen the body. That was all it really was. Yue herself wasn't really familiar with the in and outs of if and just knew how to activate it.

Still, it did go a long way to help Yogiri, even if it took ages for Yue to explain it in a way he could actually understand.

With some alterations, he had come up with a theory that would make the transformation possible and even permanent after a certain while.

For one, the usage of energy in aiding his muscles to achieve a certain level of strength.

No matter what, there was a limit to how strong he could get as a human. At some point, his muscle fibers simply wouldn't be able to take the strain and rip. Even past that his circulatory and respiratory would not be able to keep up.

The only reason he had been able to achieve the strength he had at the moment was because of the gacha. It had been multiplying his strength without actually affecting his muscle growth.

Thankfully, he had actual control over the majority of his body including things that normally happened subconsciously. That combined with the fact that the metaphysical can boost his limits made this a lot easier.

He could actually train his internal organs that were normally untrainable to a level where they could support his increase in muscle.

Aside from that though, the problem with Yogiri having a limit before his muscle fibers snapped was also not a big problem.

He could bulk up a lot and get access to a lot more, but he truthfully rather not be 99% muscle. He was fine with his current build which made him seem pretty average yet like a god when he flexed.

Instead, he could just turn his energy into something tangible that he could use to put more power into his body.

An example would be armament haki. Even if it didn't technically make the used stronger physically getting hit by it would hurt a lot more than getting hit by a normal fist.

Instead of that though he opted for something more fine-tuned for his specific goal, and thankfully he didn't need to know exactly how that would even work for it to well...work.




With his eyes closed, Yogiri began circulating more of his energy down to his right arm.

He imagined something like his energy being converted into a second him that would act in tangent with his body.

When he next opened his eyes a smile overtook his lips as he did in fact feel his strength grow to around 110% of what it was previously.

As he moved his arm around he took notice of the white afterimage that seemed to follow him.

Although, it was fairly obvious from the speed at which his arm was moving that it wasn't in fact his afterimage.

It was in all intent and purposes his third arm.

What he had materialized and envisioned for his magic was essentially another arm that would overlap with his own and add to the strength he could exert.

In practical usage, this meant he could have his energy form a metaphysical body that completely matched his own, yet didn't have the limitations his body did. That metaphysical body would when perfected, completely overlay his own body and allow him to give the illusion of his strength being far greater than it actually was.

"Well, it's not perfect but it works." Yogiri nodded smirking at Yue.

"I'm going try and use it on my whole body now." Yogiri yet again closed his eyes and this time focused his energy on his entire body.

The result?

A 3 feet tall humanoid mass of energy that stood exactly 2 feet to the right of Yogiri.

"So maybe some training is needed?" Yogiri looked down at the chibi version of him as he sighed.

Funnily enough, the small mass of energy also followed his movement as it looked down and to the right at the grass below him.


"At least it works." Yue couldn't help but to laugh as she watched the figure move every time Yogiri did.

"At least like this, the energy usage isn't over the top." Yogiri smiled.

With this deformed version of what he was trying to accomplish, he could technically sustain it for a few days, well if he didn't use his energy for anything else.

The energy it required to sustain it was only barely above how much he regenerated. To put it numerically, if Yogiri's energy regen rate was 1 unit per hour then the energy it would take to sustain the technique was around 1.01 units per hour.

He was sure though when he actually got the technique to work as intended the energy required would at least double even if he perfected his energy control.




When the artificial sun had run its course and was replaced with the equally as artificial moon, the group sat down outside on the porch of the house.

They had completely ransacked the house until eventually they just outright claimed it as theirs. Having a warm bath after a week of doing nothing but battling made for a very relaxing experience.

Now though it was time to decide on their next course of action.

Pulling out a map he found in Orcus's old dungeon Yogiri lay it out in front of the group.

"The closest labyrinth to here is the Great Reisen Labyrinth, though we don't have to go in order." Yogiri pointed to the map.

"It would probably be best to...by the way. What happens to that rabbit girl now that you know who died?" Nemesis responded as she lay draped over Yogiri.

"Hmm, Yue how long ago was it that you saw him?" Yogiri questioned the girl on his lap.

