
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Sean groaned as he woke up from his bed before smirking finding Regina, Alexis and Delia in his bed in the nude.

"Man I love my life." Sean said before his phone rang making him sigh. "What?" Sean asked.

"Uh Sean?" April said on the other end.

"April? Haven't heard from you in a couple weeks. Something wrong?" Sean asked.

"Well, yeah. Listen I have some friends who need some help. Regarding a certain enemy of yours." April said making him frown.

"The Dark Rider? Whats going on?" Sean asked.

"I'll explain when we get there. Just get to the company building and you'll see." April said hanging up.

"Hmm." Sean said before getting out of bed and got dressed.


"What in the name of hell?" Sean said in disbelief seeing four large Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the med bay with the fourth on the table being healed along with a Giant Rat in brown robes in the room. "You gotta be kidding me." Sean said looking at April.

"Yeah If I said anything about this on the phone you wouldn't take me seriously." April said scratching the back of her head.

"Fair enough. I need an explanation." Sean said.

"Well to start off. These are friends of mine. The one in the red mask is Raph." April said.

"The tough guy I'm assuming." Sean said making him smirk.

"Right on the mark big man." Raph said.

"The one in the Orange Mask is Mikey." April said making said turtle grin.

"Nice clothes dude." Mikey said.

"Heh." Sean said amused.

"The one in purple mask is Donny." April said.

"What are these injectors for?" Donny asked seeing the fourth member being injected with blue liquid.

"Thats a special healing agent from the cloners." Sean said.

"And this is Splinter." April said pointing to the Rat who bowed to him.

"You have my eternal gratitude for providing Shelter for my sons Mr. Kruger." Splinter said.

"No problem. And what about him?" Sean asked pointing to the one in the blue mask being healed.

"Thats Leo. He's more along the lines the leader for these three." April said.

"Alright. You mentioned they ran into the Dark Rider. How?" Sean asked.

"Well, We mostly lived in the sewers for most of our lives. You know because of our appearance." Donny said.

"Things are changing about that." Sean said.

"True. But yesterday we got attacked by both this Dark Rider and our worst foe." Donny said.

"The Shredder." Raph said with a frown.

"That name seems familiar." Sean said bringing up a screen before the Shredder appeared. "Oh this guy. He's one of my company's most wanted criminals." Sean said.

"And for good reason. He and the Dark Rider just up and attacked our home and ran through us like we were nothing." Raph said.

"How did you escape?" Sean asked.

"Because of me." A female voice said behind them. Sean turned and saw a Japanese women with shoulder length black hair tan skin and green eyes.

"And you would be?" Sean asked.

"Her name is Karai. She was Shredders second in command." Splinter said.

"But not anymore. I know what the Dark Rider is capable of. I could no longer sit by and just blindly follow orders. I saved them and we came here for help. It will not take them long to find us here and finish us." Karai said.

"Let him come." Sean said surprising them.

"Are you nuts! He went through us like we were nothing." Raph said.

"A friend of mine developed a weapon that can be used against the Dark Rider. It could even kill him. Which is why." Sean said before approaching Leo who was engulfed in white flames completely healing him before he woke up.

"Ugh. Where are we?" Leo asked.

"Long story." Sean said.


"Whoa." Donny said as they entered Kirks Lab that was full of the most advanced technology made from the alliance. "It' like I died and went to Techno heaven." Donny said making Sean chuckle.

"Whoa. A turtle can kick some serious shell with these toys." Raph said impressed by all the weapons.

"Well, This is unexpected." Kirk said entering the lab.

"Time to test the Third Energy against the Dark Rider." Sean said.

"Good. I just finished a full supply of it an hour ago." Kirk said before pressing a button and a large container full of Third Energy came up.

"Whoa." Mickey said.

"What is this?" Splinter asked.

"Third Energy. Both Capable of supplying the world with unlimited energy and it acts as a weapon against the Dark Rider." Kirk said.

"Uh. Wouldn't this stuff also be used against the Ghost Riders?" Leo asked.

"No actually it's the opposite if used on one of the Ghost Riders." Kirk said holding out a container before Sean was engulfed in white flames. "Their powers are actually increased. However it weakens the Dark Rider greatly to the near point of death." Kirk said.

"Which Gives us an edge." Sean said before grabbing Leo's swords and submerged them into the container. "All you need to do is be in three feet of him and he'll begin to feel the effects." Sean said before the alarms went off.

"They are here." Splinter said.

"Good timing." Sean said handing the swords back to Leo.

"Alright guys. Lets do this." Leo said.

Minutes later

The four Turtles along with Splinter and Karai went outside where Civilians saw them before the Shredder and the Dark Rider finally appeared.

"Karai. You will pay for turning against me." Shredder said.

"Forgive me father. But I will not side with a true monster." Karai said making the Dark Rider chuckle.

"You have no idea what a true monster is little girl." The Dark rider said before Sean in his Rider Form jumped down in front of them.

"This time you will not win." Sean said making him chuckle before Ultron and Doom appeared. (I forgot to put in the Silver Surfer Chapter that he did survive and went back to the group)

"Oh I think I will." The Dark Rider said before turning into his Rider state and charged at Sean while the others went after the Turtles group.

Sean and the Dark Rider were caught in a dead lock before Sean took out a knife and stabbed the Dark Rider in the stomach making him let out in inhuman pained roar.

"What?" The Shredder said in shock seeing his new ally was actually injured.

"Thats not possible." Ultron said. He had done every simulation possible about his weaknesses and found none so he was surprised that he was actually injured.

"W-What is this!" The Dark Rider yelled in pain before Sean pulled the blade out.

"Special Magic. Now your as week as a human." Sean said before Stabbing him again in the shoulder making him roar in pain before his Dark Rider state deactivated before Sean kicked him back and grabbed his face mask pulling it off revealing his face for the first time.

He was a man in his early 30's with a bald head green eyes and a heavily burned face and a noticeable trait would be the acid burn the Xenomorph Queen gave him a while ago.

"Hmm" Sean said unimpressed. "I was expecting someone more known. You I have no idea who you even are." Sean said making him growl.

"My name does not matter. I will kill you for what you took from me." The Dark Rider said glaring at him.

"For what I took from you? Who was the Red Claw to you?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"She was my mother of course." The Dark Rider said making his eyes widen before a portal appeared by Ultron.

"This is not over Ghost Rider." Shredder said before they left.

"Well, that was easy." Donny said.

"But now we know exactly why he hates us so much." Sean said.


"His mother?" Tom said in disbelief.

"It makes sense now that you think about it. We could never find any special connection to the Dark Rider and the Red claw no matter how much we looked. She must have hidden him from society." Sean said.

"But how does he have the power of a Ghost Rider?" Richland asked.

"Unknown. But now we know the Third Energy works perfect against him." Sean said.

"Thats the only good news we have right now along with six potential new allies." Lane said.

"I've already set up a living quarters for them. Karai will be staying with me since it's the safest place for her right now." Sean said.

"And what about the Shredder? Thats a new enemy on our list who's sided with him." Ross said.

"We'll worry about that later. Right now we have other matters to be concerned about." Sean said as they left.

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