
Creating the Same Flaw

"Huh?" Yato was momentarily stunned as just like everyone else, he was also expecting to get the same results as the others where they would get ignored and just get their grade, but he was wrong, and that is why he wasn't able to react a few seconds before he finally got his composure back.

"Well, we just thought that everyone would think of a combat-style Magic Circle, and from that we know that we have to be different, that is why we came up with this idea. We also believe that we should not just focus on fighting, but we should also look at health care, and that is why we came up with such an idea, to help those people in need without needing much money since they would be able to make this Magic Circle easily. They just need to learn it." Yato explained as he took a quick look at this group who gave him a thumbs up which made him smile in contentment as he was able to explain everything clearly and precisely to his Teacher.

"Hmmm… pretty interesting indeed. I'll give you 90 for that, I could have given you a higher grade but since the reporting was just decent, you will have that great. But still, your team did a great job. Your Magic Circle is actually quite interesting, the layout is good, and even the construction of it is more than just good if I would say." Mio said what she thinks.

At first, Yato was disappointed in himself because his team would have gotten a better score if he had done his job better, but after hearing the praises of Mio to his group, he became instantly happy as he never would have thought that their little idea would be liked so much by their Teacher.

"Thank you!" Yato then bowed his head before leaving the stage with a huge smile on his face and as he walked towards his group, a lot of people were looking at him with envious eyes while some were looking at him with admiration for being able to put such a reporting off with such high grades.

When he finally arrived at where his group was, everyone was so happy to meet him that all of them hugged him which caused him to fall to the ground earning the laughter of everyone.

But not everyone was laughing because some of them were not under extreme pressure, they were the groups that still hadn't presented their works to Mio. They felt that after such a great performance from the Group Halo, they should also deliver the same quality. But at the end of the day, it was only their wishful thinking because none of them managed to get a score that even reached the grade of 90, no one even managed to get such a reaction from their Teacher.

Not even the students of Class A got a score of 89, all of their scores were the same. Even the students of Mio whom she had high hopes for only managed to get a score of 88, and it was the group collaboration of Chisato and her friends, which Mio was already pretty happy about, plus all of her students didn't get any failing grade which was also good.

Just as things were coming to an end, it was finally time for the final group to present, and it was the group of Sana, Xian'er, and even Irene and her maid which shocked Mio because she didn't think that these people would group up for this activity. She didn't care even if the groupings were consisting of other sections, as she only cared about how they performed since at the end of the day, everyone would still be graded based on their performance.

Mio's emotions didn't change one bit even if they were the final people to present, but every student was very tense and nervous at the moment. Because these people are actually the currently best students in the Academy in ranking and even if the whole Class F was like a joke to everyone, whenever their Class President represented something, they never usually say something because she is respected.

Since they were the best, almost all of the students were hoping and even betting that these people would actually be the ones to reach a perfect grade, or at least a grade that was higher than the Group Halo. Even Alice was expecting a lot especially from Irene because she remembered that Mio was looking forward to seeing how well she would do in her subject.

Because of this, Irene was pretty tense and nervous because she knew that she had to deliver high expectations at this since she also made somewhat of a promise to Mio that she would have high grades in her subject, this is also the reason why she put herself to be the presenter of this project they made.

"Hello Teacher Mio, I'm here to present the work of our group called Requiem." As soon as those words came out of her mouth, everyone was shocked because never would they think that they would actually call their name to that, but Mio only raised her eyebrow at this, and let her continue.

"The Magic Circle that we have developed is focused on defense, it can be used on walls, barriers, and even some normal things that we use on a daily basis because it doesn't have a limit. Now…. I know that the Teacher might say that it is basically a strengthening Magic, but it's different because, unlike a strengthening Magic where it fades off after some time, ours is permanent." Irenee said as she then turned around and displayed it in front of everyone.

She first used a basic Magic that can strengthen anything on a glass before throwing it into the ground which it didn't break, but after the fifth throw, it finally shattered. She then closed her eyes for a few minutes and cast their Magic Circle on a new glass before throwing it endlessly, and to everyone's surprise, it didn't shatter.

"The reason that it can be effective forever is because of the outer layer that absorbs Mana around it before passing it to the fourth layer which purifies it and also strengthens it at the same time, it then passes through the 3 layered magic circles to power it, and those 3 consist of Anti-Physical Damage, Anti-Magic Damage, and lastly is just defense strengthening." Irene finally finished explaining everything and when she finished, she took a deep breath before looking at her Teacher to find an unreadable expression on her face.

Just as she was getting nervous as Mio just sat there looking at her, she saw her standing up and walking towards the Glass that still had her Magic Circle.

"You know… I was going to give your group a 100 because your idea was brilliant. Your idea was already thought of a few centuries ago, but it wasn't made because there was a flaw within it, and your group did that flaw, so I'm going to deduct 2 points because of it. Your group gets a 98 from me." Mio then made the Magic Circle that Irene had made to be visible for everyone to see so that she could show everyone what she was talking about.

"It's this part right here. Your Outer Layer has a flaw in it and that is the fact that there are two parts in one Magic Circle, you said that it absorbs while also purifying the Mana, right?" Mio asked as she pointed at the outer layer of the Magic Circle and at this point, everyone was listening to her intently, especially after knowing that such Magic Circle hadn't been made yet.

"Yes, Teacher Mio is right? But why does it have a flaw? We have tested it three times and everything seemed to be working fine." Irene asked as she tried to defend their work as it was their group collaboration that they thought was flawless and perfect already.

"Well, you are right about that in a sense. But since you put too much in your outer layer, it actually made it weaker. See?" Mio said as she then smashed the Glass by crushing it with her own hands, this shocked the students because they saw gushing out. But Mio didn't care about that as she only healed it with her Magic.

"Now, of course, you can argue to say that I'm strong that is why I'm able to destroy it. But make another one of those Magic Circle and put it in this same glass." Mio asked Irene to make another one which she did and completed after a few minutes.

Right now everyone was curious and nervous, but no one was as nervous as Irene's group as it was their work, and to being so close to reaching a perfect grade but it was suddenly snatched from their hands because they made a mistake was heartbreaking.

"Now, I'll feed my own Mana to it so that you can say that it's at most peak…" Mio said as she then placed her hand on that glass before injecting it with some of her own Mana to make it stronger, after a full minute passed, Mio was finally done.

"Fire your Skill at this… see what will happen? Even your weakest attack will do." Mio said as she calmly placed the glass on top of a chair before letting Irene fire an attack at it.

Since her Teacher already said that she could fire her weakest attack at it, she didn't hesitate to do it and fired her weakest attack. To everyone's shocked eyes, the glass shattered the moment it touched the Glass, and no one was able to explain why. Mio has even put her own Mana at it but it was still able to shatter because of just one single weak attack, that is so unbelievable to everyone because they didn't think that it was possible to begin with.

"What? How is that possible?" Irene was so shocked that she couldn't even speak properly.

"It's normal that you are shocked, but just like what I said earlier. Your Magic Circle has a flaw, and this is that you over-complicated it. In reality, there was no need to purify the Mana that it absorbs, because it only made your Magic Circle weaker. Instead of getting a 100% Mana absorption, it only gets about half of it because of that. Do all of you now understand why?" Mio simply asked a question but everyone was already too quiet and stunned to answer.

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