"Ehm? 2 and a half months ago." She thought back before nodding.

"Well, in the original he'd still be training here for around another month before going back up." I'd say right now she and her family are scavenging the forest trying to avoid monsters, though it's possible things are different." Yogiri stretched laying himself out on the wooden porch.

"Do you plan to save them?" Tsukasa asked finding that his head landed right next to where she sat in the circle.

Looking into her red eyes that seemed to hold a little expectation Yogiri shrugged his shoulders. "More than likely, though my reason for doing so isn't one you'd probably enjoy."

"You want some bunny girl pussy." Nemesis said as she jumped from where she was standing and landed straight on his stomach.

"Must you use such brazen words?" Darkness blushed as she tried to reprimand Nemesis.

"Well, I can not fault you. Reasons aside you are at the end of the day saving them." Tsukasa smiled.

"Well, in all honesty, I've been looking for a way to avoid training them. I'd rather not be the leader of a bunch of bloodthirsty demi-humans." Yogiri groaned thinking about how much time he'd have to dedicate to them.

He just wanted to spend this life fucking various girls and at the same time becoming strong as fuck. He didn't care much about being a hero or saving the world.

If it didn't affect him he'd more than likely just leave it alone unless he actively felt like doing something.

The only reason he was even willing to help them was to get Shea. He was a scumbag. Yes. Did he care? No.

Wasn't like he was hurting anyone, in fact, his actions had the side effect of saving people.

'Tch, I'm the real hero.' Yogiri internally mused.

"Ah, how hard your life must be." Tsukasa couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hmm, your right. I should be praised for my work." Yogiri was a bit shocked, it wasn't often Tsukasa was anything but respectful to him. He was actually pretty happy seeing how the change.

"Yes, Yogiri-Sama. Thank you for your noble and selfless actions." Tsukasa seeing she didn't upset him played along with a smile.

"Hmph, good now let your fearless leader indulge in his well-deserved rest." Yogiri with a smug grin changed his position so he lay in the girl's lap.

"I hope I am up to your standards." Tsukasa mused though she was a little shocked at the sudden development.

"Hmm. It shall suffice." Yogiri playing the role of an arrogant young master responded.

"You'd fit in with the nobles of my kingdom." Darkness gaped at how accurate his impression was.

"I think that say's a lot about your kingdom." Yogiri raised an eyebrow at how anyone could seriously act like this.

"How can you find such meticulous ways to insult me?" Darkness grinned creepily.

"It's easy when you're the one I'm insulting."

"Y-you did it again." Darkness shouted her face turning the red it usually found itself in.

Yogiri just rolled his eyes lazily as he turned his attention to the girl crawling toward him. Wordlessly Yue fixed herself comfortably next to him before sinking her fangs into his neck.

That same burst of pleasure shot through his body, this time though making the effects clear as his dick nearly broke through the confines of his pants.

Yogiri was too comfortable to adjust himself and just let the presence of his member be known.

"Hmm, someone wants to play~." Nemesis without any warning unbuckled his pants and pulled them down until they reached his ankles.

Yogiri now with his dick out and his bare ass now touching the wooden porch only rolled his eyes again.

"W-what are you doing?!" Darkness shot up to her feet at the sudden perverted development.

"What does it look like?" Nemesis seductively spoke as she only now realized how deprived she was.

"Such shamelessness!" Darkness with mock disgust tried to run for the door inside.

"Be real, you're as shameless as they come. Instead of going peeping on us from the inside why don't you just accept who you are?" Nemesis said as she extended her hair and held the girl before she could escape.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about!" Darkness with her face dyed red feebly waved her arms, acting like she was trying to break free.

Nemesis on the other hand just ignored her as she began stroking his length with drool coming out of her mouth.

Yogiri listening to the two just sighed before looking up at the girl whose lap he was resting on.

"These perverts aside, you can leave if you are uncomfortable." Yogiri gave her a helpless smile as he felt a warm and wet sensation suddenly wrap around his dick.

"Yogiri-sama may indulge in my lap as much as he wishes." Tsukasa although a little embarrassed still acted like she was playing a role.

Yogiri merely raised an eyebrow before he grinned and nudged himself further into the girl's warm body.

Tsukasa in reaction began playing with his hair with a smile.


Eventually, when Nemesis was done gagging on his cock she let it escape her mouth with an audible pop.

"You like bunny girls right?~" She pervertedly moaned out as her body began rapidly expanding and changing.

Not only had she changed to her adult form and discarded her clothes. She now had two black fluffy appendages sticking out from the top of her head, and a fluffy black cotton tail to match.

"Allow me to indulge in this carrot-pyon." Nemesis hungrily spoke before she aligned her dripping-wet folds on his cock and after letting some of her juices flow it, pressed down and impaled herself.

Just as the girl managed to fully take him into herself, at the expense of her cervix being obliterated, Yue finally backed away from his neck and gave him a peck on the lips.

Instead of outright joining in on the fun she lay on his chest and simply watched as the girl bounced up and down like the rabbit she was on her favorite carrot.

She observed how the girl with her feet locked down on the floor on either side of Yogiri raised her hips to the point where his cock was nearly about to pop out before she lowered herself right back down.

Every time she squatted her tan legs would bulge and show some of her muscle. Her clean-shaven pussy already began to turn red from the sheer abuse she was subjecting it to.

A thick outline of his cock was easily visible from the outside almost as if announcing where it was currently ravaging.

Her now E-cup breast bounced in all directions as the girl wildly arched her back.

Her face most of all was far gone from the word decent.

Her sinister grin transformed into that of a wide-open sloppy smile. Her tongue remained outside her mouth as her wanton moans filled the depths of the labyrinth.

Her golden eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head but in the remaining part of her pupils that were still visible somehow pink hearts managed to manifest themselves.

"Ahhh~ I love this!" Nemesis roared as her walls tightly constricted around Yogiri's penis, and a clear fluid sprayed from out her vagina.

Yogiri at the sudden increase in tightness, too blew his load straight into the girl's womb.

She just sat there for a few seconds. Feeling as the hot substance endlessly flowed into her depths. By the end, her entire stomach slightly bulged almost like she was in the beginning stages of pregnancy.

When she lazily rolled herself off his dick, however, the lumps of excess cum sprayed out of her.

The girl who currently resembled a Twinkie with a renewed vigor, yet again positioned herself in between his thighs and began sucking up the substance off his cock.

Darkness hadn't realized until now that she had been long since released and had nothing obstructing her.

Still, she didn't seem to care all too much as she just absentmindedly stared at the passionate exchange.

"I want to train a bit more before we go on to the next labyrinth. Though, you guys can explore around if you want." Yogiri getting back on topic absentmindedly used his hand that wasn't stroking Yue to face fuck the girl on his cock.

"Nn, I'll help you." Yue nodded before she all of sudden stood up and expanded her form similar to Nemesis.

"My turn." She spoke as she kicked the girl away while simultaneously removing her yukata.

"Tch." Nemesis who was now sitting face-up on the wooden porch just sucked her teeth before filling her now-empty hole with her fingers.

Yue on the other hand had taken Nemesis's place although this time she had her arms wrapped around his neck and while she kissed him, Yogiri moved his hips upward to meet her honey pot.

Tsukasa who had stayed silent the entire time was completely lost in her own world as she absentmindedly began trying to grind her crotch against him. Her hands too had moved away from just stroking his hair and actively roamed his body with clear lust.

Yogiri feeling this sat upright, with Yue still bouncing on his cock.

Tsukasa coming back from her daze was a bit confused until she suddenly felt an invincible force push her down so she was flat on her back.

Before she could even react she felt a hand invade her pants and rub lightly on her clit. She didn't question anything after that, as she just let Yogiri do whatever he liked to her dripping cunt.

Like that the night passed with Yogiri alternating between fucking Yue and Nemesis while using his hands to pleasure Tsukasa.

Darkness remained there the entire night and eventually had fallen to the atmosphere. From that time until the morning she remained naked as the day she was born, her hands working overtime to bring her the release she was so desperately craving.

In all that time, however, not once did Yogiri even touch her, something she was both incredibly aroused about yet at the same time deeply saddened.


(AN: Lemme know if I miss named Yogiri.)

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